Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(46)

“I spoke to him for a little bit. He’s fine. A little hungover but he’ll survive.” I run a hand over my chin, a shiver stealing over my skin at the pointed way David watches me.

“What happened to you anyway? You’re definitely not dressed for this kind of weather.” David’s gaze is bright as he looks at me, slowly shaking his head. “I’d guess you just ran out of your apartment. You don’t even have shoes on. What’s the rush?”

“I’m um, looking for someone.”

David frowns, his expression one of perfect concern. “Who you looking for?”

“My friend.” I pause. I don’t want to give this guy any details but I’m desperate. He could help me. “Reverie.”

“Ah, the infamous Reverie.” David nods, as if he’s just ran into her and knows exactly where she is. We’re wasting precious time chatting like it’s no big thing when I need to find her. “Haven’t seen her.”

“Are you sure? Do you even know what she looks like?”

“Blond, cute and pure as the driven snow? Nope, I am positive I haven’t seen her around. But I just got here so…” He shrugs.

“Okay, thanks. I need to go.” I start to leave but David calls my name and I turn to face him, jogging backwards. I need to get dressed and make phone calls. I don’t have time to talk to this ass**le. “What?”

“Hope you find her soon.” David grins but his eyes are black. Dead. Uneasiness slips down my spine like ice, making me shiver. “Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to her.” The dark chuckle that follows is bone chilling.

And that’s when it hits me. He knows. This motherf*cker knows where she is.

Everything inside of me goes cold and I start for him but he’s faster. He dodges into Hal’s apartment, slamming the door shut and turning the lock with such force I hear the bolt slide into place. I bash my fist against the door, the thin wood seeming to give with my every punch as I command David to open it.

“Open up, God damn it!” I yell, kicking at the door now, smashing my toes since I’m not wearing shoes. Not the smartest move to make but f**k it. It’s like I can’t even feel anything, I’m pumped so full of adrenaline and fear. “Tell me where she is!”

David says nothing but I know he’s in there, which only infuriates me more. I’m pulling out my phone, ready to call the cops and then Evan when the door swings open, Hal standing in the doorway. I have a total moment of déjà vu. Didn’t we just go through this not ten minutes ago? “What’s your problem, son?”

“You’re a liar, that’s my problem.” I push my way inside, calling Reverie’s name as I make my way through the small apartment, looking in every room. The place is a disaster, clutter and trash everywhere, empty liquor bottles rolling on the floor. I kick past them, peeking in the bathroom, in Hal’s room, my hand going for the knob that I know will open Krista’s room when Hal screams at me, making me pause.

“Don’t you dare go in my baby’s room,” Hal says, his voice ragged. “Stay out of there. No one’s allowed inside.”

“Where’s David? Do you let him go in there?” My breathing is harsh, my ears roaring with the sound, my heart pounding so hard it feels like it’s going to burst out of my chest. “Tell me.”

“I told you. I don’t let anyone in Krista’s room.”

“So where is he?” I don’t know if I believe him. I can sense someone is behind that door. I don’t know if it’s David or Reverie or the both of them but I want inside that damn room. I have to see it for myself to prove it’s empty.

“He flew out of the sliding glass door not two minutes ago.” Hal indicates with his hand before he scratches the back of his head. “What are you boys fighting about now?”

“He took my girl.” I go for the slider and pull it open, walking outside. The yard is small and nothing but mud. And I’m the only one standing on the tiny crumbling cement slab substituting as a patio. David is long gone. I turn to find Hal standing in the open doorway, watching me with bleary eyes. “I need your help, Hal. I need to find Reverie.”

“Reverie? What the hell kind of name is that?” Hal keeps his gaze fixed on me as I walk back into his apartment and shut the sliding glass door. My gaze locks on the door to Krista’s room and the urge to go inside is so strong I can hardly stand it.

“When was the last time you went in Krista’s room?” I ask, making my way there.

“Why, I never go in there. Once, right after she died, I sat on her bed and cried like a baby for hours. It’s sacred ground to me. Too hard for me to go in there right now, it’s just too soon. I can’t take it, seeing her stuff, smelling her smell.” Hal sniffs and wipes at his eyes.

Jesus. I’m going to feel like an ass**le if I’m wrong but something is telling me my instincts are spot on. “I need to go in there. I won’t disturb anything but let me at least look, okay? I need to check on something.”

“There’s nothing to check. My Krista is gone.” Hal is full blown crying now, collapsing into a rickety dining chair nearby, the wood creaking from his weight. “I don’t want you in there, Nick. You have no right to be in my baby’s room.”

Monica Murphy's Books