Her Destiny (Reverie #2)(47)

I defy him. There is just no way I’m not looking in that room. I turn the doorknob, frustrated when I find it’s locked and I slam my shoulder against the wood, again and again.

I’m getting in that room. I’ll feel like a dumbass if I’m wrong but…

I don’t think I’m wrong.

“Stop!” Hal cries, rushing toward me. He grabs at my shoulders but I’m stronger than him and I shrug him off, hitting the door again, my shoulder aching, my arm throbbing. The wood starts to splinter, encouraging me to keep going and I barge into the door at full force, triumph surging inside of me when the frame cracks and the door swings open.

Reverie’s sitting on her knees in the center of Krista’s bed, her arms bound behind her back, duct tape covering her mouth. Her eyes are wide above the strip of metallic gray tape, and I can hear her muffled screams. I rush toward her, my heart stalled in my chest, seeing her like this. “Baby,” I whisper, reaching for her.

“Not so fast.” A hand snags around the waistband of my sweatpants, pulling me backward and right into f**king David himself. He must’ve been standing on the other side of the door, just waiting for me to bust it open. “Look at you, running in here like the hero you should’ve been for Krista.”

I turn to glare at him, my heart falling to my gut when I see he has a knife in his hand, the light from above glinting off the steel of the blade, showing off just how sharp it is. “Let her go. This isn’t about her. It’s about you and me,” I tell him after taking a deep breath, trying to keep my voice calm. I don’t want to agitate him more. He could hurt her.

Or me.

“No way am I letting her go. She’s as perfect as a picture, sitting there bound and gagged, driving you crazy. It drives you crazy, right? Seeing her like that?” I say nothing and he scowls, pissed that he didn’t get a reaction I’m sure. “You took something from me so I’m going to take something from you. Only fair, I say.” He smiles and lifts the blade so he can stare at his reflection. “Your silly virgin is dumber than I thought. It was so easy, grabbing her.”

I remain silent, sliding Reverie a quick look. She’s struggling against the ties that bind her wrists, tears streaming down her cheeks. My heart breaks just looking at her. I didn’t protect her. I wasn’t there to save her from this maniac just like I didn’t save Krista either.

“I should take that back, calling her a virgin. She’s nothing but a little slut now that you’ve f**ked her a few times.” David makes a tsking noise and shakes his head. “Shame it’s going to have to end so soon.”

My blood is boiling and I swear my head is about to explode. I can’t stand what he’s saying about Reverie but I refuse to react. That’s exactly what he’s looking for.

“Don’t have anything to say? Interesting. Well, if you must know, after everything that happened with Krista, I knew I had to do something to get back at you. That entire night didn’t go as planned and I regret so much what happened. It’s all your fault you know, that she’s gone.”

“Who?” I squint at him, noticing how frantic he appears. He’s looking all around the room, at Krista’s belongings, taking note of all of it. It’s almost like she’s still alive, what with her clothes still strewn everywhere, a bunch of makeup littered on the top of her dresser, along with various perfume bottles and hair stuff. Posters on the wall and photos of her and her friends stuck to the mirror.

Even a picture of the three of us; me, Krista and David, our arms around each other with Krista standing in between us, most likely taken before David and I were first thrown in jail.

A lifetime ago.

“Krista!” Her name explodes from his lips, making me flinch, and he starts to pace the room, running his fingers over everything he can touch. “I haven’t been in here since that night. When I came to see her.”

My entire body goes still. “You saw her that night?”

“I was with her the entire night.” He throws his hands up into the air, a smile curling his lips for the briefest moment. “Almost had her convinced she didn’t need you either. She was so damn stuck on you. Always had been. I’m the one she used. She would actually say that to my face, like some sort of heartless bitch. That made me so mad and she knew it. You’re the one she really wanted and I gotta admit, that drove me f**king crazy, Fairfield. I wanted to be the one she needed and I told her that but she wouldn’t listen.”

“What did you do, David?” I don’t know if I want to know, if I want to hear this. But I have to. For me. For Hal. For Reverie.

“I f**ked her, right where your little girlfriend is tied up, right in the middle of her squeaky bed. We went at it for hours since Hal was gone, out drinking like usual. I worked hard to please her that night. So damn hard. I wanted to erase you from her memory once and for all but she just smiled and said she loved me like a friend after it was all over. That killed me.” David hangs his head for a moment, staring at the knife as he turns it this way and that in his hands.

I look at Reverie again, trying to tell her with my eyes, my expression, that everything’s going to be all right. I’ll get her out of this. She stares back at me, her chest heaving, the tears still coming down her face, and my heart is f**king ready to burst wide open from the pain seeing her like this causes me.

Monica Murphy's Books