Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(33)
"So the older you are the more powerful?"
Viper shrugged. He supposed he shouldn't be overly surprised with her lack of knowledge regarding vampires. Her mother had obviously attempted to keep her isolated from the world of demons.
"In theory, although we are like any other race. There will always be those who possess more strength, or even more intelligence than others, regardless of their age."
Her tongue peeked out to touch her lips. Viper swallowed a groan. He could think of several intimate places he would like that tongue to explore.
"Vampires like you?"
Viper struggled to smother the renegade images. He was suffering enough without adding to his misery.
"Yes, vampires like me."
Her features were carefully expressionless. "And that's why you're a clan chief?"
He measured his words. He sensed that any boast of overwhelming power was not going to impress this woman. Not when she was for all practical purposes completely in his control.
"In part."
"What's the other part?"
He smiled blandly. "My charming personality?"
She rolled her eyes. "Not freaking likely."
He regarded her for a long moment. "Shalotts are quite similar to vampires. Do they not choose their leader with a trial by combat?"
"I don't have the least idea." Her voice was casual, but there was a tightness to her expression that Viper didn't miss. "For all I know they pluck them out of thin air."
"Surely your parents must have told you something of your heritage?"
"I was raised as a human. My mother thought the less I was . . . exposed to the demon world the better. After my father's death I wasn't even allowed to mention the word Shalott."
Viper frowned. It was little wonder the poor woman considered herself a mongrel. Her mother had made certain of that.
"A rather narrow-minded view."
She bristled at the implied criticism. "She wanted to protect me."
"Understandable, but to deny you the history of your people was to deny you a part of yourself. Surely you must have possessed some curiosity?"
"Why should I? Having demon blood has caused me nothing but grief."
"The Shalotts are a proud and much respected race," he insisted. "Before following the dark prince in his departure from this world, they were known as the most feared assassins among demons. Even vampires feared their skills."
"That's hardly something I take comfort in"
Viper bit back his impatience. "You think humans are superior? They have a reputation for violence and wars, not to mention outright genocide on occasion. At least Shalotts never kill their own. It is their most sacred law"
A hint of grudging curiosity glinted in her eyes. "Never?"
"Never." He held her gaze. "They believe that to shed the blood of another Shalott is to condemn themselves and all of their family to the fury of their gods. It is a sin that cannot be redeemed. I could only wish vampires possessed the same belief."
Her gaze dropped as she absently toyed with her glass of wine. "Have you known many Shalotts?"
"A few. And before you ask, I did not drain them, enslave them, nor were any of them my lovers."
"Don't tell me they were some sort of demon buddies?" she demanded in disbelief.
His fangs snapped together. If she were deliberately attempting to goad him, she was doing a hell of a job.
Of course, it was more likely that her jabs were self-preservation. If she pretended she didn't care, then nothing could hurt her.
"I happen to have many demons as friends, but the Shalotts were more ... associates. A clan chief has many enemies."
Her gaze abruptly lifted. "You hired them as assassins?"
"Actually I hired them to train me," he clarified.
"Train you for what?"
"Most Shalott's are thoroughly skilled in the arts of combat and, more importantly, possess intimate knowledge of weapons." He gave a lift of his brows. "Surely your father did?"
The pride she could not completely hide flickered over her face. "Of course."
Viper hid his sudden smile. He wasn't entirely stupid.
"And you?"
"I have some experience with swords and daggers, but my father died before I could be fully trained," she confessed in cautious tones. No doubt she worried she was handing information to the enemy.
"Well, I cannot possibly claim the talent of your father, but if you would like we could train together."
The sort of thick silence that assured him that Shay was trying to decide if he were scheming some horrid plot, or simply out of his mind.
Maybe when she figured it out she would tell him.
"Train together?" she repeated with a frown. "Are you joking?"
He shrugged. "Why not? I haven't had a decent sparring partner in years."
"Most owners aren't anxious to teach their slaves how to kill them," she said dryly.
"Do you intend to kill me?"
"It's not a decision I've made one way or another."
He gave a short, startled laugh. "You'll let me know when you do decide?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)