Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(36)
She didn't want it at all.
Holding the sword in her hand she bent her knees and widened her stance. The robe had parted to reveal the long line of her legs but she barely even noticed.
Modesty was the least of her concerns at this point.
The howling of the hellhounds echoed through the air and she braced herself as they threw themselves at the door. There was a thick thud and then the sickening sound of frenzied eating as the hounds devoured one of their own that had obviously been injured.
The sound of Levet's breathing rasped beside her, but Viper was motionless. Absolutely still. Awaiting death.
Shay wasn't certain if the sight of him was comforting or terrifying.
And in truth it didn't matter as the howls returned and the door shuddered beneath the fresh assault. Wood splintered, cracked, and at last shattered beneath the writhing tide of hellhounds.
There was a moment to prepare as the beasts tried to charge in as a group and became lodged in the narrow opening. For a moment there was nothing but a black knot and the sound of howling fury. Then the dam broke and the demons poured through the doorway with deadly intent.
Bracing herself, Shay watched the first charging hellhound leap in her direction. They were fearsome creatures that stood as large as a pony with crimson eyes and fangs that dripped a corrosive acid. Thankfully, they were nearly as stupid as they were vicious and there was no strategy, no attempt to attack with a cohesive plan as they swarmed through the room.
Holding the sword in two hands she waited for the first demon to impale itself on her weapon. Teeth snapped at her face and hot blood ran down her arms as she smoothly turned and used the beast's own weight to fling it off her sword.
The dead hellhound landed in the middle of the pack and was immediately ripped apart by the rabid animals, but Shay had only a glimpse of the ghastly feeding as she continued to spin. She dipped the sword, down and then up to take off the head of the nearest hound.
Blood and the stench of dying hellhounds filled the air as Shay danced with deadly intent through the swarming mass. It had been years since she had been thrown into a full-fledged fight, but she had practiced her skills every day as she had sworn an oath to her father to do, and she found the sword moving with fluid ease through the attackers.
In the distance she was aware of Levet's grunts and fluent curses as he used his dagger to keep the demons at bay, and the swift precision as Viper waded through the room to leave behind a trail of dying hounds. Her concentration, however, had narrowed to the closest demons who charged without fear or hesitation.
She used short, controlled swings of her sword, managing to keep the beasts from her with the force of her kicks and the deadly blade.
The end came without warning.
One moment she was slicing through the throat of a hound and the next a thick silence filled the lair.
With a sigh, Shay leaned against the wall. She had a bite on the back of her calf and a deep scratch down her arm but she had survived. Never a bad thing.
Her gaze moved to ensure that Levet was still standing before moving on to the tall vampire who was calmly cleaning his sword.
Across the floor the dead and dying demons were beginning to decay to a layer of gray ash. Even the blood on Shay's arms was flaking to drift through the air.
Sliding the long sword in the sheath that was strapped to his back Viper moved to stand before her.
"Are you harmed?" he demanded.
She swallowed a weary laugh. She looked like she had been rolled through a dust pile and he stood there without a damn hair out of place.
"Nothing that won't heal," she muttered, frowning as he knelt down to examine the wound on her leg. His cool fingers sent a flash of heat through her body as they brushed over her skin. She gritted her teeth as she glared down at the gleam of his silver hair. "I'm fine."
He glanced up, his expression unreadable. "Do you heal like a human or a Shalott?"
"I don't know about Shalotts, but I heal far faster than humans."
"Are yon immune to infections?"
He returned his attention to the wound that had already stopped bleeding and was beginning to close over. Her inhuman strength wasn't the only reason she had been called a freak over the years. With a faint nod, he rose to his feet.
"Can you sense the demon approaching?"
Shay shivered. "Yes."
"Is it the same demon that attempted to steal you the night of the auction?"
She forced herself to concentrate. A task that would have been a lot easier if Viper had the decency to move to the other side of the room. The cool wash of his power was a distraction that she didn't need.
Sucking in a deep breath she closed her eyes and reluctantly opened herself to the approaching demon. It had taken her years to learn how to put aside her human logic and trust in the delicate senses of her demon blood. She might not understand how she could reach out and feel the essence of another, but she no longer questioned it.
It took a long moment but at last she gave a small shake of her head. There was a sense of cold, looming danger, but it wasn't the same.
"It's not the same demon."
"I don't know whether to be relieved or disappointed." Viper gave a shake of his head before holding out his hand. "Come, we need to get out of here."
Shay widened her gaze. "Wouldn't it be safer to stay?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)