Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(40)
Adding several more dents, a broken window, and a flat tire as she cut through fields and back roads she squealed to a halt inside the garage.
The trip had been made as swiftly as humanly, or demonly, possible. Still, she couldn't deny a sickening dread that clenched her stomach.
A dread that nearly drove her to her knees as she slipped through the trapdoor and into the chamber below. Across the room she could see the door buckled and torn from its hinges by some unknown force. But that was not what made her blood run cold.
Even from a distance she could see that the tunnel had collapsed and morning sunlight was pouring in.
She was hurtling forward before she could even question why her breath was lodged in her throat and her heart was twisting with pain.
It couldn't be the fact she feared Viper would be dead.
That would just be... insane. Wouldn't it?
Refusing to ponder the panic bubbling through her blood Shay carefully cradled the bag to her body and forced her way through the small opening.
She wasn't sure what she expected, but it wasn't the thick cloud of darkness that was nearly tangible in the air.
"Levet?" she called softly. "Viper?"
There was a soft scrape and then the darkness was suddenly pierced by a soft glow. At first she thought someone had managed to light a candle, but as she turned her head she realized the light wasn't a candle.
Not even remotely a candle.
Frozen in horror her gaze ran over the enormous demon with its glowing scales and scarlet eyes. She had never seen anything like it. And never wanted to again.
As she watched, the bloody snout twitched with what she very much feared was a smile of triumph.
Oh... shit, shit, shit.
"The Shalott," the beast hissed.
Mesmerized by the fiery gaze it took Shay a long moment to hear the cold, furious voice from deeper in the shadows.
"Goddammit, Shay, I told you to leave. Get the hell out of here."
She grimaced as she came back to herself with a sudden thud. Were all vampires such ungrateful asses, or was Viper a special breed?
The demon standing before her gave a rumbling laugh that echoed through the tunnel. Disturbing. Very, very disturbing.
"There is nowhere you can run that I will not find you Shalott, but come to me and I will spare the lives of these two he promised in a rasping voice. Shay sucked in a deep breath as she covertly reached into the bag and closed her fingers around one of the ceramic jugs. "Come to me now" the demon roared!
"I'm coming, I'm coming," she muttered.
"Shay." There was an edge of something that might have been panic in Viper's smooth voice. "The Lu is trapped for the moment, but I can't hold him for long. Get out of here."
"Do what he says, Shay," Levet echoed. "You can't defeatthis beast."
The beast in question gave a low hiss toward the gargoyle before attempting to look harmless. A hopeless task, of course.
"I am not your enemy, my dear. I have only come to collect you for my master." The glow rippled eerily over the demons scales, as if he were in the grip of some fierce emotion. "A master who does not like to be disappointed."
She took a step closer. Not that she wanted to be in biting distance of those sharp teeth. But she had to be near enough to use what weapons she possessed.
"Who is this mysterious master?" she demanded, more to keep him distracted than to discover the truth.
Priorities, priorities.
Get out of this alive, and then worry about who wanted her so desperately.
"A powerful friend, or deadly enemy. The choice is yours."
"You still have yet to give me a name."
"His name is forbidden to speak, but I assure you that I mean you no harm."
Shay rolled her eyes at the typical demon mumbo jumbo. "Somehow I find that hard to believe."
"You have my pledge that I will take you without harm to my master. Does that satisfy you?"
"That all depends on what's going to happen after we arrive." She inched closer. "What does your master want with me?"
"That is a question that he will have to answer."
"You are not exactly inspiring my confidence."
The red eyes flashed with dangerous fire. Or at least one red eye did. The other was currently sporting a heavy dagger. Ick.
"I have no need. Either you go with me willingly, or I take you by force. There are no other options."
Shay sensed Viper slowly edging around the back of the demon, but she dared not take her eyes from the dangerous mouth that hovered all too near. She had no idea if her impetuous plan would work, and it seemed wise to be prepared to duck.
She was rather fond of her head precisely where it was.
"Actually ..." she murmured, pulling out the ceramic pot. "I have another option."
"Shay, no "
Viper's words came too late as she hastily launched the pot. It busted against the long snout and the demon roared with unmistakable pain.
For a moment Shay was blinded by the sharp glow that rippled over the scales. She hadn't been expecting the flare of light, and her brief vulnerability cost her as the demon lunged forward and used his head to smash her against the wall.
It hadn't been intended to be a killing blow, but that didn't keep it from hurting. With a shake of her head, she painfully forced herself to her feet and watched in horror as Viper threw himself between her and the razor-sharp teeth.
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)