Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(32)
"Then what do you fear?"
She shivered as her hips instinctively lifted to press more firmly to his caressing finger.
"I don't know."
He lifted onto his elbow and peered deep into her wide eyes. "Trust me, Shay."
For a long moment she merely gazed into his beautiful face. With his silver hair tumbled over his shoulders and the muted light playing over his elegant features he looked like a decadent angel who had fallen from heaven.
Don't do it, Shay, a warning voice whispered in the back of her mind. You can't trust a vampire. Not ever.
Her lips parted, but no was not what tumbled from her lips. Instead her lashes floated downward and her arms encircled his neck in a tight grip.
His mouth covered hers as his hand shifted and his finger pierced her. He swallowed her cry of pleasure as her hips left the mattress and she nearly strangled him with her arms.
He was not her first lover, but nothing could have prepared her for this. Not for the smooth expertise of his talented fingers or the demanding pressure of his mouth.
She was burning from within and she couldn't make herself care. For this one fragile moment she wanted to be consumed. She wanted to be held in the arms of a man and feel what a woman was supposed to feel.
Thrusting his tongue between her willing lips Viper stroked her with an increasing intensity. Shay clutched at him as the building pressure deep inside arched her back.
She was close. So very close.
"I know, pet," he muttered against her mouth, his body pressing against her side until she could feel the hard thrust of his erection against her hip. "Don't fight it."
Her breath came in short gasps as the pleasure tightened and narrowed to one shimmering point. His finger pressed deep within her and at the same moment his thumb caressed over that nub of pleasure and the pressure hit a critical point.
Her entire body tightened and hovered a breathless moment out of time. And then with the force of a small explosion the bliss shattered through her and she was trembling from the unexpected force.
They lay in stunned silence for a long moment, Viper's still hard body pressed against her own. Shay felt as if she were floating. As if she had been tossed into a sea of warm water and been left to gently drift to the shore.
At her side Viper shifted to cradle her face as if she were some fragile treasure he feared to break, his lips brushing soft kisses over her cheek.
Unable to move Shay at last managed to suck in a deep breath as she gathered her shaken thoughts.
"Oh... freaking... hell..."
Viper didn't know why he was smiling as he watched Shay seated across the table from him.
No man in his right mind would be smiling when his body was hard and aching. And when he was facing the distinct possibility his frustrated need was going to be an unwelcome companion. At least for the next few hours, perhaps even days.
But even with his body in rigid protest he couldn't halt the smile curving his lips. Perhaps it was the sight of Shay's slender form so lovingly caressed by the crimson silk of her robe.
With her raven hair tumbling down her back and bronzed skin glowing against the rich material, she looked like an exotic butterfly.
Or maybe it was the amusement at the three bowls of beef stew she had managed to consume in less time than it took for him to drain his bottle of blood.
Or maybe it was the knowledge that for all of his aching frustration he had managed to breech a wall that she had surrounded about herself. She might have scuttled back behind her defenses, but he now knew that she was not invulnerable.
He had found her weakness and he wasn't about to hesitate in using it to claim her as his own.
An unnerving flare of possessive satisfaction raced through him even as he wondered what the hell was the matter with him.
Devil's balls. He had clearly lost his mind, and he didn't have enough sense left to care.
Glancing up from her now empty bowl of soup Shay sent him a wary frown. "I wish you would quit doing that."
"Doing what?"
"Watching me like I'm dinner."
Viper leaned back in his seat, his gaze traveling over the length of her crimson gown.
"I wouldn't mind a bite or two."
She abruptly stilled, no doubt sensing the hunger that pulsed through his body. A hunger he no longer attempted to disguise.
"We have a bargain. No recreational blood."
"I wasn't thinking about blood."
A swift heat touched her cheeks. Viper's smile widened with a hint of male smugness. She couldn't entirety pretend to forget she had shivered her climax in his arms.
"It's almost dawn, shouldn't you be in your coffin?" she demanded.
He gave a laugh. "It has been several centuries since I was bound to the night. Although I cannot bear the sunlight, I am capable of remaining awake when I choose."
"How old are you?"
"Surely you must know that vampires rarely reveal their age?" he demanded with a lift of his brows. "It is nearly as well guarded a secret as his lair."
She shrugged as she pushed aside her empty bowl. "I've never understood why. When you're immortal it hardly matters how old you are."
"A vampire's power grows with each passing year. To know his age is to know his power."
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)