Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(34)

"Not quite the reassurance I hoped for," he murmured, his gaze brushing over her beautiful features. Now this was a sparring partner that a vampire could truly sink his teeth into. "Well?"

"Well what?"

He reached out to touch her fingers. "Do you wish to train with me?"

She studied him with a guarded expression, but before she could answer the peaceful night was abruptly shattered.

In the distance an unmistakable bay echoed through the air.

They both froze. It could have been a coyote or even a stray dog howling at the fading night, but they both knew it wasn't. No mere animal could make the air shudder in fear.

"Hellhounds," she whispered.

Viper was on his feet and reaching out with his mind to his servants.

"The guards are under attack."

"Why would hellhounds attack your guards? They are no match for vampires."

He gave a sharp shake of his head, distantly sensing the battle occurring near the gates to his estate. At the moment Santiago and his crew were holding their own, but there were far too many hellhounds to kill at once. They were taking wounds that would need the healing of deep earth.

"I don't know." Reaching out he tugged her to her feet "Come."

Of course she couldn't simply follow his lead. Digging in her feet she regarded him with a worried gaze. "Where are we going?"

"There are tunnels in the basement. They will take us to the garage."

"Surely we are safer here than the garage?"

"There are cars in the garage."

Her eyes widened. "No."

Viper heaved an exasperated sigh. "What is it?"

"For God's sake, Viper, it is almost dawn," she gritted, as if he were almost too stupid to bear. "You can't be traveling around in a car."

"I cannot travel, but you can."

"You want me to leave?" She flashed him a fierce frown. "Alone?"

"I will stay here and make sure that you aren't followed."

"No. We both stay and fight."

It wasn't often that Viper found himself caught off guard. It was difficult to surprise a centuries-old vampire. But he couldn't deny a sense of astonishment.

"Shay, this isn't the time to argue." He regarded her with a stern command. "The hellhounds might not be much of a threat, but I seriously doubt that they are out there alone. Something wants you. They want you bad enough to risk a direct attack. You have to leave now."

Without warning she moved to stand directly before him, her hands on her hips.

"And what if that's what they want?"

He frowned. "What do you mean?"

"What if the hellhounds are only a diversion to make me flee here without you? Whatever is out there might be waiting for me once we're separated."

Viper growled deep in his throat. She was right. The demons might very well be attempting to separate them.

"Dammit to hell. That would explain why they attacked so close to dawn."

"And why they sent the hellhounds first."


He shoved his hands impatiently through his hair. It was not that he feared a fight. Hell, it had been far too long since he had enjoyed a rousing battle. But for the first time in his long life he possessed someone besides himself to worry about.

It was an unnerving sensation.

And one that he wasn't quite certain how to deal with.

Glancing about the room Shay abruptly held a hand to her heart. "Where is Levet?"

"Hunting." Viper gave a distracted shrug. "After the arrival of the hellhounds he is no doubt halfway to Chicago by now."

"Or doing something totally stupid," she muttered as she spun on her heel and headed toward the back door.

It took Viper a beat to realize she actually intended to go out and find the gargoyle. With a blur of speed he was blocking her path, regarding her with disbelief.

She could try the patience of a saint. A. mere vampire didn't have a shot in hell.

"You can't go out mere," he rasped.

A dangerous spark flared to life in the golden eyes. "Viper—"

"No. The demons have no interest in Levet. He is far safer than you are at this moment."

"We don't know that for sure." Her jaw stuck out in warning. "He's my friend and I won't leave him out there to die."

Viper briefly savored the image of tossing the aggravating woman over his shoulder and being done with it Oh, she wouldn't go quietly. She was half Shalott and she would put up a furious fight. But he felt certain that in the end he could force her to his will. Unfortunately, such a simple solution was bound to create far more difficulties than it would solve. She was only half Shalott, but she was all woman.

Cursing himself for a fool he gave an impatient shake of his head. "Go to the basement. I will retrieve your missing gargoyle."

As if waiting for the perfect cue, the door was thrust open and the tiny gargoyle waddled into the kitchen.

"There will be no need for heroics, vampire," he drawled. "I am here."

Viper frowned. "What of the hellhounds?"

Levet didn't even attempt to hide his shudder of distaste. "They have been driven off for now, but I do not doubt they will be back."

Alexandra Ivy's Books