Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(29)
With an elegant motion Viper rose to his feet, his gaze taking a full, blatant inventory of her slender form.
"I thought you might wish to know that my guest has left."
His voice held a smooth darkness that slithered straight down her spine. The flutters beat all the harder.
"Is that all?"
"My housekeeper has left dinner for you in the kitchen."
"Oh... thank you." She licked her lips. "I'll go down later."
His gaze once again roamed downward, lingering upon the small swell of her br**sts. His smile slowly widened as if he could sense her ni**les tighten in response.
Freaking hell.
"Surely you must be hungry?" he drawled softly. "I know you possess a healthy appetite."
With an abrupt motion, she turned her back to him. He might be able to seduce her with a glance, but she didn't have to let him witness his power.
"I can hardly go as I am."
He gave a smoky laugh. "Why not? I assure you I don't mind."
"I do."
"Very well." She heard him walk across the carpet and the sound of a door opening. Just for a moment she thought he had left the room and she struggled to deny the faint flare of disappointment that stabbed through her. Then, without warning, there was a prickling chill that raced over her skin and Viper was standing at her side. "Here."
Turning her head she regarded the crimson silk robe he held in his slender fingers. She frowned as she slowly reached to take the robe, absently rubbing the expensive fabric between her fingers.
"You said you never had guests here."
He waved his hand toward the still open closet that revealed a number of obviously feminine outfits.
"I don't."
"These are yours?" Shay blinked in surprise. "I knew vampires had exotic tastes... but I would never have suspected."
"They are for you."
His brows lifted at her blank disbelief. "Did you think I intended to keep you chained naked in a cell?"
"I. . ." She gave a slow shake of her head as she slowly walked to peer into the closet. There were casual jeans and T-shirts, khakis, soft sweaters, and sophisticated gowns that made her mouth water. Never in her life had she possessed so many clothes. And certainly none so expensive. "I didn't expect you to buy me a new wardrobe."
"Hardly a wardrobe. Just a few things to tide you over until you can go shopping for yourself." He paused before giving a small sigh. "Speaking of which, Abby wishes to drag you to the nearest mall to indulge in some female bonding."
Still reeling from the thought that Viper would have gone to such trouble for her she turned to regard him with uncertainty.
"You met her while we battled the witches."
Shay's confusion only deepened. "You mean the Phoenix?"
"I believe she prefers Abby."
She reached out to touch the edge of the closet door. Her knees felt oddly weak as she struggled to make sense of Viper's words.
"But... why? Why would she even remember me?"
He shrugged. "You did help her defeat the witches."
"I did nothing."
"You resisted the witches command to capture her, and instead allowed yourself to be beaten nearly to death for your refusal to assist them. You also stood at her side as she fought Edra." His expression was somber. "She has not forgotten. Neither has Dante."
It was all true enough. She had done what she could to thwart the witches in their bid to use the Phoenix as a tool to kill demons.
Still, she couldn't imagine why the woman would request her presence. Certainly not to go shopping of all things.
"That hardly makes us friends." she muttered.
He smiled wryly. "Tell that to Abby. She seems to think a near-death experience gives her the right to not only call you friend, but to ensure that you are not being horribly mistreated beneath my roof."
Clutching the forgotten robe in her hand Shay moved to perch on the edge of the bed. There was something squeezing deep within her.
Something that felt very much like fear.
"Does she know what I am?" she whispered, her gaze trained on the thick carpet at her feet.
She sensed more than heard him cautiously move to stand close to her. She kept her gaze downward. She didn't want him to see her face. Not when she couldn't control her expression.
"What you are?" he demanded.
"Does she know that I'm a demon?"
He hesitated, as if choosing his words with care. "She is aware you have the blood of a Shalott in you."
"And she wants me to go ... shopping with her?"
"Only if it's what you want. I'm sure she would be willing to alter her plans if there is something you would rather do." He was suddenly sitting at her side, close but carefully not touching her. "What is it, Shay? Have I said something to upset you?"
"I don't know what she wants with me. I'm a demon."
He gave a soft laugh. "Abby is not precisely human herself anymore."
"No, she is a goddess."
"A goddess, perhaps, but she's also the woman who battled the witches to save all demons and is now mated to a vampire. She has no prejudice against us if that is what you fear."
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)