Embrace The Darkness (Guardians of Eternity #2)(28)
He would rather battle a fierce warrior than a friend protecting his comrade.
Someone willing to die for another made him a dangerous enemy indeed.
Moving forward Viper watched as the gargoyle scrambled to his feet and leaned against the wall in a negligent manner. He might not possess the size of most gargoyles but he had all of their towering pride.
Strolling forward Viper halted directly before Levet. Oddly he didn't feel the expected flare of annoyance at the intrusion of this uninvited guest. Instead he felt something closely akin to respect. Perhaps because he had revealed that Shay's welfare was as important to him as it was to Viper.
"There are any number of fine bedrooms," he murmured. "Most of which I am certain would be more comfortable for a gargoyle than this hallway."
"I will seek a room when dawn arrives. Until then I will remain here."
"Ah. You are on sentry duty?"
His tone was mild but the small, undeniably ugly face hardened with offended pride.
"You believe I cannot protect Shay?"
"On the contrary, I believe you would prove to be a most dangerous adversary. Thankfully, there is no need for your concern this night. My guest is gone and the grounds are secured."
"You remain."
Viper gave a lift of his brows. There were few demons, no matter what their size that would dare confront him directly.
"I am no threat, my small warrior."
"You suggest she is safe in your hands?"
"I paid a great deal of money for Shay." He pointed out in reasonable tones. "I am a good enough businessman not to toss away a near fortune on something I intend to injure."
The gray eyes narrowed. "I asked if she would be safe."
Viper slowly smiled. For all his fussing Levet was male enough to sense the hunger that flowed through Viper's blood.
"She is under my protection. I would never offer her harm, nor allow anyone else to harm her as long as it is within my power to keep her safe."
The gargoyle considered his words a long moment, perhaps pondering whether he could force a more specific promise from Viper. At last he gave a slow nod.
"You would offer your pledge to that?"
His demand caught Viper off guard. "You would accept the pledge of a vampire?"
"I would accept the pledge of a clan chief."
Unconsciously, Viper touched the dragon tattooed across his chest. He had forgotten that gargoyles were so sensitive to demon marks.
"Then you have it."
"Good." The long tail gave a sharp twitch. "Then I shall leave her in your care and find myself something to eat."
"There is ample food in the kitchen."
"Bah." Levet grimaced in disgust. "I have had my fill of human food."
Viper regarded him steadily. "You intend to hunt?"
"Of course. It has been too long."
"I would suggest you remain near the estate until we can determine what is stalking Shay."
The gargoyle shrugged. "It is too close to dawn to go far."
"And no humans or vampires on the menu," Viper warned in stern tones.
The gray eyes widened. "Sacrebleu. Do I look like I often eat humans or vampires?"
Viper hid a smile as he glanced down at the tiny demon. "I prefer the rules to be clear."
With a flutter of his pretty wings, Levet turned on his heels and stomped toward the nearby stairs. Muttered curses floated behind him, most of them in French, but clear enough for Viper to realize he was being unflatteringly compared to a jackass.
Ah well.
He gave a shrug as he turned toward the door leading to Shay's rooms. He had been called worse, And probably would be again.
No doubt from the woman awaiting him behind the door.
Shay paced her room for over an hour before she felt comfortable that they weren't under attack. Obviously the waiting vampire had dropped by for a late-night chat, not a late-night snack.
Thank God.
She had had quite enough bloodbaths for one day.
Confident that Viper was properly distracted she had stripped off her clothes and climbed into the shower. She felt an overwhelming need to scrub away the ghastly images of dead trolls.
Shay sighed deeply as the hot water cascaded over her knotted muscles. She sighed even deeper as she discovered the large stash of soaps and oils that lined the glass shelves in the back of the shower.
It had been far too long since she had been able to indulge in such luxury, she acknowledged as she washed her long hair in a flowery scented shampoo.
Too long?
A wry smile touched her lips.
Closer to never.
Lingering until her skin was wrinkled and scrubbed pink, she at last reluctantly wrapped a towel about herself and returned to her bedroom.
She had expected to discover Levet on her bed awaiting her return. He had been oddly reluctant to leave her side since they had arrived at the house.
But what she discovered wasn't Levet.
It wasn't even a gargoyle.
Instead it was a tall, silver-haired, midnight-eyed vampire who made her breath catch in her throat and strange things flutter in the pit of her stomach.
Damn, damn, and double damn.
Clutching the towel tight about her naked body she glared into those sinful eyes.
"What do you want?"
Alexandra Ivy's Books
- What Are You Afraid Of? (The Agency #2)
- Alexandra Ivy
- Blood Assassin (The Sentinels #2)
- Born in Blood (The Sentinels #1)
- Sinful Rapture (The Rapture #2)
- First Rapture (The Rapture #1)
- My Lord Immortality (Immortal Rogues #3)
- My Lord Eternity (Immortal Rogues #2)
- My Lord Vampire (Immortal Rogues #1)
- Predatory (Immortal Guardians #3.5)