A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(40)

William, looking down, shook his head miserably but didn't say anything. He would dwell on this. He would dwell until he knew it was okay. It meant I had to go shopping, which usually was a good thing, but decorating was more Lump’s department. I was more the accessory girl. But still, it would be my new home, and I needed to get into the nesting spirit, sooner rather than later.

"Okay, time to get ready." I sprang off the bed.

"It is going to take you two hours to get ready?"

"Yes. Because I have to find my make-up, my toiletries, my hair products, then find a place to fit them into the bathroom."

"I don't have that much stuff, Jess."

"It isn't just about quantity, my good sir, it is about placement. You really have no sense of order when it comes to the home."

"I give up." William walked out of the room, recovering a little of his good humor at what he would call my silliness. Poor guy, he just didn't get it.

We met Adam and Lump at Gladis’s house. Gladis was in good spirits as she organized the dinner, which would apparently be extravagant. Any reason to entertain was a good reason in Gladis’s book.

Lump was teaching Lady a new drink and William went to use the restroom. I was alone with that loose lipped land lubber, Adam.

I needed to stop reading nautical fiction.

“Adam, why did you tell William I had doubts?”

“I didn’t. In so many words.”

“You know what I mean.”

“Jess, look, the fella’s got a right to know. Ain’t me that should be doin’ the tellin’.”

“I needed a second to figure it out, Adam. Not everything is cut and dry.”

“Willie is a level-headed guy. Too level-headed sometimes. He would understand. Just tell him.”

“He doesn’t understand, actually. Some things men just don’t understand. It is because women can be cracked sometimes, just as dudes can be dimwitted. But, we know we are cracked, and if we are keeping it to ourselves and putting on a brave face, that means we are trying to figure shit out. So...let me, Adam. Butt out.”

“I will help you with anything, except pushing my buddy away. Ain’t never seen him like this. He’s lost his senses over you. I said to him once ‘make it right’, talkin’ ‘bout you. Well, Jessie, make it right.”

“Adam, I would love to punch you in the mouth right now. Look, you seem to have forgotten a moment ago when I said men were dimwitted. I didn’t mention women in that mix. It is my issue and I was making it right—starting with me. Now I am backpedaling and trying to sooth him while figuring out me. Too much. It is too much for me to handle at once. Just....seriously, Adam, just butt the f**k out. About this at least.”

I could tell I was making Adam mad. His jaw clenched and his body was tense. William walked in as Adam was about to say something else. Thankfully, Adam kept his trap shut.

“Let’s eat, boys and girls. The cooks have outdone themselves tonight!” Gladis said merrily, following right behind William.

The table was set as if royalty were eating. All the best China, best cutlery, high dollar wine and champagne, the works! Better than the high dollar restaurant William loved. Every bite melted in my mouth. Chatter around the table was sporadic as people stopped talking to eat each new course.

Half-way through I noticed Gladis was hardly touching her plate. “Gladis, aren’t you hungry? It is so delicious!”

“I have nibbled so often tonight that I’m afraid my appetite has left me.” She laughed. “This is a good time, though, Jessica my dear, to give you something.”


“It is a house warming gift.”

“You already gave me one.”

“Your returned rent wasn’t a gift for you, it was a gift for Willie. It’ll make the transition easier, thus making his life easier. For you, I have something else.”

I sighed. “I don’t want it, Gladis.” But I didn’t have a choice. Lady was bringing it in.

It was the painting! It was the painting I’d admired from the day I moved here. It was an abstract piece with exquisite coloring. The eye never wanted to rest when looking at it, taken through the swishes and dips of brush stroke and color. I could just sit and stare at it for hours. And had once, during that three month period when I was trying to forget about William.

“I’m only going to accept it because I covet it,” I muttered.

Gladis laughed. “I knew you wouldn’t say no! I’ve seen how much you look at that painting!”

“Living room?” William asked, resting his hand on my leg.

I nodded.

“Anything to replace that weird picture of the gold piglet,” Lump said.

“I liked that picture,” Adam mumbled.

“You can have it!” William chortled. “I’ve hated that picture since I first saw it.”

“Then why did you let the decorator put it up?” Lump was forever mystified that William not only allowed the assortment of crap to exist in his house, but also that he actually paid for it.

“If I took it down, I would just have to find something to put up in its place.”

“Why didn’t you just have your mom decorate?” I asked.

Denise had a subtle and sophisticated touch. The ranch house showed it, with a ranch-type theme, and while I was basically out-to-lunch when I stayed with them in their normal residence, I could see, just in the small bit I walked through, that everything was artful and classy. Each room had a pleasing layout; a person felt the homey vibe while noticing all the fine things around them.

K.F. Breene's Books