A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(45)

Time fluxed. The massive, horned head lowered. One fat hoof pawed the ground. Still, I held, unwilling to walk away now. Unable to allow it to focus on William again. I would keep its focus until William was out of harms way, or get gored trying.

I heard barking in the distance. Fred was coming. And he’d bring the others. Not that they would help much should this bull charge, but they would be great at distracting it if I failed.

Time bent. Wobbled. Hate-filled animal eyes sighted-in. Focused. Its body tensed.

The bull started running.

“Holy shit!”

With a snap time sped up.

I was running before my brain told my body to turn around.

It didn’t take me long to get up to maximum sprint. I had no shoes on, had no idea when I’d lost them, but my bare feet felt no pain—only increased traction. I was a sprinter, always had been. I dug in, pushed harder than I knew I could, and made a conscious choice to take the long road; I would go through the gate into the corral and jump over. Hopefully someone was smart enough to close the beast in.

I just had to get there. I had to get that beast of an animal, also up to full sprint, through. William needed help, and with that animal on the loose, he wouldn’t get it. Sink or swim, I was his salvation, and I had to come through!

I heard a raspy huffing behind me. I was fast, but I was no match for a four-legged animal, regardless of its size. I pushed harder, desperate to go faster, conscious of the pounding of hoofs behind me, almost on me, almost caught up to me.

Twenty feet to go. C’mon Jessica. Fifteen. Push!

I heard the breath then, close and intimate. The pounding of its feet like thunder. His huff vibrating my bones. I could feel its presence, gaining, directly behind me. In a heartbeat I would feel it. Horn would connect with my bare back.

I felt the rough glance as the animal took a swing—and missed. I had one more second and five more feet.

I wouldn’t make it.

Just then I heard the loud barking of five guardian angels. Fred brought the pack! They couldn’t do much but momentarily distract that beast, but that’s all I needed. One missed step and I’d make it.

It had to be enough.

I felt breath on my back. Another huff. So close!

A strange dong sounded. Then the growling and barking of my salvation. Fred had arrived!

I reached the gate at a dead run. I jumped as high as I could, grabbed the top, and catapulted myself over like I had wings. One heartbeat after my world filled with the metallic crash of the bull hitting the fence behind me. The fence bowed under the strain.

My side erupted in fire as I was pushed through the air, landing in a dirty crash, pain exploding my shoulder.

Chapter Nine

Sounds coalesced into agony while my brain redirected toward my one point of focus. William. I couldn’t black out now. William needed me.

I fought for awareness and struggled, my body aching, my brain pushing past it. It was then I realized I was surrounded by growling, protective Doberman. Fred and his pals would not let anyone near me. One of the animals was still in the pen, harassing the bull. They were thorough.

“Fred!” It sounded like Adam. “Fred, damn it—no, Smit! Don’t advance on them.” It sounded like he was yelling at someone across me. “These dogs will attack if you advance.”

“Jess, call Fred off!” That was Lump.

My head was foggy. It was trying to shut down because of the pain.

I bit my lip and willed more strength. “Fred, no.”

His growl stopped immediately. A big dog head come into view. One by one the other dogs stopped growling as well. Another dog head. Then two tongues.

“Go on, now!” I yelled. I wasn’t in the mood for kisses. Ginger left immediately, but Fred lingered. “GO!”

I heard someone yelling for everyone to get back. I also heard sirens.

Good, an ambulance would come for William.

“Jess! Jess, are you okay?” Lump was yelling down at me. She wasted no time pushing Fred away now that she could.

“How’s William?” I begged.

“William is being looked after. Are you okay? That bull looked like it got you.”

“Yeah, that f**ker. My shoulder is on fire and my boob hurts. Well, under my boob. How is William?”

“Would you idiots get back?” Lump roared. Her direction was instantly acted upon. “I need more light. I can’t see what I am looking at. And someone get her a shirt!”

Lump was a good person to have in this situation. She had no problem taking control, always knew what to do, and because of that, everyone had no problem letting her lead.

A lantern of some sort was brought. A second later a truck rumbled up, its headlight raining light down on the scene.

“Holy f**k,” Lump muttered. “Okay Jessica, we’ll get this fixed up in no time, okay?”

She looked around her. “Where’s Adam? I need him.”

Someone shouted that he was getting William loaded onto a stretcher.

“Oh God, oh God. He has to get on a stretcher?” I felt sick to my stomach. “Is he okay? I want to go with him. Lump, fix me or let me up. I want to go with him!” I screamed.

“GET ADAM!” Lump yelled. “Now Jess,” Lump kneeled down to me with soft, calm eyes. “You won’t get far if I don’t put that shoulder in place. Then we have to see if you have anything else wrong that will prevent you from walking.”

K.F. Breene's Books