A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(50)

“What happened, Adam?” Denise asked, quietly.

Adam sighed. He told the story. The whole thing. From how the bull reacted to how I jumped in and waived my shirt, getting the bull to chase me. How I leapt over the fence but still got the horn.

Apparently, I had moved so fast into the ring, and then with such determination to get out, no one knew how to help. They didn’t know what to do. All they could do was stare in horror as the bull chased me down.

“I thought it had her.” Adam shook his head. “I was in the ring by this time trying to get Willie stable, but I thought it had her. It was so close. Then those dang dogs came outta nowhere. I swear that Fred really likes her. He came running faster than the wind. He took a huge leap and reached near the top of that bull pen, Ginger right behind him, scrambled over, then the rest of them dogs followed suit. It was the craziest sight I ever seen. I didn’t know them dogs could jump so high.”

If he had ever listened to William drone on about them he would have.

“Just as that big bull was about to run Jessica down, those dang dogs tripped it up. Bitin’ at its head, legs, anythin’. They ain’t no cattle dogs, so they didn’t know where to bite exactly, but they jumped up at it and ran in front of it and the whole bit. Slowed it down enough for Jess to do a Superman leap over the fence. It got her, though. I saw her fly ten feet through the air after the dad-gum bull crashed into the fence.” He shook his head, looking at me.

“I would do it again in a heartbeat. I would have done it faster had I known the danger he was in sooner.”

“Madness,” Tom muttered.

I shrugged. Then winced.

“Women never get enough credit for heroic deeds,” the nurse said nonchalantly as she was doing up fresh bandages. I stubbornly nodded my assent.

Two more days passed in that way. I didn’t go into work, and didn’t really care if I got fired. I told Tom as much with an apology. He brought in a work laptop and said I could do most of it from here, and needed something to do anyway. That was fine with me.

Lump brought me clothes. She said she would have done it earlier, but the hospital had no record of me since I “snuck out,” and she had to get Adam to bring it all. Not being family, she didn’t want to intrude.

I still hurt so bad it was almost unbearable. My body hurt just sitting still, so moving to get more comfortable was out of the question. When it got too much I looked at William and leaned back against my uncomfortable chair. His pain overruled mine, and I was able to stay strong. Barely, but I managed.

At night I would lie in the rollaway bed they brought in, or just rest my head against his bed, put my hand in his, and sleep in the chair. Being in the bed meant I wouldn’t be right there when he awoke, so I only used that option when the pain was suffocating. The only other time I left his side was to go to the bathroom. Everything else was brought to me by whoever was visiting at the time.

Everyone was worried. William didn’t seem to be getting any better. He didn’t show improvement. Everyone but me. He would come around when he was ready. I felt it, and I told everyone this. I was so sure about him nearly there that even though they thought I was in denial, they allowed themselves to believe. To hope. His mom especially.

By this time she was my biggest fan. Her and I kept vigilance. Often she stayed late into the night, falling asleep in her chair. When she woke up with a stiff neck, she would kiss William, then to head home for a few hours’ sleep. She’d come back early with breakfast.

On the fifth day my bandages were taken off and left off. The nurse was worried about me, but said nothing except that I needed to remember to apply my salve every day for the bruises. I looked like a piece of abstract watercolor.

At the end of that day Denise, who was leaving for the night, bent over to kiss me on the head. She patted me softly and left without a word. I laid down my head, put my hand in his, and closed my eyes.

It seemed like ten minutes later that I felt a weird feeling. My brain, foggy and confused, pulled back sleep for a second to take inventory. All I felt was the pain radiating through my body. Letting the veil of sleep fall once again, I drifted--until my hand was squeezed!

My eyes snapped open, meeting a pair of beautiful blue peepers as deep as the universe. My heart started thumping. The pain in my body lifted immediately, numbed by my surprise and joy.

“William?” I asked tentatively through the darkness. I wasn’t sure if I was dreaming.

“Hi, love.” His voice was hoarse through non-use, but it was him!

I put both my hands on his. He squeezed again.

“How long was I out?” he asked.

“Long enough to get some healing done. You are going to be okay.”

“That’s good. I don’t feel that great.”

“No. It’ll take time.”

“Did that bull just give up finally?”

I didn't even hesitate. “He did, yes.” It was the truth. Ish.

“Didn’t expect it from that one. Guess my dad was right.”

“Shhhhh.” I rubbed his arm.

“I love you, Jessica. I dreamt of you. I knew you were here waiting for me.”

I took a ragged breath, keeping my tears in check. “Of course I am here.”

His head still pointed at me, he closed his eyes again. When his breathing grew steady, I laid my head back down and went back to sleep, too. I thought about staying up, but then I would look terrible for tomorrow. William needed me strong, and I could only do that with sleep.

K.F. Breene's Books