A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(51)

Chapter Ten

I awoke to a pair of ocean-oasis blue eyes looking at me. I had straightened up painfully, as usual, and looked at him, also as usual. It was then I saw him focused on me with a warm smile playing across his face.

“You are so beautiful Jessica. My angel.”

I didn’t really feel beautiful, but I smiled back. Before I could get two words in, the night nurse walked in on her last stop before her shift was over, and saw his eyes open.

She exclaimed, “Mr. Davies! You’re awake. Welcome back, young man.”

“Thanks.” His eyes returned to my face.

“I’ll just let the doctor know,” she said with a smile.

“I need to let your family know, William," I said, not moving. "Your mom wouldn’t forgive me if I didn’t. She’s not due to come in for another two hours.”

He nodded, eyes unwavering. I got my phone and sent a text out to everyone. I didn’t feel like calling. They would be by the phone anyway, so they didn’t need to hear my voice.

I went back to sit by William.

“Do you want to climb up here with me?” he patted the bed.

“I shouldn’t, baby. There isn’t much room there. You need space.” And it would hurt unreal bad.

He nodded.

We didn’t say much to each other, but he continued to stare. He would close his eyes for a while, then open them again, going right to me.

It wasn’t long before Denise and Tom came rushing in. As soon as Denise saw his eyes open, she gushed, tears falling. She ran over and kissed his face, bending over the bed, smothering him as mothers do.

Easing my hand out of his, I intended to move away for some family time.

“No, Jess.” William's voice was panicked.

I nodded and kept hold of his hand. His parents didn’t seem to notice.

Adam came in next and let out a big sigh of relief when he saw William’s eyes. He stood beside me and looked down on his buddy, so close they might as well be blood.

“Good to have you back, Davies,” Adam said with a grin.

William smiled, spared him a glance, then returned to me. He gave me a wink before leaning back against the pillow and closing his eyes.

“When did he wake?” Denise asked.

“He woke up once in the night for about five minutes. Then when I woke up this morning he was looking at me. I texted you all when he would let go of my hand.”

Denise nodded and looked at him again with tears in her eyes. Everyone was so relieved. Camille came in and congratulated everyone on the great news. She came up to me, as she had every day about this time, and raised her eyebrows.

“No Camille, I’m fine.”

“No Jessica, you will be checked until I deem you fine. Your shoulder is still not healed like it should be since you have been sitting in that God-forsaken chair these last five days. Neither is your rib healing as fast as it should.” Eyebrow raise.

I sighed. She was pushy, at best. Sweet as pie when everything went her way, which with me, was never if I could help it.

I checked William to make sure he was sleeping, gave an embarrassed glance to the nurse’s supporters, which were supposed to be on my side, then let her inspect me. I knew if I asked to go anywhere else she would give me a speech and strip me herself. I’d been down that road. She was stronger than she looked.

When she was done fixing my shoulder holster thing, she had me turn around so she could put on the salve—she didn’t trust me to do it myself. As I turned, mid eye-roll, I noticed William looking at me. I stopped abruptly. We locked eyes—I was caught.

“Now, turn around or I will turn you around. Remember last time? It hurts, remember?”

I finished turning. There was nothing for it. I didn’t know how long he’d been watching, but the pain on his face was pretty clear. When Camille was done she said something about unruly children and put my shirt back down.

“Since he is awake, you need to take some muscle relaxer. I won’t make you take the pain medication, but you at least need muscle relaxer. I will personally--”

Eyes still locked with William, hating the look of uncertainty and ignoring the questioning, I said, “Sure. Anything you want. I’ll take whatever you want.”

She hitched in her familiar tirade, not used to being complied with so easily, and looked around me. “Oh. Is that all it took to take care of yourself? Future note.” And out she walked.

And they said William always got his way? He could learn something from nurse Camille.

I sent a plea to Adam, who just shook his head. He couldn’t get me out of this one.

“Jessica,” William said, very quietly. “How did all that happen to you?”

Thank God my bruising had dramatically reduced in five days. There was a lighter pallet of color and more yellows and browns than blues and purples. Still.

I looked around the room for help. No one wanted to trade places with me for all the world. I knew they would back me, but it wouldn’t matter.

I sat back down with a straight back.

“By saving my youngest son’s life,” Denise said firmly. “And for that she has my gratitude.”

It was sweet, but certainly wasn’t going to get me out of trouble!

“Jessica,” William said again.

This was awful. I was squished between Camille and William. One wanted to heal me, one would soon want to tear me apart. Maybe I could just sick Camille on William and save myself the trouble.

K.F. Breene's Books