A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(56)

“I’m missing it, Jess. I’ve decided to give it up. Riding that is. I’m not like Ty. I can’t go pro. So what is the point of getting hurt?” He sounded so sad. Like a child that was convinced to give up his bottle.

“Maybe when you are better you can just ride the easy bulls?”

“Nah. It wouldn’t be the same. Part of bull riding is the challenge of a hard bull. Of mastering the ride against the odds. Easy bulls wouldn’t be any sport. It’s time. I have been putting it off. It had to happen sometime. I’m just glad it can be my choice instead of...”

He was about to say something about death deciding for him. I’m glad he didn’t.

He gave me a squeeze and loosened up. “I better let you go before all the boys around here get too jealous and riot.”

I rolled my eyes.

Chapter Eleven

A couple hours later, and much longer than I would’ve liked, they were finally packing it up.

“Lump, you’re not going to ride?” I asked while waiting for William to be ready to go. This had become her new sport.

“Um, no. Compromise. After what happened to Willie, a lot of people around these parts realized that his bulls are just as dangerous and unpredictable as rodeo bulls. Adam doesn’t ride the top of the line and I don’t ride at all.”

“Oh. Who’s decision was that?”

“Like I said, compromise. I didn’t want to end up like you, or outdone by you, and I didn’t want him ending up like Willie, or outdoing Willie.” She said the first part humorously, the last bit ominously. I didn’t blame her for a minute.

“Makes sense,” I reflected. “Who is going to test the new bulls?”

“Well, apparently, little Willie’s accident has been heard all over the circuit. Not only are rodeo’s looking here for more bulls—coming to Willie rather than Willie going to them—but all the guys that want an edge want to ride.”

“That is going to cost a pretty penny in insurance.” I looked around at all the people.

“Definitely. They are making plans to re-do this area to accommodate more people, or maybe build in a different site, and start charging for rides. Willie’s got a bunch of new bulls getting old enough for the circuit, so there will be plenty of bulls...”

“But, who is going to run it and do all the work? That will be a full time job.”

Candace broke in, “That’s what Ty says. He says that that’s one of Willie’s problems. Then his father’s company. Then the breeding and securing new lines, which will be needed now more than ever. The new bull area. Lots of stuff to do.”

“That one man can never hope to accomplish.” I blew out a breath.

I knew William was ambitious, but this was getting ridiculous. He needed to start being a manager and delegating. But when you did that it meant you gave up actually doing the work. If you loved the work, it was a hard decision.

As people were leaving I noticed everyone looking at me. Not even just glancing, but full on staring as they walked by. More than a few would glance down to my dirty shirt, probably wondering what I had on underneath.

And funnily enough, it was a really cute pink bra I got at a sale with matching undies. I just didn’t understand the point of wearing ugly underwear when you could spend a fraction more and get cute underwear that was just as comfortable.

“Jess, you gonna take on another man or what,” Adam asked, putting me in a head lock.

“Ew! Adam, seriously, did you forget everything I taught you about putting on deodorant every day?” I pushed him away. “Because, if so, I will start bringing some wherever I go. And cologne, too!”

“Whatever happened to my shirt?” Adam asked, walking me to the cars with his hand around my shoulders. “You know, the one I gave you off my back?”

Lump huffed.

“Oh. Well. Uh...they sorta cut it off when I wouldn’t take it off on request. Sorry—I owe you a shirt.”

“Did you do anything on request?” Lump asked.

“Um...not really, no. Well, except with nurse Camille. If I refused she just chased me around the room and forced me to comply.”

William was quiet through this whole thing, following along behind everyone else. His eyes were downcast, his face sad and contemplative.

We divided up to separate cars, William finally stepping closer. I felt his strong hands gently on my shoulders, turning me around to face him.

He was looking at me with soft eyes infused with love, but also the physical pain he was in. He was doing a poor job of hiding his state.

”Did you want to go for beers?” he asked softly, leaning down to brush his lips against mine.

“If you are up to it, sure. How are you feeling?”

“Oh, I’m fine.” Liar.

He stepped closer, his warmth permeating my clothes. My heart fluttered, beating wildly. We hadn’t had a lot of sex since the accident. When we did it was careful. So now, as he reached his hands around me, pushing his leg between my thighs, my groin was roaring to be touched. Petted. Entered.

“Let’s go for a beer,” he said, still looking at me tenderly.

I stood half-frozen, stiff and crazed, as he moved away to his side of the truck. I blinked, confusedly. It wasn’t like him to leave me hanging.

But then, it wasn’t like him to show pain when he wanted to stay out, either. At least I hoped it was that, and not something more serious.

K.F. Breene's Books