A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(58)

“Okay. Listen, Gladis, have you heard anything about William?”

Her face crumpled. She put her book on the wide arm of the sun chair. “Only that he is mending well. And that he’s given up the bull riding. Why? What’s the matter?”

“I don’t know—he’s sad about the bull riding, which I get. But…I don’t know. He just seems…distant. More watchful, maybe. Just…I don’t know. He’s keeping something from me.”

“Didn’t his doctor say he needed more support? That he was trying to work through the drama of the accident?”

She meant his head doctor. I nodded slowly. And it was certainly true. These days he would wander into the room, take a look at me, smile, and wander away. Just to check on me. Just to make sure I was around. I was his safety blanket as much as he was mine.

Everyone had said I was the same way after the Dusty episode.

“It’s not just that, though.” I shook my head, uncomfortable. “He’s quieter around me. Like he’s thinking on something, but doesn’t want me to know about it. And…he hasn’t talked about marriage in a while. Like maybe that is off the table, now…”

“Ah.” Gladis smiled in a sly sort of way. “So that’s what’s wrong.”

I started picking at my nail. Then shrugged.

“I can assure you, deary, that that is the farthest thing from his mind.”

“But usually he’ll bring it up. And he hasn’t.”

Gladis scoffed and picked up her book. “Anyone within a five mile radius has to put on sunglasses when you look at that boy. You’ve settled into your new home nicely, and you two have never been more inseparable. Find something real to worry about, rather than making up things.”

I glowered at her, trying to hide my heart lifting. Was that it? He planned to propose? Maybe for my birthday, which was right around the corner?

Suddenly my stomach filled with so many butterflies I felt like I would throw them up.

“See?” Gladis said, smiling.

I ignored her.

The night of my birthday I was aflutter. Everyone knew something was going on, and no one would tell me. Since William still hadn’t mentioned marriage, Tom was smiling and winking at me an awful lot, and his mom was being unreasonably nice, I thought this was it. I thought he would propose, I really did. I thought he’d surprise me with a party, then propose in front of our friends and family. It was so like him.

I choose a steller rib joint for dinner, wanting something simple yet delicious, and it was a great choice. All our closest friends were there, covered in BBQ sauce, rolling their eyes at how good the food was. Lump even got it in her hair. Candace was trying to eat like a lady, but failed miserably.

I insisted that Gladis and Lady both go, telling Lady that it was to be her day off. No “yes, ma’am”, no waiting on anybody, and no holding back! She complied, but slipped up a few times where Gladis was concerned.

William wouldn’t stop touching me or looking at me with soft, warm eyes. He would lean over and kiss me randomly, tell me he loved me, and was just overall mushy. What was weirder, no one complained. Not even Lump. There wasn’t one eye roll!

It had to be tonight. It had to be!

I’d thought dinner would be the time, but it came and went without a proposal. Instead, we left the restaurant and headed to the bar for drinks. Gladis and Lady would be going home, but everyone else was on board. I wondered if he wanted to give me a great night, then do it at home. Maybe in the hot tub!

“Wait, Jess.” William held me back as we got out of the car at the bar, allowing everyone else to walk ahead.

He took my hand in his, looking down into my eyes.

This is it! He’s going to get on one knee?

He was looking at me expectantly. He said, “Is there something wrong, Jess?”

“Huh? Oh no! Of course not, no! I was just lost in my own world is all.” I smiled to reassure him.

He kissed me deeply, tasting of BBQ and spice. I fell into him, craving his body, relishing in his love.

“I just wanted a quiet moment to tell you happy birthday. And that I love you,” he said softly.

Still half thinking this was it, I allowed him to lead me to the bar. As he opened the door for me I had a moment of confusion. It was really dark in there. As if it was closed. It knocked me out of my own world for a second, straining to see in front of me.

All of a sudden a surge of light blasted me. I felt like I was back in my cottage with a growling Fred and someone outside. I jumped back and clutched William, blinking in the glare.

“Baby—are you okay? What’s wrong?” William asked me worriedly.

“SURPRISE!” came a chorus of non-burglars.

“Oh holy f**k." I clutched my chest, worrying about a heart-attack.

A crowd of people waving, laughing, pointing, and throwing streamer assaulted me.

I released William’s sweater. “Sorry. Surprised me.”

“You okay?”

“Yeah. For a second there I thought I was in the cottage—“ I laughed shakily.

William looked like he swallowed a slug.

“Sorry, baby,” I reassuring him. “It was just Fred teamed with sudden light.” I laughed again, more confident.

William, still analyzing me, relaxed a little and nodded. “Happy birthday. I love you!”

K.F. Breene's Books