A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(63)

“Yacht, Jess. And yes. After we get a peek of the Golden Gate bridge we can dance.”

There was that strange expression again. He’d definitely relaxed through dinner, but now the fear encrusted nervousness was back. I suddenly had a terrible fear that he was afraid of the open water. I’d never actually asked him. He swam well, but some people got nervous when they went out on boats. Maybe that was why he opted for the small yacht rather than an old, limping water beast.

“Sir. We are under the bridge,” the waiter said with a bow.

William shot me a look of trepidation and covered it with a smile.

Uneasy that this would turn into a man trying to act strong though he was scared silly, I let him lead me through the yacht onto a back deck. We were greeted with another bottle of champagne and a freezing, gale force wind.

“Nippy,” I said easily, snuggling closer.

Through watering eyes I could make out the glimmering lights of the Golden Gate Bridge, looming over us with a certain quiet majesty.

“Oh William, it’s beautiful!”

“Jessica.” His voice sounded strange, but still full of love. If he had said, “Rose” I would think he was ready to sink with the Titanic.

I turned to him...and met air. I looked down.

“William, what...?”

He was on one knee.

Chapter Twelve

My breath caught in my throat. My heart started racing.

“Jessica Brodie, I love you more than my own life.” He opened a box with a glittering ring remarkably similar to the one I picked out that day with Candace and Lump. “Will you marry me?”

“Oh my God, William! Oh my God. William, of course I will!” I knelt with him, wanting to touch him. Wanting to get inside his clothes and feel skin.

“No Jess,” he chuckled as he stood up, bringing me with him, “you aren’t supposed to kneel, you ninny.”

“Oh my God,” I said in wonder as the diamond neared my finger. “I thought you were afraid of open water.”

“What are you talking about?” His eyes were focused on mine, his hands holding my hands.

This man wanted to marry me. This remarkable man, who had it all, wanted to share his life with me forever. It was a dream. It was more than I could ever hope for in a partner. I was so lucky that tears began to fall.

“I thought you were nervous because you were afraid of water,” I heard myself say in a whisper, watching his fingers gently slide forever up my finger.

He laughed and hugged me, squeezing me for all he was worth, more tears falling out of my eyes. The man knew all my faults, all my quirks, all my twisted ideals and stubborn issues, and he still wanted me. He wanted to share his soul with me. I really couldn’t believe it.

“No, my love. I was nervous you would say no.”

“Idiot.” I laughed through my tears. As if I would be the one to say no. I still wasn’t sure if he was half-cracked to even ask me. Poor guy.

He held up his glass to salute. “To forever, my darling girl.”

I laughed like a fool, cried a little more, and kissed him. He pulled me to him in a tight embrace and kissed me back so passionately it curled my toes. When he let me go I was breathless and dizzy.

“Shall we go inside? It is a bit chilly,” he said with his lips against mine.

My teeth were chattering at this point so I nodded and wiped my eyes.

We went into a different room that was set up for dancing and relaxing. There were white couches along the sides with a few low tables to place drinks. There was room for a band that currently held a string quartet. I figured it would be slow dancing for us tonight, which was perfect.

It was all perfect. Everything!

When we sat down with our drinks William put his arm around me. He continued our conversation with, “I thought you might be ready when I heard that you called me your finance in the hospital. I never did thank you for all you did that night. And while I was in the coma.”

He face took on a somber look.

“I never thanked you for saving me from Dusty,” I retaliated, knowing he’d quickly change the subject.

He smiled haphazardly. “Then at your surprise party it looked like you were expecting a ring. Lump thought so, too. I’m sorry about that. I tricked you on purpose with the size of the box. I just...wanted to be sure. There is a lot on the line when you ask for forever.”

“I can’t believe you love me enough to want me forever,” I said, tears springing again. I nearly told him to scrub his eyes first before he actually went through with it, but I thought better of it. I didn’t want to ruin my chances.

“I’ve loved you this much from the beginning, Jessica. I would have given you that ring a long time ago if I thought you were ready. I bought it a day after you picked it out.”

“What? You did?”

He smiled, his eyes reaching into me again. “I have been ready for you all my life. I was just too stupid to see it in the beginning.”

“And you are saying I was too stupid for most of our time together?” I asked in mock anger.

“Well, if the shoe fits.” He laughed and hugged me closer.

“Ass,” I said, wiping the tears away again.

We spent the rest of the ride back to the dock dancing slowly together, bodies pressed firmly against each other, and kissing. They made us sit down when they were tying the ropes, which made me sad that the evening was ending. I desperately wanted to get William alone, but I didn’t want this perfection to be at an end.

K.F. Breene's Books