A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(68)

Cindy, still chuckling, led the way to our table. The restaurant was small and dominated by the large bar. There were tables all around the walls, with one aisle separating the table or booth from the bar. As we walked down that aisle, the boys got looks from every single lady they passed, whether at tables or working.

It was true, there weren’t many men—it was a destination spot for women mostly—and Adam and William got the stares because of it. Some women might not look when their spouses were around, but on a girls’ night, they were gawking a-plenty.

When Cindy reached our table she stood back for the boys to pass, and eyed their butts as they did so. She then gave Lump and I sultry smile and a wink. It was clear that she was on our team, and it was all in good sport. All for show.

Our waitress came in a flash, already making her rounds in the area before the next snippet of show was to start. She was shorter than the other girls, but just as beautiful, just as glamorous, and just as fun-loving.

“Hello everyone. Hello boys, nice to have you here. My name is Linda and I’ll be serving you all night long.” She gave William a small smile, which he returned with a slightly askew and uncomfortable version of his own. “Here are the menus, and what would you like to drink?”

We gave our orders and she hustled off, smiles in plenty.

Before the next show started, William asked, “What is this place?”

“What do you mean?” I didn’t look up from my menu.

“I don’t know.” He shook his head as he looked around, brow still furrowed. His gaze took in Adam, who was currently ogling a half-naked waitress.

Lump noticed and kicked him. “Put your eyes back in your head, you fool!”

Adam looked sheepish, but he pointed in exasperation. “Look at what they’re wearing? When I go into Hooters, I know to look up. Weren’t expectin’ it, Betz. Why’d you bring us here if you knew we couldn’t help but look?”

Lump rolled her eyes. William, thoughtful, sought my gaze, and then clung onto it intently. He was working it out, probably thinking what Adam said was a valid point, and wondering what I was up to.

“You’ll see. I hear the show is great. I didn’t know you were hounds!” I winked, letting him know I was playing.

The lights dimmed and everyone looked at the bar. Lump and I were facing away from it so we half turned in our chairs to watch.

The first act was already half-stripped down. She must not have completely re-dressed after the first shows. She had a short cheerleader type skirt on and a type of Madonna bra. She had a bunch of chains and jewelry that made the outfit work somehow, while singing a Madonna song. Hence the outfit. Her routine worked her all the way down the back portion of the bar, out to the end where we could all see her easily.

Her rhythm wasn’t the best, but she was funny and really hammed it up. Tons of fun.

The next performer was none other than Julie! She had a G-string and nothing dangling. Her body was something out of a model’s magazine. I was definitely jealous. So was Lump by the look on her face.

She didn’t lip sing so much, but her dancing was on spot! Girlfriend had some moves! The whole crowd was cheering her on, singing along to the Cher song, and having a blast! When she was done the girls in the audience went wild!

After Julie were three more, but none could match Julie’s body, moves or beauty. All were fun to watch, though, and all were still pretty with great bodies or talent. Usually both.

“I am so excited for L.A.!” I gushed at Lump, watching Adam out of the corner of my eye.

The guy was worth the price of admission. He was trying to focus on anything but the pretty waitresses. His eyes darted constantly, landing on a boob then flinching away. He’d see a face, then helplessly plummet his gaze, only to get scorched and find something else to look at. He was not enjoying the scenery with his girlfriend across the table, staring at him.

I felt a little bad for him.

William was also looking around, but in a very different way. He treated this whole thing like a large puzzle, working at it like a stray thread in a sweater. He wasn’t nearly as dazed and tortured as Adam, to Lump’s dismay.

“Me, too! I want to go to some of our old stomping grounds,” Lump said distractedly, still watching a red-faced Adam.

“Some of the calmer ones, though,” I went on, watching a dancer saunter down the bar.

Our conversation broke up as dinner came, plates looking and smelling delicious. I lost track of the boys as I dug into the meal, chatting with Lump and ignoring a grim-faced Adam.

It was after dinner that I realized things had changed. I couldn’t have said when it happened, it might have been when Julie and Cindy stopped by our table to say hi to the cowboys, or maybe with one of the dancers, but I caught William looking at Adam with a knowing smirk. He knew.

I caught his eye. He reached across the table, taking my hand with a smile.

“Don’t you say anything,” I muttered with an evil twinkle in my eye.

His eyes got soft, making a lump form in my throat. He winked.

He loved it when he figured out the punch line before I got to tell it. He also loved when I played jokes on Adam.

Toward the end the show, the dancers pulled everyone to the bar that had a special occasion. There were four girls. Three were bachelorettes and one had a birthday. The prettiest dancers were sitting on the bar with a Blowjob shot between their legs. All the women, giggling and looking mortified, had to get on their hands and knees and take the shot, unable to use their hands in the process. Laughing and wiping their faces, they all posed for pictures.

K.F. Breene's Books