A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(67)

I let my breath out in a whoosh. I let a huge smile light my face as I regarded them.

Adam looked at me sideways. “Are you losing your mind, Jessica?”

He couldn’t understand my moods on the best of days.

I punched his arm.

“Beer me,” I said to no one in particular as Lump bent to examine my ring again.

“Did you tell all the girls?” she asked, working my ring off so she could try it on.

“Yeah. They were excited. I couldn’t get ahold of you—now I know why.” Lump smiled. “And Gladis.”

Lump’s smile slipped. “She knew about it.”

I nodded, the confusion earlier seeping back in. “I thought she would. Weird that she didn’t have someone waiting for the call.”

“She’s old. She was probably nappin’,” Adam spoke as if he was talking to two girls hard of hearing. Or thinking.

“She would have Lady answer,” I replied in the same tone.

We let it be, unable to answer and not wanting to speculate. Gladis was, indeed, getting up in the years. I didn’t want to think ahead to what that really meant.

We got the restaurant a little early, due in large part to me. When time started to crunch by, flirting with us being late, I lost my good humor. Adam, not trusting women when their personalities suddenly shifted, was my biggest helper in getting everyone to make tracks. The other two just took it in stride. They knew my crazy could be ignored for a while before I got violent.

As we walked in I told the hostess of our reservation. She checked the books and smiled a sultry smile. Here we go.

Her eyes landed on the boys. “Meow,” she said with pleasure. Her boobs pushed out and her hand found her trim hip.

I had told Lump all about this place, so she was in on the joke already. The only thing she asked was, “Do they like to be called he, or she?”

I told her in exasperated tones that they made the change, and they were now she, so do not embarrass me!

“Hello boys and girls,” the hostess purred, eying all of us with squinty Marilyn Monroe eyes. “Welcome to Flasia SF. I am Cindy. Your table is being cleared right now so you get to hang out with me for five minutes while we wait. I am a lucky girl!”

She was all sex and kitty grins, but not in that really irritating way. The girls here all played a part. Some also played that part in real life, but Cindy seemed like she was putting on a show for our benefit, of which I was glad, because people that went around trying to do Marilyn Monroe eyes all the time were laughable.

Cindy had long, full red hair. Wig, definitely, but a quality one. She had black, fake lashes and lots of make-up. She didn’t have fake boobs, but looked to have taken some hormones to grow a semblance of her own, and wore a water bra to fill in the rest. Her dress was red and sparkly with a slit down the front that went to her belly button. Her body was bangin’! Thin, toned, but still soft. Men were lucky to have a different muscle to fat set-up than women, and the result looked great in that dress!

Who was I fooling? All dresses. I was more than a little jealous.

“You girls brought some men!” Cindy flashed a sultry smile. “We don’t see nearly enough of them in here!” She laughed at her double entendre, which William and Adam didn’t get. “My, my, my. Look at these strong men. Where are all you pretty people from?”

“We are from L.A. originally,” I said, pointing to Lump, then myself, “and they are from Texas.” I motioned toward the boys.

Cindy’s eyes lit up. Her smile seeped deeper into her face. “Cowboys, huh? I like cowboys.” She stepped closer.

Adam got a slightly panicked look, eyes darting to Lump to see if this treatment was somehow okay. Unlike the always self-assured William, Adam got nervous when Lump got too close to other men. Or drew too much attention. Unlike me, she thought that behavior was cute. Territorial, she’d called it.

William’s brow was slightly furrowed as Cindy let her eyes slide down his body, then winked at me. He knew something was amiss.

“And look at you, honey!” Cindy said, letting her eyes slide down Adam. “Look at your cowboy boots! Julie,” she called over her shoulder toward the bar, “this man is wearing real cowboy boots!”

A waitress came up in a baby doll shirt and a short, black skirt. Both pieces of clothing were glittery and fun. She was Asian and absolutely gorgeous. Freaking off the charts hot! Her tall frame was thin, large boobs straining her shirt, and toned legs so not fair!

“What, sweetie? Hello all!” She had a wispy voice and graceful demeanor.

“Cowboys,” was all Cindy said. It was all she had to say, really.

Julie looked at the boys and smiled meekly. “Hello boys. Welcome! I’m Julie.”

She reached out with a dainty hand to shake. William met it easily, trained by Denise to always be cordial. In opposition, Adam had stars in his eyes and was having a helluva time not looking down at those bursting, perfect br**sts.

Her eyes turned to Lump and me. “And who are the lucky ladies? Oh, look at you girls! You are pretty, aren’t you?”

I felt elated as I introduced everyone.

“They are big cowboys,” Cindy said with a hint in her voice and a wink to Lump and me.

“The bigger the cowboy, the better the ride,” Lump replied with a smirk.

All the girls started laughing, Cindy putting her hand on Lump’s arm. Adam, red faced, shuffled at the ground, not knowing where to look. I could tell he desperately wanted to tell Lump to shut up. William was still confused, realizing this scene was not real life, and looking at me for help. Which he didn’t get.

K.F. Breene's Books