A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(43)

Though we were normally together in the evenings, I hadn’t made a point of going to the bull riding practices. Lump always went, and was now getting on the smaller and easier bulls. I knew that if I went she would try and get me on one, too, and it really wasn’t my thing. I usually stayed home with a good book and a glass of wine—with the TV off. It was quiet and relaxing and a nice way to spend some quality alone time.

But this evening, as I walked into the warm, stuffy house, I didn’t feel like being alone. I didn’t feel like picking up the book I was reading. I actually felt like heading out to the practice fields and seeing what was going on. It was like a pull—like I was missing something and now I needed to catch up. Candace usually went, and Lump would be there, so I could hang out and chat while watching William do his thing.

“C’mon Fred, Ginger,” I called, not bothering to change. If I changed, Lump would definitely make me ride.

Fred came bounding up. He was 90% recovered and had been without his doggie lampshade for a good few weeks. He was happy and playful and, like William, over protective. He would get antsy if William was play-fighting with me. He would get agitated if I was trying to practice my newly learned self-defense moves and counter moves with Lump, and he was downright overbearing with the licking when I hurt myself in any way. Humans weren’t the only ones that suffered with near-death experiences. Fred came close to losing his master, and it seemed like it was playing hell on his doggie confidence.

I showed up to the practice ring as the boys were getting a rider on a bull. It looked like one of the young cowboys so they must be just getting started. I saw Candace and Lump on the opposite side of the chute, and headed in their direction.

“Hey girls,” I said as I strolled up.

They turned around, surprise flitting across their faces.

“What’s up, Jess?” Lump said, turning back toward the rider.

“Hi ya Jessica! I love that sweater!” Candace exclaimed.

I looked down at my new cashmere sweater. “Thanks.”

“What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t like coming to these?” Candace continued, determined not to freak out as Fred and Ginger checked in, then went to find their doggie friends. She was used to terriers.

“They’re okay. I don’t know. I just felt like coming this time. See what everyone is up to. I’m not riding, though. Just watching.”

I stepped up next to them. The cowboy and bull exploded into the arena. With two kicks the mini cowboy flew off into a pile of dirt.

“The bigger bulls should be going soon. How is Willie doing with that bull you got him?” Candace asked while another mini cowboy was strapped on to a patient bull in the shoot.

“It isn’t old enough to have sex with all the cows so no one knows how things are going. It is turning into a big, mean bull, so William thinks that is good.”

“Hey Jessie girl.” Adam came up behind me. “Gettin’ on a bull this evenin’?”

“Nah. I’m just here to socialize and let Fred and Ginger run around.”

“How’s Fred? I hear he goes to work with you now.”

I scoffed. “Yeah, he does. He took Ginger’s place. It is more than a little embarrassing, but William won’t bend on it. Two arguments in and he won’t even listen to how absurd it is.”

“It is at that. A big Dobe sittin’ in an office. You talked to your boss?”

“Wow—didn’t expect you to be on my side,” I said to Adam.

Adam shrugged. “Willie can get a little…extreme sometimes. This is one of those times.”

“I know. I have talked to my boss, yes. And he talked to his boss, which reports to William. So…”

“And Tom?”

“He is on my side, too, but not ready to intervene. He thinks William is still a little…fragile.”

“He’s right.” Adam sighed. “I would be, too. If it was Betz, I would have a hard time steppin’ back, too.”

“He’ll loosen up a little,” I said. “It’ll come. Another couple arguments to get him on the right road, then I’ll just refuse to take Fred.”

“All planned out, huh?” Adam laughed. “Well, I’ve said it before and I’m gonna say it again—you’re the best thing for him. Best thing. And he, you. Can’t push him around too hard, and he don’t get his way all the time. Best thing.”

“Something like that.”

Adam nodded and watched the mini cowboy go flying. He chuckled as the little dude got up and scrambled toward the fence.

“Should be an uneventful night, tonight. Not too many men out. Got only one new bull to try. I think Willie’s gonna wrastle that one.” Adam spat on the ground, trying to be dude-like. All the girls gave him scowls.

“So,” Adam started again after we'd all gone back to peacefully watching bull riding. He was awfully chatty this evening. “I hear y’all are goin’ to San Fran?”

I didn’t know how he knew, but William had mentioned taking me to San Francisco then to L.A. for my birthday. He was going to meet my parents, which I was not all that happy about. I wasn’t worried about them accepting him as him accepting them.

“That’s the plan, yeah. We haven’t filled in all the details yet,” I replied.

K.F. Breene's Books