A Wild Ride (Jessica Brodie Diaries #3)(39)

“And he went for that?”

“Ain’t told him yet.”


“Sometimes it sounds cooler.”

“Speaking of ain’t—slang," I kicked at the ground. "Adam has been to college, right?”


“Fuck off—Yale?”

Lump laughed. “Yes. Fucking Yale. Apparently he wore cowboy boots the whole way through. He was in Willie’s class.”

“William went to Yale?” I was shocked. How did I not know that? Oh wait, because I never asked…because I was afraid it was something like that.

“He didn’t tell you? Yeah, they went together. Yale business school. I felt like a poor dum-dum when I heard. William went on to his MBA, but Adam stopped there.”

“Holy moly—I feel dumb, too.”

"It is a hard situation, though,” Lump said to sidetrack me from yet another reason I wasn’t good enough for William. We wandered toward the horses and curious ranch hands. “If you guys were moving into a place together and bought stuff together, then I would say you were being a spoiled brat. But I would have a hard time if I were you. Have you seen that weird starfish painting in the guest bathroom?"

I sighed loudly. "Yeah. Or the clock with cows on it? I dunno. I'll figure it out. I'll hang my few pictures and try to settle in. If I am there enough I should be able to make it work."

Chapter Eight

I returned to William's house, er...my home as twilight was coming on. I knocked and went in, as was my custom, realizing too late that I technically shouldn't knock. I stopped myself from calling his name and, instead, stood in the entryway.

Okay. What would I do if I was just coming home? I would throw all my crap in a designated "crap" location.

I looked around me and saw no such place in the entryway. Probably best if the door would remain unlocked—didn't want someone peeking in and grabbing it. I walked to the right into the kitchen and looked around. There just wasn't any good location for a handbag. Formal dining room was out. Living room was too comfortable for the first place I would land; I had to work my way into unwinding. It was a process.

I circled around into a room that wasn't used for much. It had a couple odd looking chairs, a coffee table, and a wall of books. The size of the room was significant. The room had more potential than a few pieces of ugly furniture and a mountain of books. It should be a library/office or something.


It had a door off the left-side of the entryway so it would be easy to ramble into, leaving coats and handbag and things before wandering to other places in the house. It could serve as a decompression-from-the-day room before I was able to unwind enough to relax. Maybe a cozy chair?

I didn’t know, but the hostile takeover of William’s house would start with this room.

I left my handbag on the ground where a cute circular table would eventually go.

I then wandered out and did a round-about toward the kitchen. Once in there I got a beer and decided I wanted a glass of wine instead.

Mental note: wine rack. Wine needed its own home. Leaving it in the cupboard was not giving it its needed respect.

Once I had a glass of wine I headed toward the living room. It was empty. I wasn't a big TV watcher, so I went to find William, who was in the bedroom petting a moping Fred.

"Hey babe," I said, happy to see him regardless of my living situation, "watch-ya doin'?"

"Just waiting on you." His look held worry.

"We don't have to be at Gladis's for two hours or so, right?"

"No. I meant, in general. Waiting for you to get home. Waiting for you to find me. Waiting for you to be comfortable here."


"Adam said you didn't seem to be...sharing my delight."

I went over and sat heavily on the bed next to William. "He’s a nosey parker."

Fred sat up and put his head on my knee. Ginger put her head on my other knee.

“Ever since Fred got home, Ginger does nothing but copy him. It’s a little irritating,” I said, petting both dogs, despite the awkwardness of Fred’s lampshade.

“Fred was the pack alpha before he went to you. Ginger is just learning her role; settling in.”

“When Fred is better Ginger will go back, right?” I didn’t need two big dogs following me around everywhere.

“No. Ginger will guard the home, Fred will take over guarding you in public. Non-negotiable.”

And I thought he was overprotective before.

Le sigh. One battle at a time.

"Look William...you have to give me some time. You are sharing your home with me. But it is still your home, you know? I don't have anything here. I don't have anything that is mine. I just need to get used to things."

"But, I gave you free license to decorate. You have money for it that didn’t come from me."

"I know. I’m not happy about where that money came from; I’m not happy that everyone is trying to manipulate me into being comfortable, but I appreciate the sentiment."

"So...what do we do now?" he asked quietly.

"I’ll figure it out, babe. Just give me some time and space, and I’ll figure it out. I love you—you’re not the problem, so don’t get all weird about it. I just need a little time. No biggie.

K.F. Breene's Books