
Grabbing my hand, she guides it to her soaked pussy, guiding my fingers between her folds before guiding me away until my fingers touch my lips. Smiling sweetly at me, she tells me to open up, and I suck my fingers, tasting her.

“Remember how good I taste?” She says. “Want another taste?” She lifts her skirt up slowly, teasing me. I feel her hands go to my shoulders when I hear a cough to the side of me and my eyes bug open when I see Violet standing there, with her see-through black lace short dress.

Seeing her here, in the place I call my regular, it feels surreal. What is she doing here?

“Angel is with me,” Violet says, glaring at Hope.

“Who the hell are you?” Hope stands up straighter, looking at her up and down.

“I am Angel’s girl.” Hearing her say that makes this flutter inside of me. I was immediately attracted to her and seeing her now, I still am.

“Angel and I are busy if you didn’t notice.” Hope smirks. I remember this is what Hope is like. She needs to hold the power, to feel wanted. To be wanted.

“Angel, come with me.” Violet gives me her hand to take, I look at her and Hope and without a second thought, I place my hand in hers.

“Angel, what the fuck?” Hope shouts at me.

“I’m sorry, but she can give me something you can’t.” We walk out of the bathroom and I take her to my table and Hannah looks to her confused. “Hannah this is Violet.” Hannah stands up almost toppling the table over.

“Violet as in ‘the’ Violet?”

“I guess Angel filled you in?”

“Just bits and pieces,” Hannah says coolly.

“How did you find me?”

“On Tinder, it said you were an author so I went on Amazon looking for your books then Facebook stalked you and saw a picture of you here so I thought I would try my luck.” She says sheepishly.

“You must really like my girl here to do all that, just to find her,” Hannah says.

“You have no idea. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her, you really made an impression on me and also on Killian.” Just hearing her say that name, changes my mood. I sit down crossing my arms.

“I don’t want to hear what’s his name ever again. He doesn’t exist to me anymore.” Violet sits next to me taking hold of my hand.

“You don’t know what happened. Killian is kicking himself for how he acted.”

“Good,” I say stubbornly.

“He wants to explain.” She begs me.

“Tough,” I say sounding like a two-year-old.

“Angel, he is so smitten with you. He hasn’t been at work or been able to look after himself. He is a complete mess.” I look to her and see she’s being serious.

“He hurt me,” I tell her.

“He deserves to suffer.” Hannah jumps in.

“I know. But he is a mess, just please let him explain and if after you still want to stay away, we will let you be.”

“Hannah, what do you think?” I look to Hannah and she thinks it over for a second.

“If he is a mess as she says, and he was the best fuck of your life and you also get her.” She points to Violet. “What do you have to lose? Go and see what he says, there’s no harm to let him talk.”

“I guess I’m going to hear him out.” Violet stands.

“Okay let’s go.”

“What now? I look like a mess.” I pat down my hair.

“You look hot, Killian will be over the moon to just see you, no matter what you look like.” I take a deep breath.

“Okay.” We all walk outside and I see a limo waiting, my mouth drops. “Is that for us?”

“I like to ride in style,” Violet says climbing in.

“Holy shit, she’s rich,” Hannah whispers.

“Want to come?” Violet asks Hannah.

“You don’t need to ask me twice.” She quickly climbs in, I climb in after her. I look around me seeing the long space and when I feel the limo in motion, the butterflies in my stomach start to somersault.

Twenty minutes later we are pulling back up to the huge mansion. Hannah’s nose is stuck to the window taking it all in.

“You weren’t kidding that this place is huge,” Hannah says in awe.

Once pulled up we all get out and I see the two same security men standing at the door and they give us all a nod when we walk in. Walking past the receptionist, she gives me a warm smile and when I get to the main room, it feels like I have never left.

“Holy shit balls,” Hannah says with her mouth hanging open. “This is crazy. Now that I am here, I am so tempted to see the rooms.” I know she is being sarcastic.

“Angel did tell you quite a lot,” Violet says playfully.

“She is my best friend and I had to tell her,” I say, heat spreading up my chest to my cheeks.

“I understand. But if you are interested in checking out the rooms, the hall is just down there.” Violet points and I see Hannah’s face turn white.

“I will think about it.” Hannah clears her throat.

“Come on, let me take you to Killian.” We walk down the different hallway that leads to the elevator and I wonder why he isn’t at the party but I stay quiet as I feel like I could be sick any minute.

J.L. Ostle's Books