
Daniel Martin, even though we have parted ways, you still mean the world to me. You were my first real fan, giving me that big push to write my first ever book and I thank you for doing so in each book I finish.

Elmarie Pieterse, there is so many words I can write in each book praising you, telling you how much I love you and need you. You are my brain twin for life and without you, I would be crying on every sentence that I write. You keep me strong and I thank you for that.

Hannah Clarke, you are my mini-me, my younger double. Thank you for staying by my side throughout this journey. I hope you like the character names I chosen lol

Lauren Haley, if you did read this book I hope it was hot enough for you. Thank you for being there.

Bernie Ivison, I bet you loved this title from our own little joke that was somehow created.

Richard Latimer, you are now officially in my book. Hope this made you feel special ??

Matthew Cook, you have heard none stop about this book, so I had to give you a mention. I bet you are glad that I will finally be talking about something else other than this erotica lol Colette Cocker, I hope I gave this book justice with the girl on girl action. I made sure it was hot as possible.

To my betas, you guys rock. I annoy you, I pester you, wondering if you like my book or not and I will admit … that’s not going to change any time soon. You are stuck with me and my annoyance.

Amanda Perrie, I know I say the same thing, but it is always true. You have a great eye for detail and you give me the criticism that I need. Whether it’s from the book cover to the storyline. I am just happy you enjoyed the dirtiness of this book ??

Paula Tarpley Genereau, you give me such a boost with your feedback. Telling me what you love and how you feel when you read the ending. You have been there since book 1, sticking by me and I love you for it.

Autumn Hardin, I am happy that I have another author I can annoy, you know about the stress, the self-doubt. You help me know that I can do this.

Jen Wildner, my blogger of Just One More Page. You have been there since day one, helping me promote all my books and working hard to get my stories out there. You do so much for me and I appreciate everything you do. You are amazing, thank you. I would fall on my knees and cry to the Gods if you ever stopped being in my life. Dramatical I know.

Leigh Stone, you have been making my interior of my books look so pretty for the last year and a half. Helping me out when I give you short notices. Answering silly questions that pop in my head. You are a star, thank you.

My loyal girls, my book lovers thank you so much for reading and enjoying my stories. Fran, Mindy, Juliana, Fiona, Amanda, Naomi, Alisha, Fay, Rhiannon, Kelli, Michelle, Tracey, love you x x

My readers. There are never any words to describe how I feel. By giving my books a chance, you give me a chance. Thank you for reading my story, I am forever grateful, more than you will ever know.

J.L. Ostle's Books