
Looking at my writing board, all my sticky notes, I feel that I have over plotted my book but I don’t want to miss anything . I am thinking of names for my characters when Hannah walks in, looking at me with a disappointed look.

“I told you to be ready for seven.” I look at the clock and see it's ten minutes after. Where has the day gone? I guess I was too invested in my story.

“I’m sorry, I’ve been busy, give me twenty minutes.” I quickly hit save and run to the shower, having a quick one, before going to my closet wearing a short black dress with suede heels. I am blow-drying my hair when I see Hannah standing in the door way.

“I have read through your notes. The book sounds like it’s going to be amazing.” She shouts over the noise. I turn it off, grabbing my brush.

“I like to think I try hard with all my books.”

“I know you do, but this one sounds so interesting and everyone is into kinky shit now. I like that you put me in it.” She winks at me.

“How do you know I put you in it?”

“I am the best friend, so I knew it was me. Just make sure I come out as funny but intriguing. Sexy but not in your face kind of way.”

I laugh at her. “I will try my best.” I quickly do my makeup and grab my bag and phone. “Do I look okay?” I ask her.

“You always look amazing, it’s unfair. You can look like a slob then like a goddess in two minutes. You have a gift.” I wave her off.

Heading out, we go to our usual pubs and of course we head to our favourite club at the end of the night, I have drunk more than I should have, feeling tipsy, but I haven’t thought about Violet, Killian or kink mansions for hours.

I am at the bar waiting to get served when I feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn to see Lewis and Hilary smiling hugely at me. “We thought it was you.” Hilary hugs me tightly. I look to them both and it feels like forever ago when I was last with them.

“Hey, you both having fun?” I ask them.

“Better now that we have bumped into you,” Hilary says softly.

“We haven’t stopped thinking about last time,” Lewis says with a blush.

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.” I give them a wink.

“Well, we have something to ask,” Lewis says in a shaky voice.

“What’s up.” I turn so I’m facing them.

“We want to know if it can happen again.” He pauses and looks to Hilary. “I want to know if you and Hilary could do stuff.” Stuff? The drink inside me is making my head fuzzy and I almost laugh at the word stuff. Bless him. You can tell he’s nervous. I look to Hilary who is watching me and normally I would love that I didn’t have to try to get a couple to join me, but I don’t know if I am in the right frame of mind to join them.

“Let me go speak to my friend, stay here.”

“Is she into this stuff?” Hilary asks. It’s the stuff word again that I hold back to shaking my head at them.

“No, she’s very vanilla, but she knows what I’m into. She knows how to keep a secret.” I smile sweetly at them and walk off to the far end of the room where Hannah is sitting.

“Where're our drinks?” She asks pouting.

“You know the last couple I was with?”

“The cute couple from a few weeks ago?” I nod. “What about them?”

“They are here and want to do round number two, this time the girl wants to go further.”

“And you don’t want to?” She asks me.

“I don’t know what to do. I’m just so confused. I wasn’t expecting to jump right into things after all that went on last weekend.” I put my head in my hands groaning.

“Just say you can’t tonight as you are with me and get their number and say you will call them. If you aren’t interested, you just never call.” That makes sense. How can this girl be so drunk and yet still be very wise?

“You know what to do for everything.”

“Because I am amazing.” We both laugh.

I head back to Lewis and Hilary explaining I’m out with my best friend tonight and to give me their number. They eagerly type in their number on my phone and they both kiss my cheek before heading to the dancefloor, I inwardly hate Violet and Killian. They ruined a good thing for me.

Heading to the bathroom, I do my business and I am washing my hands when I look to the left of me to see Hope sitting on the sink counter smiling seductively at me.

“What do you want Hope?” I go to the hand dryer.

“I saw you turning down the couple. Do they not please you?” I see the pleased look on her face.

“Not at all, I got their number and told them I am here with my friend tonight. Hilary is very happy for me to get more involved.” I say back.

“How long are we going to keep doing this?” She jumps down and walks slowly to me, her black skirt swaying with each movement.

“Doing what?”

“Pretending that there isn’t anything going on between us. The chemistry, the heat.” She stands closer to me.

“You ruined what we had, I am not your second best.” I start to walk around her but she blocks me.

“I made a mistake okay. I know I messed up last time we were in here, but all the words came out wrong. You know we work. Just give us a try.” She presses her lips onto mine. “Let me make you happy.” She whispers. “Just let me.” She kisses me harder, pushing me against the wall.

J.L. Ostle's Books