
When the doors open, Violet knocks on the door before opening it, we all step inside and I see Killian facing the windows in a single chair, he doesn’t turn.

“I told you I wasn’t in the mood for tonight.” He says, his voice scruff.

“I know, but I have a surprise for you,” Violet says softly, walking farther in the room.

“Not. In. The. Mood.” He says each word sternly.

“Turn the fuck around,” Violet says annoyed.

When Killian does as she asks, his eyes go wide when he spots me. He stands up slowly, looking me over like he hasn’t seen me in years like I’m not really here. Seeing him just a few feet away from me is making my head spin. I have missed him so much. I have missed them both.

“Holy shit, he is like a God. Of course, you had to fall for a model lookalike.” Hannah says, her eyes trained on him. He looks to her confused.

“This is Hannah, she’s my best friend.” He nods in understanding.

“Angel.” He whispers my name and I swear I can feel it all over me.

“I guess we will leave you to talk,” Violet says taking Hannah’s hand.

“But…” Hannah says before Violet pulls her away and out the door, leaving us two alone.

“You came back.” He says not moving.

“Violet can be very persuasive. She said that you can explain to me what happened last week.” I play with my fingers nervously.

“I bet you hate me, after what I did.” He looks at me and I don’t say a word. I do hate him for what he did, but being here in front of him, I’m finding it hard to stay mad. “Would you like to sit down?” He points to the couch and I walk over taking a seat, he sits beside me.

“I just want to know why. You tell me, then we both can just move on from all this.” I wave my hand around the room.

“I don’t want to move on.” He quickly says. I look at him confused.

“You walked away from me remember? Not the other way around. You fucked me, even though I told you not to be there, you came and then left me hanging, I mean literally. You just left me. I felt so used and so low.”

“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I had to be in that room with you. Seeing those people touch you, pleasing you, knowing it wasn’t me doing that, I saw red. Once you knew it was me, I felt it when you knew. You allowed me to be inside you, even though we were in a room full of people. You let go. It was so beautiful. But fuck me, being inside you was something else. You were so tight, so warm. It took so much control to not come sooner.”

“You felt jealous then you enjoyed the great sex.” I stand up. “I’m glad you liked it, as it will never happen again. I can’t forgive you for walking away. I have to go. This was a mistake.” I start to head to the door, but once my hand touches the handle, I feel his body pushing me against the door pinning me.

“You can’t leave me, not again.”

“You left me,” I say breathlessly. I can feel his erection pressed against me.

“I got scared.” I feel his breath on my neck causing me to shiver.

“Of what?” I turn my head so I can see him. His eyes focused on me.

“You. I couldn’t understand how I have fallen for someone in just a few hours.” My mouth hangs open. He didn’t just say what I think he did, did he? I turn my body wanting to see all of him. “I saw you hanging there, having this aura, this glow around you and I knew that I was so far gone.”

“You have fallen for me?” I ask, even though he just admitted. I just need to hear it again.

“I have. This week has been the worst of my life. I know I need to earn your trust, but please forgive me.” He entwines our fingers, bringing my hands to his chest.

“If I say yes, what happens then?

“We get to be together and help fulfill our pleasures and desires. I want you, Angel, I will do anything to keep you.” I look up into his eyes and see how serious he is.

“What about Violet?”

“It’s up to you. She will understand if you don’t want to share.” I think of Violet, she even admitted she liked me, she is willing to make me and Killian happy even if it hurts her. Even if it meant losing us both.

“I don’t mind sharing her with you.” I smile at him which he returns.

“I don’t mind sharing you with her either.” He releases my hands, placing his on my ass, pulling me into him. “Only her though, no other fucker can touch you.”

“What a very gentleman thing to say.” I giggle.

“I never admitted I was a gentleman.” He smiles mischievously at me, before he kisses me hard, pinning my body against the door, lifting my dress up, smiling when he notices I am not wearing any underwear. “You are going to drive me crazy.” He says against my lips.

“I know.” I smile.

I hate this part as I never know what to say. I have been writing for over two years and I wanted to try something different, so I thought why not an erotica. I love reading steamy books so wanted a book that was hot from beginning to end. Knowing that you gave my book a chance. Each passing day I am so thankful to everyone that helps support me, to keep my dream going. I hope you enjoyed Angel, Killian and Violet’s story.

To my precious, amazing little boy Jake, my number one fan. He is my world and I want to show him that dreams can come true if you are willing to work hard for what you want. I love you so much.

J.L. Ostle's Books