Wanting Winter(44)

For the rest of the night, I dance and drink. I see Candice glaring at Trent while he watches me, but I am surrounded by the football team, who make me laugh and forget about everything else. Well that could be the alcohol that’s doing that.

Drake and I are dance to a slow song, my head on his chest, my eyes closed and his arms wrapped around me. I enjoy the world-spinning feeling I have until I feel Drake tense up. I open my eyes to see a drunk Trent coming our way.

“Hi. Sorry to ask, but I need a favour, man.” He looks from me to Drake.

“What do you want?” Drake asks.

“Candice has passed out and I have drunk more than I should. Any chance you could give us a ride home?” he pleads, slurring over his words.

“Can’t you call a cab?”

“I’ve tried; there aren’t any available for another hour. I wouldn’t ask, but Candice is dead to the world.”

I watch as Drake fights with himself about what to do. “Just go. Take them home and come back,” I tell him.

“I don’t think I should leave you.”

He looks torn, so I wave him off. “Joshua will look after me until you get back. You won’t be long.”

“Drake is right: why don’t you come back with us?”

I bet that was his plan all along, to get me to leave the party before it even ends. “I am not getting in a small confined space with that person.” I wave my hand in the general direction of Candice. “I’m having fun; I’m staying.”

Trent’s jaw ticks, but I don’t give a fuck.

Drake sighs and nods. “I won’t be long. Don’t leave this party.” He takes hold of my hand leading me to Joshua. “Keep an eye on her. I will back shortly.” He kisses my forehead and then he’s gone.

I face Joshua, who hands me another drink. I take a sip, smiling when I taste it's that fruity cocktail I like.

“You having fun?” he asks me.

“Lots and lots of fun, but right now, I think I need the bathroom.” I say, and he laughs.

“Come on, let me help you.” He takes hold of my hand and guides me upstairs.

There is a line outside the door and I can feel my bladder tighten, knowing I have to wait a long time until I can go. “I may wee right here; this is ridiculous.” I wouldn’t actually wee, especially on someone’s floor but it’s tempting.

“Right, come with me, and don’t tell anyone I did this for you.” He takes my hand as we continue to walk down the hallway. He looks right then left and he takes out a set of keys, opening a door, and when we get in, I see it’s a huge bedroom. I walk in and he points to where the bathroom is. I run to it, relieving myself, sighing with happiness when I feel lighter.

Washing my hands, I look in the mirror, and, seeing my new hairstyle, I stroke my fingers through it. I come back in the room.

Joshua is sitting on the bed and he smiles when he sees me. “Better?”

“Much. Thank you so much.” I sit next to him. “You know if you’d acted like this with me from day one, things could have been different.”

“I wasn’t like this until this week. When I saw Trent with Candice, I don’t know how to explain it, but something inside me felt angry. Yeah, I was beyond angry that he got to be with you, but I was also jealous. Seeing how happy you were, how you both were together. That’s when I started thinking it wouldn’t be too bad to have a girlfriend.” He smiles at me.

“I do kind of miss yelling at you, though. I liked how we wound each other up.”

We both laugh.

“Yeah, I miss that too. You angry is very hot. I liked how you teased me; it made me want you more,” he says with a sly look.

“That’s why I did it: I think I liked that you wanted me. It felt like one big foreplay. We just didn’t get to have a climatic finish.” I bite my lip and I notice his eyes going to my mouth before they are on mine again.

“Yeah. Too bad. I dreamt what it would be like to be inside you—still do—but I’m trying to be your friend.”

I sit closer to him, my body almost touching his. “What if right now I need more than a friend?” I lick my lips.

“What do you want?” he whispers. I notice his chest rising and falling faster.

“I want my control back. I want to pretend that last week never happened, that I let you fuck me at the party.”

“You can have the control. Tell me what to do and I will do it.” His eyes trail down my body making me shiver.

Right now, I need this. All rational thoughts are gone out the window. I want to take my control back. Standing up, I walk to the door and lock it. Turning around I see him still sitting on the bed watching me. Not moving a muscle.

I walk slowly back towards him and he eyes me up like a starved man. I slowly take off my dress, swaying my hips to the imaginary music. I kick my dress away to reveal matching black, lace underwear.

He is bites his lip and I can see his hands fist the sheets. I smile. I love seeing him like this, craving to fulfill his desire for me. I know he has waited years for this to happen. I need to make him want me, and I mean really want me so that after this, he will beg for it to happen again.

I have the power.

I want to keep the power.

I put two fingers in my mouth and suck, never losing eye contact with him. I slowly glide my fingers down, over my breasts, down my stomach until I reach my underwear, which is already soaked. I put my fingers inside and play with my wet folds, gasping at the contact. I let my head fall back as I play with myself and spread my legs a little wider so I can get better access.

J.L. Ostle's Books