Wanting Winter(40)
I look like a rockstar.
“What do you think?” the girl asks.
I run to her, hugging her with tears in my eyes. “I love it. I hardly recognized myself. I can’t wait for everyone to see the new me.”
“You said you didn’t like men having power over you: don’t let him have it. You are a strong, beautiful girl. You go to school tomorrow with an ‘I don’t give a fuck’ look,” she tells me.
“I will.”
I pay her and leave, smiling and feeling like the weight on my shoulders has been lifted. I go on a shopping spree and by the time I head home, I have bags upon bags full of clothes and shoes. I am sure my parents won’t mind me treating myself.
Putting my clothes on the couch, I look to the door to see a blank envelope, and walking towards it, opening it up, my hands go a little shaky as I read over the words.
I know you don’t want to hear from me, but I had to tell you that I messed up. I wasn’t thinking straight. I wasn’t thinking at all.
I know I don’t deserve forgiveness, but I hope one day you will.
I miss you
T x
I guess Candice is already showing her true colors to him. Well, that’s his problem now. It didn’t stop him from sticking his tongue down her throat. I rip the letter up angrily, throwing it in the trash. I am not letting him get to me.
He’s now in my past.
Tomorrow is a new start for me—a new chapter in my life.
Like hell he will be any part of it.
Waking up this morning, I feel chirpy, getting that excited feeling. I tell Drake and Joshua to meet me at school. I want to see their reactions to my new look face to face.
Stepping out of my car, I look down at my black leather skirt and my suede, ankle boots, making sure I look okay. I have even gone for a white t-shirt that stops at the bottom of my ribcage showing my midriff, with a tight, short black leather jacket.
I grab my bag and start walking towards the entrance and I already notice people stopping to stare at me. I’ve always gone for neutral makeup, but today I have used smoky eyeshadow, making my eyes really pop.
I hear a few whistles from guys as I walk by them. When I spot Joshua and Drake talking, I head their way and like they can sense me, they both turn and they have to look twice to realize it's me. Their mouths hang open, their eyes trailing my body.
“Holy shit,” Drake says when I stand in front of them.
“I can’t think…” Joshua says, his eyes going to my legs—to my cleavage. “If I was still an asshole, I would be trying to get in your knickers right now.” His eyes have gone dark. “Fuck it, I still want to get in them right now.” He winks at me.
“I will take that as a compliment.” I stand between them so they are on either side of me. “So you approve of my new look?” It may not be a huge drastic change, but it has made me feel better, giving me that little pick me up feeling.
Drake starts rubbing the back of his neck, looking to my breasts then quickly looking to the ground, then to the sky. “You look really good,” he finally says.
I am giggling at their reactions when I hear someone say Candice and Trent are coming our way. I stand there, blocking the emotions from my face, putting a wall up so neither of them can see what I’m feeling. They look in my direction, but it takes them a moment to realize it’s me.
Candice looks me up and down and I see her jaw tick.
Trent’s eyes trail down my body and slowly back up again, and when his eyes connect with mine, his head goes to the side trying to see something that isn’t there. He looks a little sad for a moment before they go to my legs then to Drake and Joshua.
“Drake, you wanting to join us for lunch?” Trent asks him.
“I don’t think so if she’s going to be there.” He glares at Candice who glares back at him.
“You can join them if you want,” I tell him. I don’t want him to feel like he has to be on my side. He is Trent’s best friend.
“He doesn’t need your permission,” Candice spits at me.
“I know that,” I tell her.
“I’d rather let Winter cut off my dick than sit anywhere near her,” Drake says, crossing his arms. My eyes go to his arms. Why have I never noticed before how big his arms actually are?
He is wearing a tight t-shirt that is hugging his body and, blimey his body looks good. My eyes trail all over him. When he turns to face me, I look up at him feeling my cheeks blush. He knows I was checking him out; he smiles shyly at me before glancing back to Trent.
When I peek over to Trent he is watching between me and Drake. “Okay,” he says.
Candice links her arm through his and they start walking away. Trent turns, staring at us both before facing forward again.
“I feel a little bad.” I lean back against the wall.
Joshua stands at my side. “Why? You did nothing wrong,” he says.
“I know, but Drake, you’re his friend, and he needs you too. I can’t be selfish and take up all your time.”
He takes hold of my hands squeezing them. “If I wanted to hang out with him I would. When I’m home, we hang out. He knows we don’t talk about you or Candice. If he even brings you up, I give him a look. He has got me, but while he is around her, I don’t want to be around him. He made his choice.