Wanting Winter(41)
“Let’s head to class and not think about them anymore.”
Joshua gives me his arm to take and they both guide me to my first class.
The rest of the week goes the same: I bang into Trent and Candice, but we don’t say anything to the other. Trent tries to catch my eye when he gets a chance, but I try to avoid his direction. Drake and Joshua have been Godsends; it has been nice having two men looking after me. They know not to over worry about me or they get my silver tongue.
Rumors have spread once again, but this time they’re about which boy I am with now.
Drake has told me that Trent has questioned him about it, and I also notice that Trent and Candice are arguing more and more as each day passes. I guess their honeymoon phase is over.
Finishing class on Friday can’t come fast enough. I feel like the days have dragged but at the same time not. I just can’t wait to get out of this place. I am heading towards Drake’s car when I spot Joshua and Drake leaning against it, smiling at me.
Drake has been driving me to and from school, and sometimes before heading home, we just drive around or go grab food, park somewhere and just talk and eat in the car. He has become more relaxed around me, but I do miss his shyness.
“Hey, guys, what’s up?”
“There is a party tonight and you are going,” Joshua says.
I give him a look. “Oh really? I have no choice in the matter?”
“You know what I mean. There is a party and you should go. You need to let your hair down—have fun,” Joshua corrects himself.
“I don’t know. I was thinking about a pizza and movie night for me.”
“We can do that tomorrow. It will be fun,” he insists.
I roll my eyes. “You are just a party animal; you think any party is fun.”
He pouts and bats his eyelashes. “Please.”
I roll my eyes. “Fine. I suppose having a few won’t hurt.”
Joshua beams. “Great. I will message you the address.” He kisses my cheek before heading to his car.
“You are so coming with me,” I tell Drake before getting in his.
“Oh really? I don’t have a say in the matter?” he jokes, throwing my words back at me.
“You have been around me too much,” I laugh. “Fine, but you know you will hate yourself if something bad happens to me. what if I get very drunk and pass out on the lawn or something and someone YouTube it?
“You are such a drama queen,” he chuckles, leaving the parking lot.
“Please, with cherries on top.” I give him a cheeky smile, fluttering my eyelashes like a crazy lady causing him to laugh.
“I suppose I could come with.” He smiles at me and I smile back.
We have taken the long way home, and before I know what is happening, I open my eyes feeling myself being lifted. I realize that I must have fallen asleep. Drake is carrying me up the stairs. I tuck myself further into him.
I feel so safe when I’m around him.
We are almost to my floor when I feel him stopping, his body tensing up.
I hear Trent’s voice.
“Is she okay?”
I keep my eyes closed pretending to be asleep.
“She just fell asleep,” Drake says.
“You bore her to death,” Candice says viciously.
“Candice pack it in. Don’t speak to him like that.”
“I was only joking. Sheesh.”
“I’d better take her to her place.”
I feel us moving again.
“Do you need any help?”
“No, I think we are good.” Drake holds me tighter, and I tuck myself further into him.
“Okay.” I hear Trent say, then we are moving.
I feel myself being put down on my couch, and I open my eyes seeing Drake watching me.
“Had a nice sleep?” He smiles but it seems a little forced.
“I’m sorry; long week.” I sit up.
He nods. “I’ll let you get ready and do what you need to do; I’ll pop down at eight?” He stands but I take hold of his hand.
“I’m still tired. I want you to stay for a little bit longer; can we lie down on my bed?” I bite my lip.
“Your bed?” he mumbles.
“The couch won’t fit us both. I just want to be held as I sleep.” I know it’s a lot to ask, but having Trent around, it just makes me feel safe.
“Yeah, okay.” He helps me stand, and I entwine our fingers, guiding him to my room.
I lay on my bed, and I watch him looking at me and then to the bed.
“I’m not going to bite you.” I laugh at him.
He takes off his shoes and lies on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I put my head on his chest, my arm going around his middle, and lifting my leg so it wraps around one of his. I feel his body all tense up, but he soon relaxes, his arm pulling me into him.
I lie there, and it doesn’t take long until sleep takes over.
I wake up later to Drake’s phone vibrating next to him, and I sit up a little looking at him. He looks so peaceful. I smile as I move some of his hair from his eyes and he wakes up and looks at me.
I mean really looks at me.
He just stares at me.
Neither of us makes a move until his phone falls to the floor due to all the vibration.