Wanting Winter(42)
He shakes his head, moving himself and grabbing his phone to look at the time. “Go and get ready and make sure you eat something. I’ll be down in two hours,” he tells me, standing up and putting his shoes back on.
“Yes sir. Would Master like anything else?” I tease.
The smile on my face slips away when I see how he is looking at me. He walks slowly towards me, standing above me.
“Master would like you to be good,” he says in such a masculine voice that my whole-body trembles, but like a switch being flicked, he is back to shy Drake. “I will be back shortly.” He leans down kissing my cheek before leaving.
I sit there a little stunned.
Where did that come from?
That was kind of hot, especially in that voice.
I head for a shower first, scrubbing my whole body clean. Wrapping a towel around myself, I head to the kitchen to make myself a chicken stir fry. I grab my phone, taking a selfie of me pouting with my wet tangled hair and no make-up face.
I get an instant reply that makes me laugh.
Drake: You look happy.
Me: You think anyone would mind if I went with wet hair and no make-up?
Drake: If that’s how you want to go, it will be fine with me.
Me: You were meant to say no lol
Drake: Sorry, no you can’t go like that. Better?
Me: Not really lol You sounded more like what my dad would say.
Drake: The impression I was going for lol
Me: I better go get ready and eat something, talk soon xx
Drake: See you soon xx
I smile, finishing my cooking and making sure I eat a good amount before I start to get ready.
I sit on the couch eating chicken and rice. Smiling at her messages.
I never expected her to be close to me, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. It’s a shitty thing to say, but a part of me is glad Trent fucked up. If he hadn’t, Winter wouldn’t want me around her as much as she does now.
Sighing, I remember having her on me as we slept; it was such an amazing feeling to have her next to me. I want to wake up next to her every day if I could.
I am smiling at my phone as I reply back to her when I hear Trent’s room door open. He comes in wearing only a pair of boxer shorts, and it doesn’t take a genius to know what he has been doing.
“What are you smiling at?” he asks me.
“Nothing,” I say.
“I bet it’s a text from the Ice Queen,” Candice says, walking in with just her underwear. I look away not wanting her to turn me to stone.
“Stop calling her that,” Trent yells at her.
“Stop protecting her. You are with me. Me,” she yells back at him. He shakes his head at her.
“What’s she saying?” he stands behind me, leaning down and reading my messages.
I face him, and his eyes soften seeing the photo of her. “Where are you taking her?”
“Just some party Joshua invited us to,” I shrug.
Candice sits on the couch opposite us. “You do know he is after her as well? You three act all close and buddy-buddy, but you both are after the same girl. At some point, she is going to choose between you. Do you think she will pick you? Mr. Lonely, Quiet Boy over the Jock?”
“Candice stop it.” Trent glares at her.
“You may not like it.” She looks at Trent then to me. “She is going to move on from all this and be with another man. Even if it's just for a fuck, it's going to happen. I know Winter, and right now she is going to be vulnerable, have self-doubt, but she is going to have a guy fill that empty space that you created.” She points to Trent.
“Winter doesn’t do one-night stands,” Trent corrects her.
“She didn’t, but you changed her.”
“We changed her,” Trent corrects her.
“Whatever. The fact is, she is different, and now she will have needs that weren't there before. She enjoyed the orgasms—she told me—so now her body is going to be going through withdraws; she is going to want a release and have a man that comforts her and tells her everything she wants to hear.”
“I’m not listening to this. She is hurting.” I stand.
“She is healing. If she isn’t healed already. You just have to hope you are in the right place at the right time or Joshua is going to swoop on in and fuck her little brains out. Trust me, that boy is energetic and happy to please.” She winks at me.
“Nice girl you have here Trent; no wonder you chose her,” I say sarcastically before leaving them to it and heading in the shower. I put it on the hottest temperature, letting the scolding water descend on me.
Candice is wrong.
It’s too soon for her to move on.
However, she was only with Trent for a week, not years, so this situation could be different. I don’t want to scare her by asking her out or push her away.
I don’t know what to do.
At eight o’clock on the dot, there is a knock on my door. I open it up seeing a very punctual Drake, who is smiling at me, his eyes checking me out. I do the same to him.
He looks really good in his black jeans and white shirt, the sleeves rolled up his arms.
“You look beautiful,” he says, stepping in and kissing my cheek.