Wanting Winter(43)

“You look really good yourself; you smell amazing.” I walk towards him, sniffing his neck. Fuck me, I love this smell—Jean Paul Gautier I believe it is. I keep my nose on his neck, not wanting to let go of him. “I think I’ll be sniffing you all night,” I half joke.

“Look forward to it.” He chuckles taking hold of my hand. “Let’s go have fun.”

I nod in agreement. “Lets.”

I close the door and he helps me get into his car. “You not drinking tonight?”

He shakes his head. “I’ll be the designated driver.” He winks at me.

He drives us to a huge house; I can hear the music from inside the car. People are milling around on the front with red cups. Drake helps me out and we head inside. I give quick hellos while I pass people as we head to the kitchen.

We spot Joshua near the counter making drinks. He smiles when he spots us. “You made it. What’s your poison?” He lifts a bottle of vodka and whiskey.

“Something fruity,” I say.

“A coke,” Drake adds.

“You not drinking?” Joshua asks him.

“Not tonight: I’m the driver.”

Joshua passes him a can. “Least we know Winter will be in safe hands.”

They both face me, and I roll my eyes. “What do you think I’m going to do? You know how I am at parties. Normally I’m pushing you away from me.” I give Joshua a pointed look. “I will be either dancing or outside having a smoke.”

“Please don’t tell me you are back on the cigarettes?” Joshua asks.

“I only smoke when I’m drinking. I haven’t smoked in two weeks, so don’t judge me Mr. Jock Player.”

Joshua puts his hands up in surrender. “Yes, ma’am.” He passes me a drink.

I take a sip; it tastes just like juice. “This is so good.” I take a bigger sip.

The Chainsmokers ‘Closer’ comes on. I jump up and down, finishing off my drink then grabbing hold of Joshua’s and Drake’s hands, bringing them with me to the dance floor. I notice a few people watching us. I move myself between them so one is dancing in front of me as the other is right behind me. I make sure we are all glued to one another.

“I bet you are enjoying this.” Joshua laughs in my ear from behind. “Two good looking men stuck to you.”

“If people are going to stare, I will give them something to stare at.” I move my hips to the music, both of them following my lead. Drake’s hands are on my hips as Joshua’s are just under his, closer to my ass. I close my eyes letting the music take over, enjoying the feel of both them holding me. The music kicks up a notch and I feel them step further into me. I lean back a little so my body is arched, and Joshua’s fingers dig deeper into me while Drake’s body pushes closer to mine. I stand up straighter again, wrapping my arms around Drake’s neck so we are face to face, and his eyes connect with mine. I sway slowly, lost in my own little bubble, but of course The She-bitch has to ruin it.

“You trying to make your own porno movie?”

I hear Candice’s voice and I turn to face her.

Trent looksbetween us all. “Winter, this isn’t like you. Last week, you couldn’t even stand preppy boy here.” He glares at Joshua.

“Well last week I didn’t think my boyfriend was screwing my so-called best friend,” I say back.

“Are you drunk?” He looks into my eyes.

I start to laugh. “Yeah, I have to be drunk to act like this. I have been a good girl for far too long and now I’m going to make up for lost time. I might just fuck every guy in school. Maybe that’s how you get to keep a boyfriend: by being a whore,” I say sarcastically pointing my insult to Candice.

“You want to say that to my face?” She takes a step towards me.

“You wanting another punch?” I say, not moving. Drake stands in front of me, blocking her away from me.

“Why the hell are you even here? You weren’t invited. You knew Winter was going to be here. Are you doing it to hurt her even more?” Drake asks Trent.

“I just wanted to see her,” he admits, looking at me. “I had to see you, Winter.”

I shake my head not wanting to hear this. “Let’s go get drunk,” I tell Joshua, taking his hand to where the drinks are. I see people watching us and I roll my eyes at them.

They all need lives.

“Leave her alone, man,” I hear Drake say behind me.

Once in the kitchen, I see a bottle of vodka. Taking it, I grab a red cup, pouring some in, then down it straight, letting the burn slide down my throat.

Fuck, that: it tastes worse than tequila. I scrunch my face up at the flavor-worse than tequila-but I continue to sip the rancid drink

I need to get drunk fast.

“Winter, do you think that’s a good idea?” Drake asks, concerned.

I turn facing him. “I want to forget about for a little while. I am sick that one week of my life is causing all this drama. One week out of my life and I’m letting it define me. I just want to get drunk and have fun.” I take another sip.

“When you are ready to leave, just say the word.”

“I am not going to leave because of them; if anyone should leave, it should be them. Now I’m in the mood to dance. Let’s go.” I quickly fill my cup with more vodka and head back to the dance floor.

J.L. Ostle's Books