Wanting Winter(35)
“Am I that bad to be with?” I sniff.
He pulls back looking at me. “Winter, every man I know wants to be with you; you know how badly I want to be with you. You did nothing wrong,” he tries to reassure me.
“You are just after sex, just like any other male who is after me.” I sit back.
“Do you think I would be this persistent if I am after just a quick fuck. Yeah, I want to fuck you, but I want you as mine. I’ve always wanted to claim you. I still do.” His eyes look at me darkly and I have to look away as those words do something to me.
Claim me.
The two words repeat over and over in my head.
“Do you know where they are?” I stand up and start pacing.
“I don’t think seeing them now is a good idea,” he says, looking unsure.
“He was going to take me on this amazing date tonight; he was going to act like he isn’t screwing my best friend. I feel sick. He was fucking us both at the same time. Oh my God.” I cover my hand over my mouth. “That’s why he stopped having sex with me. It was because he would rather sleep with her.” Tears fall once again.
Joshua stands, pulling me into him. “I am so sorry, Winter, but you had every right to know. If it hadn’t been me who saw, it would have been someone else and they would have spread it all over school.”
“You haven’t told anyone?” I asked shocked. We tease each other, I thought he would have already messaged his jock friends, filling them in.
He shakes his head. “I came straight here.” I look into his green eyes—same colors as Trent’s but yet so different.
“Where are they?” I whisper.
“They came back here,” he finally says.
They came back here?
Oh hell no. They came back here to sleep together.
Anger boils my blood making me grab my keys, and I run up the stairs with Joshua right behind me, him calling me to wait and to slow down, but I can’t.
I need to catch them at it.
To see it for myself.
Standing on my tiptoes grabbing the spare key that is hidden above the door, I open it quietly. My heart is beating loudly. I poke my head through and its empty. I feel Joshua stand behind me. I turn to look at him and he gives me a nod indicating he has my back. Opening the door fully, leaving it wide open as I head further in.
Hearing the sexual noises coming from Trent’s room makes me feel like I’m going to be sick. I can’t believe they did this to me. Images of Trent telling me he was fascinated by me, that he is used to girls like Candice and that it doesn’t do it for him. I guess it really does.
I try to keep quiet as I’m walking down the hall and the noises get louder. Standing in front of Trent’s door, tears already falling down my cheeks again. I feel like I’m in a huge nightmare and I pray I will wake any second, but I know I won’t.
I glance to Joshua who looks really angry at the door.
I place my hand on the door handle and I quickly push it open, causing Candice—who is sitting above a half-naked Trent—to scream. My heart breaks even more. I sob louder.
“Winter.” Candice makes no attempt to move.
“Winter, listen…” Trent sits up.
I raise my hand stopping him. “If you say it's not what it looks like, I will gut you both.” I wrap my arms around myself. “How long?” I ask.
“Winter, please,” Candice pleads, but it feels half-hearted.
“How long?” I scream.
“Five days,” she answers.
Five days? That’s almost as long as my relationship with Trent. They were doing each other the whole time. “So I guess when you said I was probably shit in bed and that’s why he wasn’t sleeping with me was true.” Tears continue to fall.
Trent looks to Candice who looks away from us both. He is still inside her and yet neither of them moves.
“How could you both do this to me? How could you hurt me?”
“Winter.” Trent finally moves Candice off him and stands, putting on his jeans trying to walk closer to me.
“I think you should stay where you are as you still smell like sex,” Joshua says, standing in front of me, acting as my shield. Trent looks at him like he’s ready to hit him.
“Why the fuck are you here?” Trent roars at him.
“Someone had to tell her the truth. Next time don’t show your affection out in public: that’s how you get caught.”
Trent charges for him but I block his way. “You hit him, I will never speak to you again. You will be dead to me.” He is dead to me anyway; any other time I would have enjoyed Joshua getting his ass kicked, but now he is the only one who is there for me.
“I was going to tell you tonight.” Trent looks at me sadly.
So tonight was going to be a pity date, so he could break it off with me. “How nice: one last date before you broke my heart.” I step back. “With my best friend Trent. All the girls out there, you chose my only best friend?” I remember last night. “So last night, when you wanted me to kiss Candice, were you hoping for a threesome? Have the two girls you are screwing in one room?”
“It wasn’t like that.” He tries to hold my hand, but I pull away from him.
“You broke me, Trent. All the things you said, were they lies to get me into bed?” I look into his eyes, letting him see all the hurt he is causing me.