Wanting Winter(30)
Candice heads into the girls’ bathroom and I wait in the hallway until she grabs my arm, pulling me in when the coast is clear. She pushes me into the far cubicle and starts kissing me. I close my eyes and try and imagine it’s Winter’s lips and not hers.
She rubs her body against mine; my dick stands to attention for her. She smiles against my lips when she feels my erection.
Images of Winter fade, and those of Candice get stronger.
I know this is my fate, so why fight it?
No matter what I say, or how much I fight, this is always how it’s going to end.
“Poor Winter looks very drunk. Don’t think it helps that she’s been having my shots, too.” I look at her and she looks at me with hungry eyes. “Nice try trying to get your girl to kiss me. I know you’re up to something. Don’t know what, but I know you won’t let me kiss your precious girl unless there is a catch.” She licks along my jaw.
“Can we stop talking about Winter. From now on, when we do this, you don’t mention her,” I say angrily.
“You don’t get to make the rules. Besides, it turns me on talking about her, knowing I’m with her boyfriend, knowing she is upstairs all loved up, no care in the world, and here’s me about to be fucked by a dick she is wanting and not getting.” She unzips my pants and takes hold of my cock.
The doors open, and I hear a couple of girls talking but Candice doesn’t stop rubbing my cock. Her eyes are on me, watching my tortured face, seeing that I hate her but at the same time, that I’m turned on by her.
Fuck, I like being fucked by her.
She turns lifting her dress up showing that she isn’t wearing any underwear. I grab a condom from my pocket, putting it on, and I see her eyes watching me. Like hell am I going bareback again. I will be fucking Winter again, once I’m in the all clear, and I will be washing these wrong memories away.
Pulling my jeans and boxers down to my ankles, guiding my cock to her entrance, I don’t go slow or easy. I thrust hard into her. She has to bite back a moan. I place my hand on her hips and ease out of her slowly then thrust back inside her hard.
I want to punish her for doing this to me.
For making my dick enjoy being inside her.
For hurting Winter on purpose.
For feeling so fucking good.
I guess it doesn’t matter who you fuck with for your dick to enjoy it, I think sullenly.
I watch as she starts rubbing her clit, feeling her get wetter. I start to stick to a fast rhythm. I just want to come and head back upstairs; I don’t care if she gets her release.
She doesn’t fucking deserve it.
Ramming in and out of her faster, I roar out my release, filling the condom, and she groans out hers. I pull out of her, taking the condom off and putting it down the toilet not caring. Putting myself together, the high of what just happen soon starts to die off and once again I feel like the hugest dick in the world.
I hear Winter’s words in my head about power. She doesn’t like men having power over her like I don’t like Candice having power over me.
Fuck this shit.
“This ends now,” I say. I can’t keep doing this, even though a part of me wants it to go on. It’s the side of me I’m not liking.
In the past, I didn’t do relationships for this very reason, I like sex too much, but I thought I liked Winter more.
“Come on. We have been through this.” Candice smiles pulling her dress down. “That’s not how this works.” She smugly looks at me.
Something snaps inside me.
I hate how she is looking at me—looking at me like I’m her pet.
I wrap my hand around her throat pushing her against the wall, her eyes going wide. I squeeze a little and her hands go to my hand, but I just glare at her, my breathing coming in fast.
“I hate you, I hate you with every cell of my being. You are an ugly bitch, inside as well as out. I shouldn’t have let this shit get this far. Go and tell your so-called friend about us, I fucking dare you. Then you will have no one. Every person on campus would hate you. I’m a guy, men fuck around, so I’ll be okay. You will be known as the campus whore who fucks over her friends, that’s if they don’t think that already,” I spit at her. “I hope you enjoyed your last fuck from me,” I say, letting go of her.
She coughs, her hands going to her neck. “You are crazy,” she breathes.
“It’s funny what happens when you push someone.” I open the cubicle walking out, heading to the counter, and bowing my head in defeat.
“I thought that was so hot,” she says.
I turn, and she is looking at me with so much heat and want, she runs towards me, kissing me hard, her fingers digging into my hair, pulling me into her. I end up kissing her back, kissing her hard. I feel so much anger, but it spurs me on further.
My hands go to her legs, gliding along her soft skin, raising her dress, and pressing myself against her, feeling her warmth against my crotch as we pant into each other’s mouths.
My world turns upside down when I hear a cough. I freeze, not moving, and I turn, facing Drake who is looking at us both in anger and disgust.
“You sick fuckers,” he says before leaving.
“Fuck, Drake, wait,” I call out.
“Oh shit,” I hear Candice say but I don’t hang around. I chase after him as he is quickly going up the stairs.