Wanting Winter(26)
“I would die off if that were me. I feel so bad for the boyfriend though. Bet he is heartbroken, knowing that the person he cares for or even loves was sleeping with someone else behind his back, especially someone that close to him as well.” Winter says.
I feel my body tense up. Candice must have noticed as she gives me a look.
“I guess some people just give in to their urges.” Candice shrugs.
I hate that they are talking about cheating knowing Candice is wanting to sleep with me later at the club.
“It’s no excuse. If you don’t want to be with someone, end it. Don’t string them along. It’s just cruel,” Winter says with a strong voice.
“What if the person is torn between two people and doesn’t want to let either one go?” Candice asks, and I try and not glare at her.
“She needs to make a choice, she can’t have both worlds, especially if one of the guys doesn’t know about the other. I just know if it were me being cheated on, my heart would break; something like that changes a person.” She looks at me giving me a warm smile, and I feel like telling her the truth right here and now.
Secrets always come out.
I open my mouth to say something when Candice talks over me. “Good thing it won’t happen to you, good thing you don’t have a sister,” she jokes.
“Yeah, good thing. If you went with my sister—if I had one—I would cut your dick off,” Winter laughs with Candice joining in, and I just shake my head.
I feel like I’m in the twilight zone.
“What is it with you and chopping men’s bits off.” Drake turns around. “I never want to get on the wrong side of you.”
“Yeah be careful: you don’t want me near your bits.” Winter winks at him causing him to turn back around almost giving himself whiplash.
“Stop teasing him,” I whisper to her.
“Sorry I can’t help it,” she whispers back.
“What’s going on?” Candice whispers, leaning in closer.
“Drake has a little crush on me,” Winter tells her.
“You are just telling me that now?” They both look at him, but he’s facing forward.
“That is so cute. I should have clicked sooner. He does look good tonight though.” Candice checks him out.
“He does; I told him he should keep his hair like that—makes him look hotter,” Winter says.
“I agree.”
“Why do you want my friend to look hotter?” I ask her.
She shrugs. “I was just giving my opinion. Hopefully, he will get some tonight.”
“Yeah. If you can get fucked tonight, why not?” Candice winks at me and I look at Winter, who is looking out of the window.
I just want to get out of this cab and let this night hurry up and end.
When we arrive at the club, Trent can’t get out of the cab fast enough. I am sure with little leg space and Candice and I basically squeezing him while we talked wasn’t fun for him. He pulls me to his side while we walk towards the club and when I notice who the security is at the door, I smile. The line is a mile long and I am not in the mood to be waiting outside to get in.
“I’ll be right back,” I tell Trent, and head to the security guy before he has a chance to respond.
When Eddy spots me, he beams, standing straighter. “There’s my beautiful girl; don’t you look yummy,” he says checking out my dress. “Haven’t seen you for a while.”
Eddy is in my yoga class. He has mocha colored skin, a shaved head with big dark brown eyes. He is well built and attractive, but he is one guy I don’t have to worry about hitting on me.
“I know, just been too busy with classes; you know how it is. How you been?”
“The same old. You look like you are glowing—it’s a good look on you. Where’s your sidekick?” He smirks at me.
“I am no one’s sidekick,” Candice says, obviously overhearing our conversation.
“If you say so. Do I get a kiss or what?” I lean forward pecking his lips when I feel hands wrap around my waist. Eddy looks at Trent behind me.
“Winter are you going to introduce me to your friend?” Trent stands up straighter, and I roll my eyes.
“Eddy, this is Trent; Trent, this is Eddy.”
“Trent, Winter’s boyfriend,” Trent adds.
Eddy smiles at me before covering it up. “Boyfriend? Well, you didn’t mention boyfriend when we made love the other night,” he jokes.
Trent sees red and comes in closer to Eddy. “You slept with my girl?” He growls.
“Trent, calm down: he was joking. He’s gay,” I tell him, pushing him away. Eddy laughs; I give him a look and he automatically stops. “Eddy that was mean,” I tell him.
“I am sorry, man; I saw you act all macho and I couldn’t resist. I have a fiancé who is a dude back at home, but if I wasn’t taken, I would give you a second look over.” Eddy trails his eyes over Trent’s body, and Trent stands back looking a little uncomfortable.
“Sorry man,” Trent apologizes.
“It’s all good,” Eddy says with his hand out, which Trent claps hold of. “Why don’t you all head in before blondie here catches pneumonia,” he jokes—a joke that Candice just glares at.