Wanting Winter(22)

I move back, sitting down, and tucking myself away. I already feel disgusted with myself again, feeling dirty.

“Oh, by the way, I hope you’re clean. And don’t worry, I’m on the pill,” she says, winking at me before she leaves.

I put my face in my hands.


I fucked her without protection.

Images of her being with other men enter my head.

She did this on purpose.

I take out my phone and make an appointment at the health clinic to make sure I get checked out. Surely, she wouldn’t fuck me if she had something, but she is fucking her best friend’s boyfriend, so I wouldn’t put anything past her.

I can’t sleep with Winter until I know I am clean.

We have been at it like rabbits all week, so I know she is going to find it weird when I turn her down. I punch the wall and exit the bathroom, seeing Winter walking down with a huge smile on her face.

“I thought you may have died in there,” she jokes, kissing me. “I thought, seeing as we have fifteen minutes until you got class, we could get a good release.” She winks at me.

I spot Candice down the corridor watching us with her arms crossed and I just want to scream at her.

It’s not her fault you once again let her touch your dick.

“I actually think my dick needs a little rest, feels really sensitive at the moment.” It’s the only excuse that I can think of.

She pouts. “We have had sex like a hundred times in the last few days. I guess a few days of no sex won’t kill us.” She hugs me. I hug her back.

“I could please you if you like.”

She steps back smiling. “What have you got in mind?”

I take her hand and I walk down the hall looking in classrooms until I find one that’s empty. I guide her in, then lock it behind us. I walk to a desk and help her lay on it. Spreading her legs open.

Taking down her panties, I trail kisses up her calf, to her thighs. I can already smell her arousal. Her eyes are closed, and she’s biting her lip, a habit that I really like. It makes her look innocent, but I know now that she is anything but.

She is a very sensual person.

I lick slowly between her folds; she arches off the desk and fuck my dick hardens for her. I lick her sweet juices before I go to her clit. I bite down a little before sucking on it hard, causing her to moan out.

I tease her, going slowly. Hearing her plead and beg makes me want to say fuck it and just be inside her, but I can’t be selfish. I can’t put her health at risk due to my idiocy.

I enter two fingers inside her, slowly teasing her before, speeding up, feeling her pussy squeeze my fingers tightly. I lick slowly around her clit, but my fingers are doing the complete opposite.

She screams out, her orgasm hitting her. I suck up every last drop of her, and she soon relaxes, lying there contently.

“You have fun?” I ask her, and she laughs.

“Yeah, did you?” She sits up leaning back on her hands.

“Would have been better if I was inside you,” I say grumpily.

“Me too; nothing can beat your penis.”

I pull her towards me, so we are closer. “My cock,” I tell her. “Say it.”

“Your cock.” She purrs out the word and I swear my dick is ready to explode by just hearing her say it. “You sure you don’t want to be inside me? Or I could lick it very softly, very gently,” she says breathlessly in my ear.

“You trying to kill me?”

“Never. I would miss your cock too much,” she jokes.

“That’s all you would miss?” I act hurt.

“I guess I would miss you too. You do make me feel good.” She smiles up at me and just her smiling makes me forget all the bad that I have done and what I’m going to do in the future.

“I’m glad I make you feel good.” I wrap my arms around her.

“You do, you are different than the boys at this school. They only think with their dicks. I know you used to be like that, but I’m just happy that you are different with me. It makes me feel special that you are happy to be with just me.”

I hold her tighter. “You are special.”

We continue holding each other until I have to go to my next class.


I walk with Trent to his next class. I have no more classes for the day and I know Candice has a free period right now, so after messaging her to see where she is, I meet her outside, and we take a seat under a big tree.

“You seem a little happier now,” I tell her.

“I am. I had a release. It shows what your body can do to your personality if it needs a good orgasm.” She laughs.

“I have never had so many orgasms in my life and this past week my body feels so relaxed. I don’t want it to end. But we won’t be having sex for the next couple of days though.” Even saying it out loud, I feel a little upset at the thought.

I miss sex already and it hasn’t been twenty-four hours since we last had it.

“Why aren’t you two not going to be having sex?” Candice asks.

“Don’t laugh but because of all the sex, his penis is a little sensitive,” I say quietly.

She giggles. “It’s sensitive? Surely you two aren’t having that much sex.”

I bite my lip. “We have it like five times a day, or near enough to that. I have been staying at his and he wakes me up in the middle of the night wanting to be inside me. We wake up and have sex in the shower. It’s like we can’t get enough.”

J.L. Ostle's Books