If Ever(87)

She takes a sip and leans in close. “You know, it’s been too long since Paige called out and I got to play opposite you.”

Tom evades her. “Yes, well. Paige is a consummate professional. Oh, look. There’s Greg. Chelsea, you haven’t met Paige's husband yet. You’re going to love him. He works in publishing. Catch you later, Tanya.”

We grab our drinks and escape to the other side of the apartment. “Is she intense, or is it me?”

“She’s been under the illusion that she and I are going to be an item someday.”

I gulp my drink and do a double take. “Oh. I hope she’s wrong.”

“Me too. I can’t imagine waking up to that,” he snickers and escorts me to a tall thin man with curly short hair holding court with the stage manager I met earlier.

“Chelsea, I’d like you to meet Greg Hamilton, Paige's husband.”

Greg offers his hand. “Great to meet you. Paige has told me so much about you.”

I glance at Tom, who smiles, and then back to Greg, wondering how much Paige knows about me. “Thank you for having me tonight.”

“I thought you might like meeting someone who works in publishing." Tom says to me, then turns to Greg. "Chelsea is a big reader.”

“Actually, I own a literary agency, so I’m more in the pre-publishing stage of things.”

“That’s amazing. So you get to read the great books before anyone else?”

“When I’m lucky. Finding a best seller is a lot like trying to find a grain of salt in Central Park.”

Greg asks what I read, which I reply with everything. Tom is pulled away at some point, but Greg and I are deep in discussion and I barely notice. He asks what I do for work now that I’m off Celebrity Dance Off. I explain my degree in international business and that I’ve been applying for jobs and I’m not exactly sure what I want, which is an unsettling feeling. I’m relieved to have been rejected by the investment bankers.

“You speak any foreign languages?”

“French and German. Not that I’ve had much use for either.” They were part of a misguided effort to be more worldly like my dad. “It turns out I’m not interested in international finance after all.”

He laughs. “I can see why, but you have some valuable skills.” Paige appears and asks him for some help in the kitchen. “We may have something coming up. You should send me your resume.”

“Seriously? I would love that.”

He pulls a card from his wallet. “Drop me an email and we’ll set something up.”

“Thank you!”

Greg disappears with Paige, and I search for Tom, dumbstruck at the opportunity that just fell in my lap. He’s across the room with a group of guys, but he’s watching me. I smile and make my way over. “Greg asked me to send him my resume. Can you believe it? A job surrounded by books?”

He grins. “That’s brilliant.”

I’m flying high the rest of the night. Finding a job in publishing hadn’t occurred to me, and even if nothing comes of it, I don’t care. It’s the boost I need. Tom introduces me to more people from the cast including his costars Max and Jordan, who seem like nice guys.

As the night goes on, the party gets louder and more crowded. I’m pulled into a conversation with some women from the cast about New Year’s resolutions. While they all have the lose weight goal, Tanya wants cheek implants, Paige aims to stop biting her fingernails, and a short brunette declares she plans to get laid more often, sending us all into peals of laughter.

Tom approaches with a chocolate truffle. He holds it out temptingly, I take a bite, closing my eyes at the delectable taste.

“I thought you’d like that.” His smoldering eyes reach my soul and I lick a smudge of chocolate from my lips. He rejoins Max and Jordan a few feet away.

Tanya stares at me and shakes her head. “I don’t get it. You and Tom make no sense. Why is he even with you?”

Paige and the other women gasp. I should ignore Tanya, but I’m in a great mood and a little drunk. “I know, right?” I say as if agreeing with her. “And I’m not even good in bed.”

Tanya’s mouth drops open. She’s dumbstruck, wondering if I’m serious. Tom chokes on his drink, while everyone else around us busts out laughing.

“You okay, baby?” I croon to Tom.

Tanya stalks off. I turn back to the girls and shrug.

“Was it something I said?”

Tom wipes his mouth and shakes his head, but his eyes are smiling.

“I like her,” Max says.

Greg stands on a chair to get everyone’s attention for the countdown to midnight while champagne is handed out.

Tom whispers in my ear. “You evil girl.”

“I’m sorry. But she’s been glaring at me all night like I’m the worst person you could be with.”

“It was perfect.” He hands me a flute of bubbly. “This is going to be the best year ever.”


Apparently January is pilot season, which means all the networks are casting for new television shows. Tom spends every spare moment studying scripts, speaking with his agent, and auditioning. I send my resume off to Greg Hamilton and hope he calls me, but not one to wait around, I throw myself into the job search, applying for jobs I’d normally never consider like working for a fashion designer, at the New York Public Library, and for a high-end tour company. Who knows what will stick, but considering I get an auto reject on about every other application, maybe I’m throwing my net too wide.

Angie Stanton's Books