Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(61)
Hearing them admit they are together just throws me over the edge.
I had a plan, but he has fucked it up.
She is mine.
I guess I need to do the final steps now before she falls in too deep with that jackass.
I take in a few deep breaths.
I’m coming, Sasha.
I’m coming for you.
Today has been crazy.
I am happy that Mom is on board with me and Colin; Xander, on the other hand, is a completely different story. I wish I could hate him for what he did, but I know he felt he had to step in. I have been so angry and upset for so long I have no energy to put it on someone else.
Especially to the person who has helped me with my career. He has been by my side, going to meetings with me, reading over the contracts. I can’t put years of him being there for me away.
The press conference is tomorrow and I have also decided to tell them about me and Colin.
I don’t want them to find out in any other way. I want them to know the whole story.
The truth.
The band and I have rehearsed for the rest of the day to keep my mind off things. It is the last night I’m back home before we are back on the road tomorrow.
Colin has stayed at my side all day, watching me. Nothing has happened since last night with the envelope incident but there were times in the past where I would receive nothing for weeks, so hopefully with the media on watch, it has scared him off.
I am about to head on stage, the crowd chanting out the band’s name over and over. I always feel buzzed before I start to play. I take one step and then I’m being pulled back, arms wrapped around my middle, kisses get laid all over my neck.
“Have I mentioned how hot you look?” Colin breathes onto my neck.
“I’m sure you told me after you fucked my brains out before.” He twirls me around, smiling seductively at me.
“I had to calm your nerves somehow.”
“I’m always calm.”
“Then my only excuse is that I couldn’t keep my hands to myself.” He kisses my lips hard before pulling back. “Go be amazing.” He slaps my ass, causing me to yelp.
I head on stage, standing in my spot. All the lights are switched off. One beam of light shines on me as the drums start to play. I look to the ground and when the first words leave my mouth, I look up slowly to the crowd.
I sing Bette Midler's ‘Oh Industry.’ I grab hold of the microphone, each word slowly leaving my lips. The crowd is hushed. I wanted to play something different, something of the old me.
I look into the crowd and move closer to them. When the instrumental part comes, I go to my knees, looking like I’m praying. I sing softer, my hand pressed against my chest before standing again.
I walk to the edge of the stage and take a seat, singing closer to the people that have made my dreams come true. I smile when I see phone lights shine. The spotlight shines off me and onto Karen, Leo, and Brady as the instrumental part plays again.
I sing the last words. Then there is silence before the crowd screams in cheers.
“I want to do something different tonight, I hope that’s okay?” The crowd cheers again. “I know you all have heard about what I’m going through.” The place hushes. “I want you to know that music is my life, it’s in my soul. I hope no matter what comes, you will remember that I thank you for supporting me, for being there.” Tears form in my eyes.
I sing all the covers I have ever sang from high school until now. The show should have ended an hour ago but no one seems to mind. I let all the words seep out of me. When the last word leaves me, I thank the crowd and leave, running into Colin’s arms.
“You were amazing.”
“You need to think up some other words.” I laugh at him.
“Perfect. How’s that?”
“I’m happy with that.” He kisses me. “I need to go get a shower, I stink.”
“I don’t care.” I hit his arm.
“You were supposed to say that I don’t stink.”
“I’m not going to lie to you.” He laughs.
“Right, I’m going for a shower.” He takes hold of my hand and walks me to my changing room. We get to my door when his phone starts to ring. He says a few words before hanging up. “Everything okay?”
“Yeah, there seems to be a fight outside the exit. I’ll be right back. Go make yourself even more beautiful. He kisses my cheek before running away. I sigh as I watch him leave before opening the door. I’m taking off my jewelry, when there is a knock on the door.
“Come in,” I shout out and a guy in a suit walks in, smiling at me. I study him and he looks so familiar.
“Hey, hope it’s okay I’m here, just waiting for Colin.” I pause. “I’m Danny from school.” I knew I recognized him.
“Oh, my God, Danny, I remember you. You look so different.” I stand up, giving him a hug. He is beaming at me.
“You were great out there.” I wave him off.
“Thank you. It was my last night here so wanted to go out with a bang.”
“I liked that you just sang covers.” I smile at him. He walks closer to me, leaning against the wall.
“Thanks. So, you are catching up with Colin?” I ask him.