Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(63)
“What has that got to do with Danny being here?”
“I think he’s our stalker.”
“Danny? It can’t be.”
“My gut feeling says it's him. Call him from your phone.” I watch him do it before taking the phone off him. I start pacing as I hear the ringing go on and on before he finally answers.
“Colin, it’s been a long time,” he replies.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” There’s silence.
“What gave me away?” Fuck.
“Why? Why are you doing this?” Aarons' eyes go wide.
“Because she is supposed to be with me. You don’t deserve her,” he growls.
“Don’t hurt her, Danny.”
“Why would I do that? We’re going to be happy. Trust me.” He hangs up.
“Fuck. It is him.” I start to run out of the building.
“What should I do?” Aaron runs after me.
“Call the police. I am going to head back to her house.”
“What are you going to find there?” I don’t know.
“Not sure.” All I know is that I need to find her.
I get in the rented car, telling the driver to take me to Sasha’s home. I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack. I grab my phone, calling my dad and after a few rings, he answers.
“What is it?” he answers.
“He’s got her,” I say in a panicked voice.
“Who's got who?”
“Danny has Sasha. She’s gone.” I rub my forehead. “Can you drive faster,” I yell to the driver.
“Who is Danny? What do you mean he has Sasha?” I groan down the line.
“Danny Sullivan, we went to school with him. He is our stalker and he has Sasha.”
“Oh, my God. Where are you now?” His voice goes high pitched.
“I’m on my way to her house to see if I can find anything. The police are being called but Dad, I fucked up, I’m so sorry. There was a fight outside and I was sorting that out, but it was a distraction. It was him getting me away.”
“Son, calm down.”
“I fucked up. I was supposed to keep her safe and I fucked up.” My eyes prickle with tears.
“We are getting in the car now, we will meet you there.” I nod, words stuck in my throat. “She will be okay.” I don’t know if he’s trying to convince himself or me. I hang up and look out the window, each second I’m in this car, it feels like an eternity.
I jump out when I see the house even though the car didn’t stop. I run inside the darkened house, trying to see or hear anything. I look in every room on the ground floor before running up the stairs. I get to her room, opening the door slowly to see her tied up on the bed. I don’t get a chance to get to her before I feel a bang hit me across the head.
Darkness takes over.
“Why are you doing this?” Sasha cries to me. I lie next to her on her bed, stroking her hair. She turns her face away from me. She thinks I will hurt her but I won’t. She needs to know that I love her, that all this is for her.
“I want you to see we are supposed to be together.” I wipe away a few tears that fall.
“Why didn’t you just ask me out? Why didn’t you just talk to me?” I rest my back against the bed frame. I look down her body, I hate that I had to tie her up, but I don’t want to take any chances of her trying to run away from me. Her arms are tied behind her as well as her ankles.
“We both know you wouldn’t have agreed to be with me. It was obvious that you were still in love with Colin. I watched you fuck those dickheads over the years. The men that didn’t deserve to even breathe in the same room as you.”
“What do you mean you watched me?” She sniffs. I look around her room before standing and going to a few of her photos on the wall, taking one down and taking it back to the bed.
“You can get cameras so small that they look like nails. No one would look twice unless they know what they are looking for.” Her eyes widen in surprise. “I told you before I have been watching your career. I have been watching you for a very long time.
“Hearing you sing back at that party, I was angry with you. Talking to me the way you did, defending those nerdy friends of yours, but as I watched you sing, smiling up to Colin, I wanted it to be me. Watching him touch you in the garden, seeing the pleasure on your face, the sounds you made.” I close my eyes, imagining her there.
“The assholes you let touch you in college. Fucking in clubs. I knew you were getting over Colin so I bided my time. I watched you come when you didn’t think anyone was watching, but deep down you knew you were being watched. It’s what made you scream out louder in pleasure.”
“You watched me all those times?”
I nod as I smile at her. “You felt me there, right? I know you did. Every gig you had was because of me; I helped you get where you are. I’m the one that got you signed to my uncle's record label. I helped you get your foot in the door, the rest you did yourself like I knew you would. Who couldn’t love your voice?” I touch her mouth, her lips shaking.
“You did it all?” She looks down and I lift her chin, forcing her to look at me.
“I only helped, you needed it. I love you so much I did anything to help make your dreams come true. I love you, Sasha. I love you more than that dick ever could. He left you, he fucked his way through girls, because he could. He even went back to that Nicole. That day at the restaurant, you were running late, he was fucking her.” She looks at me confused.