Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(65)
“You are not leaving me,” he growls. I lift one leg and kick him hard in the face as I crawl to the door. Colin hasn’t moved, a part of me wants to try and wake him but I know if I stay, I will be caught. I need to get help.
I stand on shaky legs and run down the stairs. When I hear Danny yell my name, I turn around for him to pounce on me and we both roll down the stairs, him pinning me to the floor.
“You are supposed to love me.” He hits me hard across the face. “You are mine.” He hits me again. My vision starts to blur. I feel his mouth near my ear. “I hope you don’t black out on me.” I hear him unzip his jeans, I try to move but I feel so weak. He lifts my skirt once again. I try to push him away but it’s no use.
“Please don’t,” I whisper.
“I’m going to own you, one way or another.” He hovers over my body, pushing my underwear to the side, his fingers entering me. “You feel so tight.” He licks my face. I feel him at my entrance when my front door is slammed open.
Help is here. I pray.
I turn my face a little to see Xander jumping on top of Danny, punching him over and over. I then feel hands on my face and I flinch at the pain. “Oh, honey.” I hear my mom’s voice.
“Mom,” I whisper.
“It’s ok, it’s going to be okay.” She lifts my head, placing me on her knee, stroking my hair.
“Colin.” I try and sit up but my head is too heavy. “Colin is upstairs.”
“Colin is upstairs,” Mom yells out.
“You sick motherfucker.” I hear Xander before everything is quiet. I hear footsteps run up the stairs and Xander crying out.
He’s not dead.
He said he wouldn’t leave me again.
He said he’s all in. I start to cry harder.
“Mom,” I cry out in agony, but this time it’s my heart.
“It’s going to be okay.” She cries.
I don’t know how long I lay there, but I soon hear sirens and I am being lifted onto a stretcher, questions being asked to me, but I’m numb. I can’t register what anyone is saying. I am taken outside when I feel my hand being held and I turn to Karen who is crying.
“Is he dead?” I ask her and she holds my hand tighter. “Tell me.” Her mouth wobbles.
“I don’t know,” she whispers. I look around me until I see Colin being put into an ambulance, his eyes closed.
“Is he dead?” I sob out. “Is he dead?” I cry out harder. “We had our second chance, this was our second chance.” My voice is quivering. “Our second chance,” I breathe before darkness takes me over.
I got checked out in the hospital and with just a few bruises, I am going to be okay, but it’s not me I’m worried about. We are all in the waiting room, waiting for news on Colin. Because he was knocked over the head, he had to get a C.T. scan to see if there are any internal damages.
Mom is holding me as I look over to Xander who is pacing up and down. He saved my life. If he was two seconds too late, I would have been raped. I know I would be sitting here feeling completely different than I do now.
I am still in shock by the whole thing, but I hold onto the fact that he didn’t go any further. We were told reporters are swarming the front doors, the leeches. They want to know what happened, and soon we will have to tell them.
My eyes are getting heavy when I hear a cough and I look up to see two detectives giving me concerned looks.
“I am so sorry for what happened, but we need to ask you a few questions,” The one with light brown hair and brown eyes says.
“Can’t this wait until tomorrow?” Mom asks.
“Mom, it’s okay. If I talk now, the sooner they can throw the book at that sicko.” The two detectives sit.
“I’m Detective Morse and this is Detective Gilmore.” I look to the other detective and he looks older than the other, more rounded in the middle area. “I need you to tell me what happened.”
I nod. “I’ve been getting letters and flowers for the past few months but thought nothing of it. Thought it was a huge fan, but it started to get worse.” I pause. “They were getting into my changing rooms, my home. Taking pictures of me as I slept.”
“We did inform the police,” Xander interrupts. “But nothing could be done.” The detective looks to him then back to me.
“Xander asked Colin to be my new bodyguard because of it. But it didn’t stop. More photos were taken, more flowers.”
“You had more pictures?” Xander asks me.
“Yes,” I whisper.
“What were in the pictures?” Detective Gilmore asks me.
“Of me and Colin being intimate,” I say, feeling my cheeks heat up.
“Your bodyguard?” he asks and I nod.
“He was my boyfriend back in school, we just got back together yesterday, I think that’s what put Danny over the edge.”
“Danny Sullivan?” He asks, writing it down.
“He went to school with us, I never really knew him, other than he was friends with Colin. Well, I thought they were friends, but he told me that he started getting feelings for me back then and that he has watched me ever since.”
“Stalked you?”
“Yes. He is the one that got me all the gigs through college, he is the one that helped the band get signed.” Mom gasps.