Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(66)

“He did what?” Xander yells.

“His uncle is the guy who signed us on.” Xander pulls his hair and starts pacing again.

“What happened at the house?” I feel tears prickle my eyes.

“I was in my changing room getting ready to go home when he comes in saying he’s waiting for Colin. We start talking, then it clicks that it was him sending all the photos and before I had time to react, he grabbed me and everything went dark. I woke up tied up on my bed. He was telling me how much he loved me that I was his.” I press my hands to my mouth.

“It’s okay, take your time, sweetie,” Mom says softly.

“I heard Colin come into the house, but he gagged me so I couldn’t warn him. I watched Danny hit his head with a statue and he fell to the floor.” I start to cry. “He didn’t move. I saw the blood.” Tears flow down my cheeks.

“Danny started to touch me, telling me that I will soon feel what he feels. He was touching my breasts, kissing my stomach, his face was down here.” I try and control my breathing. “He said how good I smelled. When I saw him start to undo his belt, I started to panic and the ties around my wrists got loose and I got free and hit him as hard as I could, giving me enough time to get away. I got to Colin but still nothing. I tried to get help.”

I look to Xander. “I had to get help. I heard Danny behind me and he jumped on me, causing us both to tumble down the stairs. He hit me hard a couple of times across the head. My whole body started to feel weak.

I watched as he unzipped himself, he used his fingers.” My whole body starts to tremble, remembering it all. “I felt him at my entrance. I thought I was going to be raped, right there on the floor, then he was pulled off me by Xander.” I feel Mom cry against me as she holds me.

“I am so sorry you had to go through all that.”

“What happens now?” Xander asks.

“We will get a statement from Colin when he wakes, but with all the evidence stacked up against him, Danny will be locked away for a very long time.

“Thank God,” Mom whispers.

“Thank you for your time, Miss Bennett, and again, sorry for what has happened.” I watch both detectives stand.

Hours have gone by and we haven’t heard a thing. My heart is hammering against my chest. I just need someone to tell me he is okay. When I see a doctor walk towards us, I run over to him. “How is he?” I ask frantically.

“He’s doing good. The scans came back clear, no brain trauma. Just a very large bump. He’s going to feel that for a while, but nothing serious. He has to try and stay awake for the next twelve hours, so you have to keep an eye on him. It’s just a precaution.” I sigh in relief.

“Can we go see him?”

“Sure, he’s been asking for you anyway. Stubborn young man.” I can’t help but laugh.

“Yeah, he is.” But he is my stubborn man.

When we get to Colin’s room, he is sitting up on the bed. He smiles when he sees me. I run over to him, laying my body over his. Tears once again flowing.

“Hey, why are you crying? I’m fine,” Colin says, stroking my hair.

“I thought I lost you when I saw you on the floor, not moving, I felt my whole world crumble away.” I sniff.

“Shhh, I’m ok, we are okay. I’m just sorry I didn’t help.”

“You came for me. You almost died to save me.” I start to cry again and he pulls me in close to him.

“Thank you, Colin. For everything,” Mom says from behind me.

“I didn’t do anything. It was Dad that saved the day, I hear.” I look to Xander and tears are in his eyes.

“When I saw you on the floor, all the blood. I thought I lost you, I thought I lost my son. The last time we talked…” He stops.

“Dad, it’s okay. I’m fine. I get where you were coming from, but I love her, nothing is going to stop me from being with her.”

“I know. I’m just happy you are okay.” Colin looks to me and touches the bruises on my face.

“I love you, Sasha Bennett,” he says softly.

“I love you, Colin Baxter.” I lean forward and press my lips to his.


1 year later

I look around the set, not believing that I am on the Ellen DeGeneres Show. I look to Sasha and she is sitting there smiling, looking calm. I entwine her fingers with mine, lifting her hand to my mouth, kissing her knuckles, and she smiles brightly at me.

I am so lucky to have her.

The past year hasn’t been easy; a lot of bad press went out about us being together. It went all over the media, especially social media. People gave their opinions, and trust me, some were nasty and repulsive.

A few acted like we grew up together as children under the same roof, but we stuck it out. Not letting them get to us.

Sasha had a press conference not long after I left the hospital, telling her side of the story of what happened. She talked about Danny and how he was her stalker, but it led to her telling the world about me also.

She said she loved me back in school and that she is still very much in love with me now. The news spread like wildfire: Upcoming rockstar, sleeping with her stepbrother.

Sasha and the band did a ton of interviews to get the story straight.

J.L. Ostle's Books