Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(58)
“You don’t get to sit there and tell me everything that I already know. Telling me all the reasons why we can’t be together. I have told myself all those things for years. It still doesn’t stop how I feel. You tell me you still love me and I’m supposed to nod my head and act like nothing has changed? That you are going to be by my side for God knows how long and we are supposed to be okay with that?”
“Sasha,” he says shakily.
“Don’t ‘Sasha’ me. I gave myself to you tonight. I gave you my body and you acted like I disgusted you after.”
“I thought we were being watched. If you disgusted me, I wouldn’t have dragged you around the whole fucking house making sure that you were safe. My main priority is you being safe!” he yells back at me.
“But fuck how we feel?”
“Stop talking like that!” he screams at me.
“Like what?” I spit at him.
“Like this…” He points at me. “Like this bitch that has taken over your body. I am trying to do what’s right. Don’t you get that?”
“What is right is that you and I were meant to be together. You said I could have you as long as I wanted you. I want you now. I want you to be mine. I want you to want me,” I cry out to him. I walk around him but after a few steps, he takes hold of my hand, spinning me around.
“I want that, too.” He pulls me into him, cupping my cheeks.
“Then have me. I hate how we have been, how we have been acting around each other. It’s not us. I just want to be us again.”
“Not everyone will accept us.” His thumb strokes my bottom lip, causing my eyes to close.
“I have spent years away from you, don’t let me go through that again,” I whisper and soon, his lips gently touch mine.
“I’m all in.” He pulls back.
“You mean it?” I give him a watery smile.
“If you know this won’t be easy. But yes, I’m all in, if you will have me?” I jump up, wrapping my legs around his waist.
“I will always have you.”
“You have been a complete bitch, I hated seeing you like that. It was like being around someone else.”
“You have been a complete ass. So annoying,” she teases.
“Guess we are a match made in heaven.” He kisses my nose. “I love you, Sasha, and I’m sorry it took me so long to come back to you.” He rubs his nose with mine.
“You’re here now.” I lean forward and kiss him and the door bangs open, Karen and Aaron barging in. Their eyes bug out when they see us. “Hi, guys,” I say sheepishly.
“Hi, Sash.” Karen gives me a small wave.
“I got your message,” Aaron says, holding a brown envelope in his hands. “We found this on the doorstep.” Colin helps me to my feet and we both walk to Aaron. I watch Colin take the envelope. He opens it up and we see picture after picture of us in the alleyway.
“That motherfucker!” he shouts into the room. I take the photos from him, looking through each one.
“He was watching us,” I say quietly.
What the fuck was I thinking, kissing Sasha in a dirty alleyway? Fuck, it was more than kissing, I was basically ravaging her in a public place, and this sicko was watching, taking pictures.
“We need to call the police,” Karen speaks up. I look to Sasha and she still is looking at the photos in her hands. I grab my phone from my pocket when Aaron stops me.
“You can’t.” I look to him angrily.
“Why the hell not?”
“They will ask to look at the pictures. They will know that you are related and this may get plastered all over the papers.”
“Fuck.” He’s right. I bet the stalker knows that, too. He is toying with me and I don’t like it.
“I guess you won’t be able to tell Xander, either,” Karen says quietly. I’m screwed. I really wanted to keep Sasha safe and I’ve just made things worse. I walk to Sasha, taking the pictures away and sitting her down.
“I will figure this out,” I try and reassure her.
“I know you will. I tried to be spontaneous, and follow what I was feeling, and I didn’t think of anything else. All I’m thinking about now is what if you never came out when you did? Was he watching me before you found me?” I look into her scared eyes and my blood starts to boil. She’s right. How long was he there for?
“You need to go get some sleep. I’ve checked your room already but Aaron and I will take turns watching over you.”
“I’ll sleep over, too. It will be like a slumber party.” Karen smiles to her and Sasha nods. I watch them walk up the stairs but I quickly run after her, stopping her with a gentle kiss.
“It doesn’t change what we talked about tonight. I’m all in, okay?” She kisses my cheek and nods before heading back up with Karen.
I head to Aaron and he is looking at his phone. “What’s up?” I ask him.
“Oh, it's Danny, he’s saying he’s around and if we want to meet up sometime.” God, I haven’t heard from Danny since graduation. I think I remember him saying he’s going to work for his uncle or something.
“Tell him we’ll meet up soon. But don’t fill him in on what’s going on. I don’t want anyone else knowing about what Sasha is going through.”