Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(39)
“It’s like a drug,” I tell her.
“I think I’m addicted. Right now, I want you to fuck me and hurt me all at the same time. Pain during sex is so good. It intensified it and I want you to fuck me. So badly.”
“You can’t say that to me.” It is taking so much control to not go again.
“I want you to touch me, I want to do so many bad, bad things with you. I want you to come over my pussy as I watch you touch your dick. I want you to fuck me in every position possible. I want you to fuck me over and over again. Fuck, I even want you to choke me during sex.” I look to her and even talking about this is turning her on and, looking to my dick, I’m shocked that it’s ready for another round.
“Fuck, you have no idea how much I want to fill every desire of yours.”
“There’s something worse.”
“What?” I ask her slowly.
“I don’t care that you’re my stepbrother. I just want you to keep fucking me.” I groan. This isn’t healthy but since when have we been healthy for one another? We get one taste and it’s like we can’t get enough.
I pull her on top of me so she is straddling me. I move her on top of my dick and she slowly starts to glide down on me. Her body arches into me, her nipples close to my mouth, and soon she starts riding me again. Her nails digging into my shoulders.
We both stop when I hear my phone ringing. “Go check who it is,” she breathes. I see it a couple feet away and quickly lean over and grab it, making sure I’m still inside Sasha, and see Aaron calling.
“It’s only Aaron.” I'm about to put the phone down, ignoring it.
“Answer it,” she tells me.
“Answer it.” I look from her to my phone, pressing accept and hear Aaron’s voice.
“Hey man, you ready for the big leagues tomorrow?” Sasha starts moving on top of me and I have to bite my lip to not make a sound.
“Answer him,” she breathes in my ear.
“Yeah, tomorrow is going to be crazy,” I try and say normally.
“Everything okay?” Sasha leans her body back a little and fuck it feels so good.
“Yeah, everything is fine… I’m just getting everything sorted.
“I’m aching for you. God Colin, you are so big, fill me, Colin. Please fill me,” she teases me in my ear.
“What are you doing, man?” I don’t answer him, I just grab hold of her hips and start ramming her down on me and soon she cries out and I grunt out my release. “Colin. Colin,” I hear shouts from my phone.
“What?” I say, picking it up.
“You answered your phone while you were fucking someone? What the fuck is wrong with you?” That is a very good question. “Who you fucking?”
“Colin, that was… fuck,” Sasha says, her head pressed to my chest.
“Is that Sasha? Did you just fuck Sasha?”
“I need to go.”
“Don’t you hang up on me.” But I do.
“You really are full of surprises.” I kiss her mouth and she starts to rub herself against me. “Babe, if I go again, my dick is literally going to shrivel up and leave me.” She pouts.
“Look at you, Miss goody, goody. The sexed-up nympho.” We laugh.
“I don’t even know what got into me.”
“Me.” I wink at her. I look at the time and I groan, knowing we have been having a sex marathon for the last three hours. “We need to shower before movie night.” Her eyes go wide and she stands.
“Oh, my God, what did we do?” She starts to panic. “We just had sex. Lots of sex. Crazy sex.” She looks around her messy room. “What if they can tell we did something?” I walk to her, palming her cheeks.
“They won’t know. Just get washed up and I’ll see you shortly.”
She nods. “Okay.” I kiss her forehead and walk to the door. She watches me go. Seeing her stand there still naked, her hair a wild mess, she is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
I close her door on my way out and head to my room, taking a long shower. I feel like I just dreamed everything but feeling the hot water on my back, I know it wasn’t.
Fuck that girl has nails.
I get dressed and am putting on my socks when there is a knock on my door and I open it up to see my dad and he doesn’t look pleased.
“What is going on between you and Sasha?” I have trained myself to not show emotion on my face when I’m around him, but my heart is hammering in my chest.
“What do you mean?” I try and act stupid.
“Don’t play dumb. I heard you.” I sit on the bed and place my head in my hands.
“We were dating before we knew about you and her mom.” I look up and see a vein pop on the side of his neck.
“You’ve been screwing around this entire time?”
I stand. “No, we stopped our own fucking happiness for you and Marie. We loved each other but we stayed away from each other, do you know how hard that was?”
“Watch your tone with me, boy. You don’t even know what love is. You’re just a kid.”
“I do know what love is and that is with the girl across the hall.”
“I won’t allow this to happen. You will stop seeing her. She is your fucking stepsister, what would people say?”