Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(44)
“Yeah, too bad, or I would have married her by now,” I throw back at her. I see her mouth drop before I slam the door closed and leave the hotel. I need to get away from this town. I walk back to the restaurant and call myself a cab.
After a ten-minute wait, I climb in and look out the window to see a girl with black hair run into the restaurant and I shake my head, leaning back. I just need to get away.
I am still disappointed that I didn’t see Sasha. See her smile. To know that she’s happy.
“We will book you in to record one of your songs and if the other members of the board approve, we will let you know.” Mr. Kyle shakes each of our hands and we leave the building. When we get outside, Karen and I scream.
This could be it. This could be our big break.
“Don’t get too excited. This might not be anything,” Brady says and we stick our tongues out at him.
“Don’t be such a sour puss. Even if nothing comes from it, it’s still amazing that we got asked to record something. We are going to record one of our songs in an actual recording studio.” Karen shrieks. I look at my watch and sigh.
I’m excited that this is happening but I’m also upset that I had to miss out on the family meal. Colin got accepted to play with the NYG. He worked so hard to get where he is and he deserves this big break. I wanted him to know how proud of him I am.
“Thinking about Colin?” Leo asks me.
“Yeah, just hate that I missed my chance to see him.”
“You could still go,” Karen tells me.
“By the time I get there, I might miss them.”
“You won’t know if you don’t try. Just go and if you’re meant to see him, you will.” I bite my lip. “Do you want to regret that you didn’t try? Just go and if you see him, you hug, tell him congrats, and come back.” I think it over before smiling.
“Okay, I’m going.” Karen claps her hands.
“Okay, come here.” I walk over to her. She pulls out my hair tie, shaking my hair out and puts gloss on my lips. “You don’t want him seeing you look like shit.”
“Thanks.” I roll my eyes.
“Anytime, now go. Tell him I say hi.” I run to the road, calling out a cab, and once I’m inside, butterflies swarm around in my stomach. At every red light, I groan. I just want to be there already.
When we pull up to the restaurant, I throw the driver some money and run inside. I look around the room but I can’t see him. I walk to the hostess station asking if the Baxter party is gone.
“I’m sorry, Miss, they left a while ago.” The smile falls from my face.
“Oh, okay. Thank you.” I walk back outside and look up to the sky. I guess I wasn’t meant to see him.
I decide to take a walk and when it starts to get dark, I call for a cab and head back home. I’m sitting in my own self-pity when my phone goes off and I see my mom calling me.
“Hi, Mom.”
“So, how did it go?”
“I think it went well. We’re going to record a song for them and if the other members of the board like it, they will sign us on.” I hear her scream.
“Oh, honey that’s amazing!”
“Don’t get your hopes up. They might not like it.”
She scoffs. “If they don’t love hearing your voice, they are obviously tone deaf. They are going to love you. Make sure you keep me posted.”
“You know I will…” I pause for a second. “So, how was Colin?”
“He’s good. He’s turned into such an amazing man. Can’t believe he’s going to be playing professional football. He’ll be on TV.” I laugh.
“Yeah, I don’t think he cares about the TV part, he always just loved playing.”
“I know, but it’s exciting and soon we will be watching your music videos on TV.”
“Yeah, fingers crossed.”
“Remember me when you're famous.” We laugh.
“You’re my mother, besides you would tell embarrassing stories if I tried to pretend I didn’t know you.”
“That is very true.” We laugh again.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get to come today. We haven’t had the whole family together in one room in years.”
“I know you couldn’t help it. You both are very busy and I know you both can’t always get away.” I have come home every Christmas and Fourth of July but Colin always had a game somewhere or had training. When I had something going on, it would so happen he could make it home. It was like he was waiting to see what my plans were first.
It would hurt if I knew he was avoiding me on purpose.
“I love you, Mom, I just want you to know that.”
“I love you too. Stay safe, okay?”
“I will.” We say our goodbyes and I hang up. I scroll through my contact list until I see Colin’s name. My finger hovers above it before I decide to press it. I listen to the rings, my heart beating a million times a second before he answers.
“Sasha.” Just hearing his voice saying my name sends shivers all over me. “Everything okay?” I hear concern in his voice.
“Yeah, I just wanted to say sorry I couldn’t make it to dinner and congratulations.” Silence.