Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(42)
I hate when I close my eyes and all I see is Colin. I sway my hips, my hands in my hair. Images of him enter my head. Him smiling at me, him looking into my eyes, showing me everything that he is feeling.
He promised to stay in touch with me but he never has. I haven’t seen him since that day in his room. I woke up in the morning to find him already gone. No letter, no nothing.
Pink continues to sing and her words flow around me.
When I’m working, or playing in the band, or even writing songs, I’m distracted, but it’s times when my mind is free, Colin pops right back in. I have basically stalked his ass. I like to keep up-to-date on his games and I’m not surprised he has won each one.
I have also seen pictures of the girls he has been with. It hurt at first, but he’s moving on. It’s what we are supposed to be doing.
Moving on.
My eyes are still closed when I feel hands go around my middle, my body being pulled into a hard chest. His body sways with mine and I wrap my arms around his neck, my back still to his front.
I soon feel his erection press against my ass and I start rubbing myself against him, his fingers digging into my waist. I moan. I missed feeling this.
Another song plays but we keep in the same rhythm; teasing one another. I start to feel that ache build inside me. When I finally can’t get enough, I grab the guy’s hand, not even looking at him, and drag him through the crowd until we reach a hallway where the bathrooms are. Down the hall there is a darkened corner. I push him into the wall and I finally see it’s the guy from the bar.
I slam my mouth onto his and start pulling his hair hard. He groans into my mouth. I unzip his pants, freeing his dick, and see it’s long and smooth. I grip my hand around it, my lips still on his, and he starts panting against my lips. I grab a condom from my bra and his eyes go wide, I just smirk at him.
I place the condom on and push his shoulders down so he bends down a little, and I place him at my entrance and quickly climb on top of him, causing us both to groan into the hall. There are two metal bars above me so I grab hold and start moving myself up and down. His dick slides in and out of me.
I free one hand and suck my fingers, his eyes watching me. I place them between us, rubbing my clit as I start to go faster. His hands are digging into my ass and I close my eyes and see a pair of green ones looking at me. I start going faster, the eyes going darker. Soon I scream out my release the same time the guy groans out his. I move off him and start adjusting myself. I watch him take off the condom, placing it in a nearby waste bin.
“I was not expecting that.” He shakes his head.
“They never do.” I start to walk away but he grabs hold of my hand.
“Can I see you again?”
“We fucked, you don’t need to act like it was something it wasn’t.”
“I mean it. I want to see you again.”
“We can’t, I’m sorry.” I try and walk away again but he stands in front of me.
“I don’t mean to sound like a girl, but what just happened was so fucking good. Let me just give you my card. You call me if you change your mind.” He hands me his card. I look at it and see his name is Michael Thompson.
“I’ll think about it.” He smiles and walks off and I look at the card before placing it in the same bin the used condom is in.
I know your judging me, but don’t.
I don’t sleep around. I have moments when I am consumed with this ache inside me and I need to let it out. It only ever happens when I’m out and I’m thinking of my dear old stepbrother.
Yeah, I know how that sounded.
I walk back to the bar and Karen spots me and walks over. “Please don’t tell me you were fucking in a hallway again.”
“Okay, I won’t,” I joke.
“You’re crazy, you know that?”
“I do. Not my fault I get horny when I dance with a guy.”
“You're weird. Anyway, we’re ready to go, you coming?”
“Already have.” I laugh when she makes a face.
“Too much information. Come on let’s get going.” She links her arm through mine.
“What about you? Didn’t you get some?” Karen gives me a knowing look.
“He went down on me as I stood behind the bar.” I shake my head at her. She likes getting caught.
“The bartenders just let it happen?”
“Yup, I guess. They did look at times.”
“You say I’m bad.” We get into Brady’s van and head back to our apartment.
2 years later
I feel my body shaking with nerves and I can’t seem to stop my leg from bouncing. I am sitting in a restaurant waiting for my family to join me. I’ve just been offered a job with the New York Giants and I accepted.
When I told dad, it was probably the first time I ever heard pride in his voice. He wanted to celebrate and have dinner as a family.
I’m first to get here and soon I see Dad and Marie with big smiles coming my way. Marie gives me a huge hug as dad and I do a man hug thing. I watch them take their seats and my eyes go to where they came from, waiting for her.
“She isn’t coming,” Dad says and I look to him and he is watching me.
“I’m sorry, sweetie, she really did want to come. She even bought ten different dresses for this, but someone showed interest in her music and wanted to meet up with her and her band. She did tell me to tell you that she is sorry.” I shouldn’t feel disappointed, but I do. I just wanted to see her in person. Just once.