Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(45)

“I understand. Thank you, though.”

“I’m very proud of you. You're following your dream, it’s such an accomplishment.”

“Thank you, Sasha. That means a lot. I heard you are living yours.”

I chuckle. “I play gigs, but we are pretty popular on campus and a few bars. I had a meeting today and if luck is on my side, I could be getting signed.”

“That is amazing. They would be idiots if they didn’t snatch you up.”

“Thank you, Colin.” It goes silent again.

“I guess I will say goodb…”

“Colin.” I interrupt him.


I bite my lip. “I did try. I tried to be there. I was just too late. I showed up to the restaurant but you were already gone.”

“You came to the restaurant?” I nod even though he can’t see me.

“Yeah, I ran in, hoping I got to see you but you were gone. I just want you to know that I did try.”

“Do you still have black hair?” I look to my phone, confused.

“Yeah, why?” I hear him curse away from the phone but I can still hear him.

“Nothing. Thanks for trying.”

“It doesn’t help that I was about two hours too late.” I laugh.

“Just thank you for trying.”

“Goodbye, Colin.”

“Goodbye, Sasha.” I hang up and I look at my phone like it’s going to show me a magic window so I can see him.


1 year later

“I’m sorry, son, but it's broken,” the doctor tells me, showing me the x-ray sheet. I hold my cast to my body. It can’t be broken. Not my good arm.

“When can I play again?” I look to my dad and to Coach before looking back to the doctor who won’t look at me.

“I’m afraid it’s serious. You most likely won’t get the full strength back that it once had and, if anything ever did happen again, you wouldn’t be able to use the full function of your right arm.” I listen to each word but none of it is registering.

“I can’t play football anymore?”

“I’m afraid not, son.” Tears form in my eyes. This is the only thing I’m good at. I was born to do this.

“Is there anything he could do? Physio? Treatments?” Dad asks.

“I’m afraid not. The cast will keep the bones in place and help repair the damage but, like I said, it’s not going to be the same. He can’t put too much pressure on it or he will feel immense pain by overworking it. He needs to be careful and look after himself.”

“Thank you, doctor,” Coach says before walking to my side. I watch as the doctor leaves, stunned.

“What am I supposed to do now?”

“You heal, you rest, and think about what your next steps are going to be.” Coach claps my good shoulder.

“This is all I’m good at. I don’t know what to do with my life.”

“You will find your way. You were a great player, just rest, son.” He gives me a small smile and leaves.

“Dad, what am I going to do?”

“I don’t know, son, but I’ll help you. Whatever you need, I will help you.” I look up to the ceiling and coach’s words hit me.

You were a good player.


My career is over. Everything I worked for is flushed down the toilet.

I am trying hard not to cry, knowing my dad is still in the room, when a nurse walks in. “Your wife and daughter are waiting outside for you. They seem worried.” I start to panic. I don’t want Sasha to see me like this. I haven’t seen her in years and I don’t want the first time to be me in a hospital bed.

“Dad, don’t let Sasha in here. Say I don’t want any visitors. Tell them to leave,” I beg him. “Please.” He nods.

“Of course. Nurse, make sure no one except myself comes into this room.” She nods before leaving. “I’m here for you son.” He heads to the door. “I know you think your life is over but you’ve made me so proud. I know I was a terrible father, but you got so far, all on your own. All by your own merit. You did well.” He leaves and tears finally come.

I just wish things were different now.


1 year later

I watch as she steps out of the cab, looking up at the building. The wind is flowing through her hair and seeing her grab hold of it, moving it over her left shoulder, exposing her beautiful neck, I can’t help but think about licking her.

She smiles and laughs as her friends join her side then head inside the building. I walk slowly behind them and not once do they turn my way.

Why would they?

I look like any businessman that surround these halls. I make sure I’m a few feet away but close enough that my eyes stay on her.

Hearing her voice, hearing her laugh. Fuck it makes my dick hard for her.

I can’t wait until I get her alone.

I know now isn’t the time, but I’m a patient man, and in the long run, it will be worth it.

I watch her head to the elevators and wait. I take a seat not that far away from her and my eyes trail down her body. The skinny black jeans hugging her beautiful ass. The white, ripped crop top teasing any wandering eye to her perfect cleavage.

J.L. Ostle's Books