Drawn to You (Lover to Stepbrother)(36)

“You were never that to me,” he breathes into my ear. “I just wanted to be with you one more time.” I turn and push him away.

“Our parents just got married today. It’s different now!” I shout at him. “I hope you have a nice life, Colin.” I walk out and slam the door behind me. I look up to the ceiling, begging the tears to not fall. I try and calm myself and walk back to the wedding. I get back to the stage and Karen runs to me.

“What happened? I saw him run after you.”

“He’s leaving. He’s moving away after graduation.” I put the guitar strap over me.

“Oh, babe…” I put my hand up, stopping her.

“Don’t. I’m finding it a little hard to stay strong right now so, please, we can’t talk about it, not now.”

“Whatever you want, babe.” She gives a look to Brady and Leo.

“Hi everyone, we are back. Ready for some more music?” I take in a deep breath and let my fingers work their magic.


It's graduation and I should be happy. I basically got all A’s in my classes. I got accepted at C.L.A. University with Karen, Leo, and Brady. We are all going together. I turn and see Mom and Xander smiling. Mom waves at me, holding a camera and I wave back. I look to my side and see Colin sitting next to me with his arms crossed.

Of course, we both had to have the same last initial.

What happened in the bathroom wasn’t the last time we came close to sleeping together. With his room near enough to mine, there were times we uninvitedly entered each other’s room. It was like a pathetic game as we would turn the other down if it was them who was asking.

He leaves tomorrow morning and I will be spending the summer with my friends, Mom, and Xander. Xander has been nice towards me and very sweet to my mother but he treats his son so poorly. He acts like he’s more of an inconvenience than a son.

I spoke to Mom about it and she told me it wasn’t our business to comment. He won’t tell her how to raise me and it worked vice versa, even though I know my mom would love to say something about it.

I listen as some rich guy goes on and when it’s time to stand to get our diplomas, I feel the excitement course through me.

High school is over. I can’t believe it.

I’ve only taken a few steps when I accidentally stand on my gown, causing me to trip, and I’m about to fall backwards when arms wrap around me, pulling me back up. I look up to Colin smirking at me.

“You do have ways of getting in my arms,” he jokes and I laugh.

“What can I say? I like falling for you.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I wish I said something else. It really was a bad joke.

“I’m going to miss you, sweets.”

“I’m going to miss you, too.” He keeps me in his arms. “Stay in touch, okay? I’ll try and follow all your games.”

He gives me a small smile. “I’m sure I will be hearing your music on the radio soon.”

“Fingers crossed.” I show him my crossed fingers and he laughs.

“Don’t change, okay?”

“I’ll try, but you know what fame is like; sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll.” I flick my hair.

“Come on, let’s go, graduate.” He starts walking and I follow suit. I wait as the student’s names get called out and when I hear Colin’s, I can’t help but cheer and he turns around, smiling hugely at me, shaking his head.

When my name is called next, I walk up and shake Mr. Atkins hand and turn to see my Mom cheering and taking photos. Colin jogs up in front of me then, lifting me up and placing me over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” I squeal.

“For old times’ sake.” He walks me down back to our seats and when I am seated, I hit his arm.

“You had to make a scene.”

“Come on, that was funny. Did you see a few of the people’s faces?” I look around and see a few of the students point and whisper. They know that we dated and they know that we are now related. I’m surprised that our parents never heard; if they did, they probably thought it was a pile of crap.

After the last student got their diploma and we all cheer, we walk to our parents and get pulled in for hugs. Well, Xander shook my and Colin’s hand, congratulating us.

“I can’t believe my baby has graduated. Going to college in a few weeks.” She starts to cry and Xander places his arm around her waist. “I just have one thing to ask.”

“What’s that, Mom?”

“If you make me a grandmother anytime soon, I will kick your ass.” I look to her, my mouth hanging open and Colin and Xander laugh at me.

“Mom, I can’t believe you just said that.” She is smiling at me.

“Oh, come on, that was funny. You should have seen your face.”

“Are you twelve? That was so embarrassing.”

“No, embarrassing would be that you would run around naked and shake your bum-bum when…” I quickly cover her mouth with my hand.

“You finish that and I will purposely get knocked up.” The look she gives me isn’t funny.

“Now that isn’t funny.” I cross my arms.

“You are such a spoilsport. I want to know what you did shaking your little baby butt.” Colin walks to my Moms side.

J.L. Ostle's Books