Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(44)

“You don’t know that, Parker. Maybe she has been pining away for us too, or maybe she found out she’s dying and she needs one of us to donate a freaking kidney. For God’s sake, don’t fu-ck this up because you’ve got your panties in a wad.”

Parker’s temper flared at the insult. “fu-ck you, Rogan. She. Left. Us. Not the other way around. We gave her everything, laid it all out on the table, and she still left. She knew how we felt about her and she still fu-cking ran.”

Rogan silently glared at his brother, absorbing his words and his pain like a sponge. He hadn’t realized how hurt Parker had been by Rachel’s leaving until this moment. Parker had remained stoic for the most part, acting as though the whole thing had been intended to be temporary. Now, his armor was finally cracking, and Rogan was shocked to find a bleeding heart underneath.

“Parker, did you ever once tell her you loved her?”

Nostrils flaring, Parker nearly growled his answer out, “No. I showed her.”

“Well I didn’t either, and sometimes words are necessary. Maybe this time instead of fu-cking her into oblivion, we try being honest and admit we’re head over heels in love with her.”

“Fine, you tell her whatever the fu-ck you want, but I’m not sure I’ll have much to say.”

Rogan snorted at Parker, “Yeah, right. Mr. Dominant always has something to say. Think of it this way, Parker, if she’s coming back to ask for our forgiveness, maybe you’ll get a chance to spank her ass for leaving in the first place.”

Parker’s lips lifted in an evil grin, and Rogan laughed out loud as he left the barn and Parker to his wicked thoughts.

Chapter Fourteen

Rachel’s heart was racing as she climbed out of her truck, and stood staring up at the Brooks brother’s home trying to get her courage together and walk in. They would all four be there, waiting for her as she had requested because that’s just how they were. She could feel the cold metal of the bracelet on her wrist, and she played with the tiny charms nervously.

The excitement in Rogan’s voice when he answered the phone and agreed to the meeting still left a burning feeling in her heart. Would he be just as enthusiastic when he found out what brought her here?

She wasn’t going to lie to herself. There was just as much excitement under her skin at the chance to see the four men as there was anxiety about facing them again. As she started toward the front porch, the screen door creaked open, and she looked up to find Sawyer and Rogan standing in the entryway with mile wide grins on their handsome faces.

Dark eyes followed her path as she took the steps carefully, hoping and praying the trembling in her knees wasn’t obvious. Her body flamed to life when Sawyer pushed past Rogan and met her in the middle, wrapping his arms around her and burying his face in her hair with a laugh.

“Good God, woman, I thought you would never come to your senses,” he said into her ear and Rachel felt tears burning her eyes.

He held her like a precious childhood toy that gave him comfort and security, clutching her to his chest tightly, but stroking his hands up and down her back at the same time. She couldn’t resist turning her face and pressing her nose against his throat to get a whiff of his strong masculine scent. She had missed him. Letting all of the love she had hidden away before flood through her now, she hugged him back without a word.

When he finally lifted his head and noted her watery expression, his coffee colored eyes filled with concerned. “Oh shit, did I hurt you, baby? I was just so glad to see you…I mean to see you here…with us…at our house…fu-ck!”

She patted his chest with one hand while using the other to brush a stray tear from her cheek. “I’m okay, cowboy. It’s just nice to know I was missed.”

He gave her his best cheeky grin and stepped back to give her some room to greet his brothers. Rogan was next to wrap her in his arms, hugging her almost as tightly as Sawyer had, and brushing a sweet kiss over her forehead.

“I missed you too, love.” he whispered, and she gave him her brightest smile, trying not to let her worry and fear show. Very shortly he would probably be rethinking that statement.

Rogan held the door to allow her through it, and she stepped inside and into Hudson’s waiting embrace. His was less comforting than Rogan and Sawyer’s had been, and she could see the hurt and confusion that lined his face. Hudson wasn’t quite as optimistic about her sudden appearance it would seem.

Rachel’s stomach flip-flopped. Rogan at least still had positive feelings toward her, but it was possible this baby was Hudson’s and not Rogan’s. If that was the case, would the tension always remain between them?

Sensing her hesitation, Hudson gave her a half smile that she assumed was supposed to alleviate her fears, but actually just sent a shaft of pain through her heart. “Welcome back, Rachel.”

It killed her that she had been the one to steal Hudson’s smile. The sweet romantic man, who had trusted her, now looked down at her like she was a predator on a mission to rip his throat out. It would be a terrible loss for the world if he never regained his happy jovial self.

“Thank you for the gifts,” she murmured, and his eyes dropped to her wrist. She had hoped to see a spark of something there, but he just nodded and kept is face eerily blank.

A shiver of nerves skittered down her spine, and she wrapped her arms around her body. When she turned away from Hudson she realized that Parker wasn’t there waiting in line to greet her. In fact, he wasn’t in the living room at all. Tossing a curious look at Rogan, she was even more stymied when he just reached for her hand to draw her into the kitchen.

Lori King's Books