Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(48)

“I guess that means I’m not cooking breakfast for you in the morning,” Sawyer said, coming back in and handing her a brand new toothbrush.

“I can’t stay the night tonight, guys. I have a meeting tomorrow morning at eight with the Rafts. Randal finally signed the paperwork with me to sell their place, and I need to go over and work out an open house schedule.”

Hudson nodded, and kissed her forehead. “That’s okay, honey, we understand. But we would like you to spend more time out here at the ranch. Hopefully someday you’ll feel like this is your home too. Now, when did you say that first doctor’s appointment was?”

Chapter Fifteen

Rachel sat in Diana Raft’s kitchen the next morning holding a cup of coffee in her hands while Randal and Diana looked over the paperwork for their listing. The ranch was large, and it was a prime piece of grazing land, but the house and barn needed a lot of work. By the disappointed look on Randal’s face, Rachel knew he was expecting to list the place for more money than it was worth.

“Are you sure that’s the right figure?” he asked her, squinting at the numbers.

She nodded, “Yeah. I’m sorry, Randal, but you know that home values are down. We can list it for a higher number, but I’m afraid it will just sit here for months. I know how much you guys want to get moved to be closer to your daughter.” She let her voice drift off, not wanting to point out the abbreviated amount of the time that Diana had left in this world.

“I just hate to see it get undervalued. If I’m going to sell it, then I want to get what it’s really worth,” he argued, dropping the paper to pinch the bridge of his nose.

“Randy, we’ve lived here for almost forty years. Forty great years, but the value you think it has is sentimental. It’s time to let another family build their memories on this land.” Diana was the voice of reason in this relationship, and Rachel watched in awe as the woman talked her husband down. “Besides, you and I both know this house isn’t worth anything. It’s the land that has value. There are several prosperous ranches around us that would be glad to take it off our hands. I want to go see Breanna, darling. You said yourself it’s important the next few months be spent with our family.”

Randal reached out to take Diana’s hand in his own and he brought it to his lips in a gesture that reminded Rachel of her own four men. When the older gentleman finally turned his attention back to Rachel, he had tears in his eyes. “Done. Nothing is more important than my woman. Is there anything else I need to sign?”

“No, Randal, you’ve signed it all. I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page before the listing goes up Monday morning. I’ll want to have an open house next weekend if that’s alright with you both.”

Diana and Randal both nodded. “I’ll start packing some stuff up to ship to Bre this week, and Randy can make sure the barn is cleaned up.”

“Now don’t go wearing yourself out, Diana-doll. We can hire someone in here to do the packing.” Randal flashed a smile at Rachel, “Silly woman still thinks she can do everything herself.”

“Oh I can still manage my own packing. Now that I’m not doing the treatments anymore I have a little more strength.” Diana directed the last statement to Rachel who nodded politely.

“Well, I better get back to work. Tanner Kegan is coming by later to look at the last of the herd. I think he’s going to buy the tractor too. No sense keeping it when we won’t be tilling up the land.” Randal kissed his wife and then waved goodbye to Rachel before hurrying out of the house.

After a pause the back screen door slammed shut behind him, and Diana let out her breath in a whoosh. She gave Rachel a half smile, “I’m sorry, he’s struggling with all of this. It’s been so hard on him.”

“It’s okay, Diana. I do understand. I can’t even imagine how hard it is for both of you.” Rachel tried not to let the pity she was feeling show. Diana was such a strong woman, even sitting across from her with her hair in thin patchy clumps, and her arms bruised and pocked from IV pokes. She looked proud and determined to defeat the demons invading her world. Only, Rachel knew this demon was undefeatable. Cancer was going to be the thing to bring Diana down.

“I have loved that man for more than four decades. We raised two children together, buried one of them, watched the other get married and move across the country, and now we’re at the end, just trying to hold on for one more precious minute.” Diana played with the gold band that hung loosely on the ring finger of her left hand, spinning it around and around her thin finger.

Rachel’s heart lurched in her chest at the love and pain that radiated from the woman. “I admire you so much, Diana. I hope someday I can have a love like yours and Randal’s.”

That seemed to perk Diana up, and she narrowed her eyes on Rachel. “I’ve heard the rumors, Rach. There is something between you and those Brooks boys.”

A blush of embarrassment warmed Rachel’s cheeks, but she didn’t deny it. What was the point? She was having a baby with one of them, and the whole town would know it soon enough. “I care about them.”

Diana watched her with her head tipped and her hand holding her chin thoughtfully. “You know, the day I agreed to marry Randal was the same day I broke off my engagement to another man. I actually left him standing at the church in his suit and tie waiting to say the ‘I do’s’. I had been seeing Randal behind Gary’s back, and most of the town knew it. I wasn’t brave enough to admit my feelings to either of them, until it was almost too late.”

Lori King's Books