Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(49)

Rachel listened in silent surprise. Diana was a pillar of the community, so it was odd to think she might have been the source of scandal at any point in her life.

“The only other time I’ve done something so stupid, was when I found out I was sick and didn’t tell Randal right away. I thought I was protecting him, but ultimately I was denying him some of the precious time he needed to deal with his own feelings and grieve for me.” Diana stared past Rachel’s head as she spoke, lost in her own world of pain. “If you care for them, Rachel, do yourself and them the courtesy of being honest about it. Don’t let time slip away from you, because one day you look around, and it’s all over. You can’t back up and start again, or change the course…you just have to live it out and let it happen.”

Tears spilled out of Rachel’s eyes and down her cheeks. Her pregnancy emotions seemed to be more and more chaotic, and Diana was hitting a nerve. “I’m in love with them.”

Diana smiled softly, “All four of them, right?” At Rachel’s nod, Diana let out a small laugh, “I suspected as much. Those four do everything together, so it only made sense they would want to share the same woman. So what’s the problem? Why are you telling me and not them?”

“You know about my dad.” Rachel grimaced when Diana nodded. “He has another family now, a couple of a kids and a happy life, but he hasn’t spoken to me in years. My mom and him seemed so happy right up until he just all of a sudden fell out of love with her. How does that happen? How do you go from loving something enough to pledge the rest of your life to them, and then suddenly one day, you just don’t anymore?”

“It’s different for everyone, Rachel, but you were young when that all happened. It’s possible you don’t know the whole story between your parents. Have you ever asked them?”

Rachel frowned, “I know enough. And besides, it’s not just my dad. Every man I’ve ever trusted has cheated on me or betrayed my trust. Mitch was just the most recent mistake I’ve made, but he sure wasn’t the first. I can’t let myself keep getting hurt.”

Diana gave her a disapproving frown. “I probably should keep my mouth shut but, Rachel, you’re being silly. Can’t you see that it’s not all men, it’s just the men you’ve picked? Your picker is off, girl! Now, from what I hear, the Brooks boys seduced you, which means you didn’t do the picking. I would say that means there is a better chance of this being a good relationship. Do you trust them?”

“Yes,” Rachel said without any hesitation.

“Then go to them. Tell them. Don’t wait until it’s too late to realize what love is. Love is trusting the other person enough to put your heart in their hands, but it’s also coming to the understanding that you hold their heart in your hands, and can do them irreparable damage.”

Rachel sat silently mulling over Diana’s words, and staring into her cup of coffee like it was a magic eight ball and she was waiting for the right answer. Diana seemed to sense that she had said enough, because she stood and carried her own mug to the sink.

“And, Rachel,” when Rachel finally looked up the woman smiled, “coffee isn’t good for the baby. You should cut your caffeine intake.”

Rachel felt her face drain of blood as she stared into the other woman’s cloudy blue eyes. “What?”

“Oh, did you think I couldn’t tell? Sweetie, I’ve had two babies of my own, and you’re moping around like a hurt mama bear. How far along are you?”

“Eight weeks,” Rachel whispered.

Diana’s smile was wide, and she nodded. “Well, I won’t make it to see your little one, but I hope that you and its fathers will be very happy together for as many years as Randy and I have been.”

“Thank you, Diana. You’ve been…well…you’ve given me some food for thought.”

“You’re welcome, Rachel. We’ll see you next weekend.”

With that, Rachel gathered her things, and made a beeline for Brooks Pastures. She had just realized that she had a few more things to say to her men.


Rachel arrived at the ranch to find a strange man she hadn’t met in the barn. The excitement burning in her chest eased a little as she frowned at the stranger. He was big. Bigger than any of the four Brooks brothers—and that was saying a lot. Rachel nearly swallowed her tongue as she took in the wide shoulders that looked like they wouldn’t even fit through a doorway. Blonde curls peeked out from under a worn red bandana that was damp with sweat, and his body was hunched over as he worked silently.


The man looked up from the saddle he was working on and she got a glimpse of gorgeous blue eyes and a pair of matching dimples as he grinned, “Hi! You must be Rachel. The boys were telling me about you. I’m Mack Thompson. You’ve got them all tied up in knots, little lady.”

Rachel liked him immediately, and moved closer to watch him as he tooled the leather. “They have been pretty crazy too, that’s beautiful. Did you do all of that?”

Mack nodded, “Yeah, it’s kind of a hobby.”

“So, I haven’t seen you in town, Mack, how long have you been in Stone River?”

“I met Parker at the club a couple of years back, and after my leather business went belly up last summer he offered me a job on the ranch. I’ve only been her a few months, and I’m not much for socializing. I stay around here most of the time.”

Lori King's Books