Weekend Surrender (The Surrender Trilogy, #1)(50)

Rachel frowned, “What club?”

The blush of embarrassment that stole up Mack’s cheeks caught her off guard, and he glanced away. “Um, well, uh…that would be The Cage. It’s a BDSM club.”

“Oh….oh!” Now Rachel felt a little embarrassed herself. There was an awkward pause before she changed the subject. “Do you know where the guys are?”

“Yeah, they are out on the West line, by the pond. There was some fencing that got damaged when a tree fell over in the storm last week.”

Rachel nodded, and then frowned. “Do you think I can borrow a horse? I really need to talk to them.”

Mack’s eyes squinted just a minute as he evaluated her question before he agreed. “Done, but if they ask how you did it, leave my name out of it. The rules I got were to keep you safe when you were around, and I doubt they meant letting you ride off alone.”

Rachel rolled her eyes, “It will be our little secret, Mack. I promise!”

Chapter Sixteen

Rachel rode carefully but quickly as she made her way across the ranch. She was no expert and her nerves were fluttering the whole time, but in less than an hour she had located her men. Her mouth watered when she spotted them working on the fence line. Parker and Sawyer were both shirtless, and their golden tan colored skin glowed in the sunlight. It was Hudson who spotted her first and gestured her way.

They all four froze and waited as she drew closer. About forty feet out, Parker cursed and moved to meet her in the middle. She was giggling when he tugged her down off the horse.

“Just what do you think you’re doing, Rachel? Riding a horse when you’re pregnant? And doing it alone! My God, you could have fallen, or gotten lost, or—”

“I love you, too, Parker Brooks,” she interrupted him, and then laughed when his mouth fell open.


“You heard me. I love you. I know you’re worried about me, because you’re protective of me, and I love that part of you. I love every part of you, and I love your brothers.” Rachel turned as the other three men drew into a tight circle around her. Rogan stood at her back, as he always would, holding her and supporting her as the rock of their family. Sawyer stood to her right, bringing her fingers to his lips to kiss their tips. She loved the crooked smile on his face as his eyes flashed with heated amusement. Hudson was on her left, his fingers laced tightly through hers, and their clasped hands clutched against his heart. Emotions rolled through his dark eyes, but the strongest one was love. She could see it now, and instead of scaring her, it made her horny as fu-ck. Turning back to face Parker, she looked up into his eyes. He stood toe to toe with her, and all she wanted to do was let him hold her. He had asked her to trust him, and to submit to him, and now she really understood what that meant.

“I want you four to be in my life, and our child’s life, forever. I’m not perfect, and you guys haven’t even seen me at my worst. Just wait until PMS returns in full force, but if you still want me, I’m yours. I want you, Sir.” When she finished talking, she let her eyes drop to the center of his glorious chest while she waited for his response. It was more than she could have hoped for, as he jerked her against his chest, pulling her away from his brothers and kissing her for all she was worth.

He seemed to pour his emotions into her mouth, his soul expanding and locking with hers on their shared breath. It was monumental, and she melted under the pressure, letting it consume her and light her on fire.

When they broke apart, he gripped her hair and roughly pulled her head back so she would look at him. “I don’t know what changed, and I’m not sure I care. I love you too, sunshine. With every part of me, I love you. Are you sure you can handle all of me?”

She grinned and lifted one eyebrow, “Give it your worst, cowboy.”

There was a loud whoop from behind her, and she was again wrapped in between four sweaty sexy cowboys. She felt hands moving over every part of her body, more hands than her chaotic brain could follow as they stripped her of her clothes, baring her skin to the warm sunshine. This was the culmination of the neurotic and emotionally charged journey she had been on for the last two months, and it was magnificent. Parker wasted no time in taking the lead and directed Sawyer to retrieve a saddle blanket, which was spread in the grass while Rogan and Parker entertained her mouth and hands.

Rachel didn’t even see them strip their clothes off, but suddenly Sawyer was at her side thrusting his hard cock into her tight fist. She gave him a squeeze and began a gentle stroking motion. Rogan seemed to appreciate Sawyer’s creativity because her other palm was filled with his dick next, and she let her head tip back onto Parker’s chest as he fingered her cunt. Hudson was suckling her nipples and biting at her belly button ring. The constant touches were making her delirious, and she felt her knees begin to shake.

“Guys, I’m going to fall!” she whimpered, trying to point out her weakness. Parker’s arm went around her waist and he clutched her tightly to him.

“Never, Rachel. You will never fall because we’ll always catch you,” his words were soft, but they were potent, and she shattered in an intense orgasm. Her hands must have squeezed just a bit too tightly due to her climax, because Sawyer yelped and tugged her fist away from him.

“Easy now, baby, you pull that off and we’re both going to be upset.” She laughed at him until he claimed her mouth, and distracted her from what his brothers were doing.

Lori King's Books