Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(28)

“Then is something else bothering you? I was amazed at what could only be Morgan’s influence, but now, you seem . . . empty.”

“Are we done with this depressing excuse for poetry? I need to prepare for Axion.”

Charlie narrowed his eyes. “Hmm, maybe I was wrong about you being pleasant. Still, if Morgan’s been too hard on you or something.”

I didn’t want Charlie to think Morgan abused me or anything. Not without my consent. I couldn’t help but grin on the inside.

“I do need to talk to you.” I opened a drawer of my desk and pulled out a spare bag of chips. Then tossed them to him.

“Spicy Nacho Doritos?” he said, as he caught them. “You must mean business.”

“Look, Charlie, I know.” I glared at him.

He crunched a chip. “You know what?”

“About you and Trent.”

His face went ashen and he stopped mid-chew. “I . . . I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I saw you early one morning last week. You were making out and talking about dinner.”

He sat up straighter and continued to chew. “It’s not what you think.”

“I think it’s a relationship.”

He pressed his lips together. “Okay, it is what you think. I thought you’d assume I was just doing the big boss for favors.”

“I didn’t peg you as that type, despite your rap sheet.” I batted my eyelashes. “But mostly, I don’t see Trent doing business that way. He’s too much of a rule follower.”

“I never thought I’d say this, but you’re right, Parker.”

“I have my moments,” I smiled.

“You’re not going to tell anyone, are you? We’re trying to figure out what we’re going to do since we obviously can’t continue it. Someone is bound to find out, and well, we know it’s unethical.”

Boy did I know. “I’m not going to tell anyone. The only reason I brought it up was . . .”

This was it. I trusted Charlie. Besides, I knew too much about him and Trent.

“You wanted to know why I’m out of sorts. Well, I kinda had a thing going with Morgan.”

Charlie kept munching. “Explain thing.”

I took a bite and thought of how I would answer. Fuck it. “Sex.”

Charlie laughed loudly. “Good one, Parker.” He wiped his eyes. “I’m crying.”

I didn’t crack a smile, just kept eating as I watched him laugh.

When he finally calmed down, he asked, “What’s the real story?”

“Kinky sex.”

He smiled and then his smile slowly faded with his apparent realization. “You’re serious.” He swallowed a chip and put his hand to his stomach. “I think I might be sick.”

“Oh, stop being a drama queen.”

“My god, you even sound like him now.”

“You’re daft.” As the words came out of my mouth, I slapped a hand over it and Charlie pointed at me. Holy shit, I did sound like him. Whatever. I shook my head. “You don’t think he’s a total silver fox?”

He raised his eyebrows and pursed his lips as if in thought. “He may have DILF qualities. I don’t really want to wrap my head around that, but give me some sort of help here. How did this?—what could have?—?”

“I told you we made a deal after my CyGen fuck-up and that I’d work solely for him these last weeks?”

“Wait, Morgan didn’t make you?—?”

“No! It didn’t happen at all like that. We just had heated arguments. That finally led to other . . . heated situations.”

Charlie squeezed his eyes shut and opened them. “I don’t know what to say. What now? You had something going on with Morgan? Like past tense?”

“It’s beyond stupid. I answered his phone because his mom was blowing it up. I thought it might be an emergency. He freaked out and called the whole thing off.”

Charlie blinked. “Morgan has a mother?”

“Yeah, I know. She was quite nice, actually. I have no idea how she produced the likes of Morgan.”

Charlie laughed. “But man, Morgan is relentless about keeping his personal life private. Even Trent knows next to nothing about him. I’m sure that moment scared the shit out of him and he bolted.”

“And just when I thought he and I might be getting somewhere.”

He waggled his eyebrows. “Oh? Like where?”

“I don’t know. Something more than office sexcapades.”

“Why, Parker Greenhill, I never thought I’d be hearing such things from your mouth. You must have broken up with that guy I remember texting you at the Halloween party.”

“That night, actually. I didn’t think I wanted anything new, but Morgan’s . . . different.”

“I want to say I know what you mean, but that gives us way too much in common. And that’s scary.” Charlie grinned, shaking the chip bag.

“I’m invited to his mom’s eightieth birthday dinner tomorrow.” I looked up at the ceiling incredulously.

“Are you going?”

“I told Morgan I would. For her. It’s sweet how much he wants to make her happy.”

Hunter Frost's Books