Tied Up by the Boss (Office Kink #2)(31)

I headed for the toilets, steaming.

Down the hallway, Parker was walking toward me, back to the table. “Hey, boss!” He lifted an arm and waved.

I grabbed it and pulled him with me. “Anyone in the loo?”

He stumbled but went with me. “Uh . . . no, I don’t?—?”

I pushed him inside and against the wall, crashing my lips over his. Right then, I needed him more than anything else.

I thought he might resist or push me away, but he pressed himself closer, clawing at me, trying to wrap his legs around my hips. Bloody fucking hell.

I plundered his mouth and we moaned loud enough someone was bound to think we’d got sick on the food. It felt so damn good to be in his arms again.

I pulled his head back to suck on his neck.

“God, Morgan. I mean, s?—?”

“No, I want to hear you say my name.”

“Fuck, yes. I need you, Morgan.”

I was about to go insane as we thrust against each other hard and eager.

I cupped his face. “I’m sorry, Parker. I’m just an old knobhead, hiding from the best parts of life. I’m afraid and using work and my mum as excuses.”

Parker laughed between kisses. “Knobhead.”

I joined him, and then we made out like we hadn’t seen one another for months.

Parker finally pulled back. “Someone might walk in and we have to get back before they suspect something.”

“They already do. They were giving me grief before I ran away.”


“They all love you. And they think I should love you too.”

Parker smiled. “Huh, interesting, since I’m not easy to love.”

Morgan chuckled. “It’s no surprise that once again I disagree with you.”

Parker blinked as if he was shocked I’d say such a thing. But I kissed him before he could dwell on it.

“Morgan,” he said, pushing me back slightly. “What are we going to do?”

“Can we go back to your place? I have a feeling Mum’s going to ask Ken to come over. And I really don’t want to be there for what might happen.”

Parker laughed. “You’re welcome at my place anytime.”

“You have any exposed beams or a four-poster bed?”

“Oh you sweet talker, you.” Parker patted my shoulder. “I’m sure we can figure out some way of tying me up.”

My cock twitched. “I want to show you how much I’ve missed you.”

“What about work?”

“Right, I have a very special report due to Trent tomorrow about how our unlikely partnership worked out. Know that I’ll only have the most complimentary things to say.”

Parker chuckled. “Then he’ll know you’re lying.”

“I’m not too worried about it. Trent was the one who wanted us to work together anyway. To help both of us.”


I nodded. “He’s a good guy. It’ll be hard working for someone else.”

Parker’s eyes glistened. “What are you talking about?”

I ran my thumb over his pouting lips. “Bill from Axion offered me a job.”

His eyes widened.

“After our meeting yesterday, he said they had an open VP of Acquisitions position, and they wanted me. He was open to negotiating a raise and more time off, which I’ve wanted anyway to take care of Mum.”

“Oh.” His face fell. “Then you won’t be my boss anymore? I won’t see you at work.”

“But I’d be able to ask you out and get to know you properly without compromising my ethics.”

His blue eyes twinkled as they gazed at mine. “As long as we can pretend you’re still my boss . . . in the bedroom.”

“I’m still your boss tonight. And you’ve been horribly inconsiderate of my aching cock this entire week. You deserve to be punished for that.” I pecked his lips.

“Fuck, Morgan. I wanted this hard-on to go away, not get worse!”

“Sorry, not sorry.”

Parker laughed, and suddenly the future looked brighter than ever.


Hunter Frost's Books